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nearer the beginning

  • 1 vorn

    Adv. in front (auch fig.), at the front; im Rennen etc.: in front, ahead; ganz vorn right in front; (am Anfang) at the beginning; weiter vorn further up; im Buch etc.: nearer the beginning; nach vorn forward; nach vorn kommen come up to the front; nach vorn an die Tafel kommen come up to the blackboard; von vorn from the front; von vorn anfangen start ( oder begin) at the beginning; ( auch wieder von vorn anfangen) start (all over) again; von vorn bis hinten from front to back; (von Anfang bis Ende) from beginning to end; noch einmal von vorn all over again; auffordernd: let’s do that again, let’s go back to the beginning again; vornan etc.
    * * *
    at the front; in front; ahead; fore; before
    * * *
    vọrn [fɔrn]

    vorn im Buch/in der Schlange — at the front of the book/queue (Brit) or line (US)

    nach vorn laufen —

    wenn es etwas umsonst gibt, ist er immer ganz vorn(e) — when something's free he's always (the) first on the scene


    (= am Anfang) von vorn — from the beginning

    von vorn anfangen — to begin at the beginning, to start from the beginning

    3) (= am vorderen Ende) at the front; (NAUT) fore

    vorn im Auto/Bus — in the front of the car/bus

    nach vorn — to the front; fallen, ziehen forwards

    4) (= auf der Vorderseite) at the front

    (= weit entfernt) das Auto da vorn — the car in front or ahead there

    sie waren ziemlich weit vorn — they were quite far ahead or quite a long way ahead; (Läufer auch) they were quite a long way (out) in front or quite a long way in the lead


    er betrügt sie von vorn bis hinten — he deceives her right, left and centre (Brit) or center (US)

    → auch hinten
    * * *
    ((standing etc) in the front part of something: at the front of the house; They stood at the front of the crowd.) at the front of
    * * *
    adv inv at the front; (hin) to the front; (fig) SPORT upfield
    die Bluse wird \vorn zugeknöpft the blouse buttons up in [or at the] front
    [gleich] da \vorn [just] over there
    ganz \vorn right at the front; (hin) right to the front
    die Herren \vorn (fig) the men at the top
    \vorn liegen (fig) Mitstreiter to be in the lead
    nach \vorn at the front; (hin) to the front; lehnen, fallen forward[s]; (fig) SPORT upfield
    nach \vorn kommen (fig) Mitstreiter to take the lead
    nach \vorn sehen to look in [or to the] front, to look ahead
    nach \vorn träumen (fig) to dream of the future
    ein Zimmer nach \vorn raus (fam) a room facing the front
    das Zimmer liegt nach \vorn raus (fam) the room faces the front
    von \vorn from the front
    der Wind kommt von \vorn the wind's coming from the front, it's a headwind
    von \vorn angreifen to attack from the front, to launch a frontal attack
    weit \vorn up at the front; (hin) up to the front
    ziemlich weit \vorn close to the front
    weiter \vorn further on; (geradeaus a.) up ahead
    \vorn an/in etw dat at the front of sth; (hin) to the front of sth
    \vorn im Bild in the foreground [of the picture]
    von \vorn from the beginning, afresh; (bei null a.) from scratch
    es geht wieder von \vorn los! it's starting all over again!
    von \vorn bis hinten (fam) from beginning to end, from start to finish
    * * *
    Adverb at the front

    das Zimmer liegt nach vorn [raus] — (ugs.) the room faces the front

    nach vorn sehenlook in front or to the front

    noch einmal von vorn anfangen — start afresh; start from the beginning again

    von vorn bis hinten(ugs.) from beginning to end

    * * *
    vorn adv in front (auch fig), at the front; im Rennen etc: in front, ahead;
    ganz vorn right in front; (am Anfang) at the beginning;
    weiter vorn further up; im Buch etc: nearer the beginning;
    nach vorn forward;
    nach vorn kommen come up to the front;
    nach vorn an die Tafel kommen come up to the blackboard;
    von vorn from the front;
    von vorn anfangen start ( oder begin) at the beginning; ( auch
    wieder von vorn anfangen) start (all over) again;
    von vorn bis hinten from front to back; (von Anfang bis Ende) from beginning to end;
    noch einmal von vorn all over again; auffordernd: let’s do that again, let’s go back to the beginning again; vornan etc
    * * *
    Adverb at the front

    das Zimmer liegt nach vorn [raus] — (ugs.) the room faces the front

    nach vorn sehenlook in front or to the front

    noch einmal von vorn anfangen — start afresh; start from the beginning again

    von vorn bis hinten(ugs.) from beginning to end

    * * *
    fore adj.
    in front adj. adv.
    ahead adv.
    before adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > vorn

  • 2 back

    A n
    1 Anat, Zool dos m ; to be (flat) on one's back lit être (à plat) sur le dos ; fig être au lit ; to sleep on one's back dormir sur le dos ; he was lying on his back il était allongé sur le dos ; to travel on the back of a donkey voyager à dos d'âne ; to have one's back to sb/sth tourner le dos à qn/qch ; with her back to the door le dos tourné vers la porte ; to turn one's back on sb/sth lit, fig tourner le dos à qn/qch ; as soon as my back is turned dès que j'ai le dos tourné ; to do sth behind sb's back lit, fig faire qch dans le dos de qn ; with one's back to the engine dans le sens contraire à la marche ; to put one's back into it travailler dur ; put your back into it ! allons, un peu de nerf ! ; he's always on my back il est toujours sur mon dos ; get off my back ! fiche-moi la paix ! ; I was glad to see the back of him j'étais content de le voir partir ; to be at the back of être à l'origine de [conspiracy, proposal] ; to put sb's back up offenser qn ; to live off sb's back vivre aux crochets de qn ;
    2 ( reverse side) (of page, cheque, card, envelope) dos m, verso m ; ( of fabric) envers m ; (of medal, coin) revers m ; on the back of an envelope au dos d'une enveloppe ; to sign the back of a cheque endosser un chèque ; the back of the hand le dos de la main ;
    3 ( flat side) (of knife, fork, spoon) dos m ;
    4 ( rear-facing part) ( of vehicle) arrière m ; ( of electrical appliance) face f arrière ; (of shirt, coat) dos m ; to hang one's coat on the back of the door pendre son manteau derrière la porte ; the shelves are oak but the back is plywood les étagères sont en chêne mais le fond est en contreplaqué ; a blow to the back of the head un coup sur l'arrière de la tête ; a lump on the back of the head une bosse derrière la tête ; the knife fell down the back of the fridge le couteau est tombé derrière le réfrigérateur ; the keys were down the back of the sofa les clés avaient glissé derrière les coussins du canapé ;
    5 ( area behind building) to be out back, to be in the back US ( in the garden) être dans le jardin ; ( in the yard) être dans la cour ; he's round ou in the back il est dans le jardin ; the view out back is lovely la vue que l'on a à l'arrière est très jolie ; there's a small garden out back ou round the back il y a un petit jardin derrière ; the bins are out back ou round the back les poubelles sont derrière la maison ; the steps at the back of the building l'escalier à l'arrière de l'immeuble ;
    6 Aut arrière m ; to sit in the back s'asseoir à l'arrière ; there are three children in the back il y a trois enfants à l'arrière ; to sit at the back of the plane/at the back of the bus s'asseoir à l'arrière de l'avion/au fond du bus ;
    7 ( furthest away area) (of cupboard, drawer, fridge) fond m ; ( of stage) fond m ; at ou in the back of the drawer au fond du tiroir ; right at the back of the cupboard tout au fond du placard ; at the back of the audience au fond de la salle ; those at the back couldn't see ceux qui étaient derrière ne pouvaient pas voir ; the back of the throat l'arrière-gorge f ; the back of the mouth la gorge f ;
    8 (of chair, sofa) dossier m ;
    9 Sport arrière m ; left back arrière gauche ;
    10 ( end) fin f ; at the back of the book/file à la fin du livre/fichier ;
    11 ( book spine) dos m.
    B adj
    1 ( at the rear) [axle, wheel, bumper] arrière ; [paw, leg] arrière ; [bedroom] du fond ; [edge] arrière ; [page] dernier/-ière (before n) ; [garden, gate] de derrière ; back tooth molaire f ;
    2 ( isolated) [road] petit (before n) ; back alley ou lane ruelle f ; back country arrière-pays m.
    C adv
    1 ( indicating return after absence) to be back être de retour ; I'll be back in five minutes/six weeks je reviens dans cinq minutes/six semaines ; to arrive ou come back rentrer (from de) ; he's back at work il a repris le travail ; she's back in (the) hospital elle est retournée à l'hôpital ; it's good to be back home c'est agréable de rentrer chez soi or de se retrouver à la maison ; when is he due back? quand doit-il rentrer? ; to go back to reprendre [work] ; retourner en [France, China] ; retourner au [Canada, Japan] ; retourner à [Paris, museum, shop] ; the mini-skirt is back ( in fashion) les mini-jupes sont de nouveau à la mode ;
    2 ( in return) to call ou phone back rappeler ; I'll write back (to him) je lui répondrai ; he hasn't written back yet il n'a pas encore répondu ; ‘OK,’ he shouted back ‘OK,’ a-t-il répondu en criant ; to punch sb back rendre son coup à qn ; to smile back at sb rendre son sourire à qn ; he was rude back il a été aussi impoli avec moi que je l'avais été avec lui ; ⇒ answer ;
    3 (backwards, in a reverse direction) [glance, jump, step, lean] en arrière ;
    4 ( away) we overtook him 20 km back nous l'avons doublé il y a 20 km ; there's a garage 10 km back nous avons passé un garage à 10 km en arrière ;
    5 ( ago) 25 years back il y a 25 ans ; a week/five minutes back il y a une semaine/cinq minutes ;
    6 ( a long time ago) back in 1964/April en 1964/avril ; back before Easter/the revolution avant Pâques/la révolution ; back in the days when du temps où ; it was obvious as far back as last year/1985 that déjà l'année dernière/en 1985 il était évident que ; to go ou date back to remonter à [Roman times, 1700] ;
    7 ( once again) she's back in power/control elle a repris le pouvoir/les commandes ; Paul is back at the wheel Paul a repris le volant ; to get back to sleep se rendormir ; to go back home rentrer chez soi ; to go back to bed se recoucher ;
    8 ( nearer the beginning) ten lines back dix lignes plus haut ; ten pages back dix pages plus tôt or avant ;
    9 ( indicating return to sb's possession) to give/send sth back rendre/renvoyer qch (to à) ; to put sth back remettre qch ; I've got my books back on m'a rendu mes livres ; to get one's money back être remboursé ; he wants his dictionary back now il veut que tu lui rendes son dictionnaire tout de suite ;
    10 ( expressing a return to a former location) to travel to London and back faire l'aller-retour à Londres ; the journey to Madrid and back l'aller-retour à Madrid ; we walked there and took the train back nous y sommes allés à pied et nous avons pris le train pour rentrer ; how long will it take to drive back? combien de temps est-ce que ça prendra pour rentrer en voiture? ;
    11 ( in a different location) meanwhile, back in France, he… pendant ce temps, en France, il… ; back in the studio, recording had begun au studio, l'enregistrement avait commencé ; I'll see you back at the house/in the office je te verrai à la maison/au bureau.
    D back and forth adv phr to go ou travel back and forth ( commute) [person, bus] faire la navette (between entre) ; to walk ou go back and forth faire des allées et venues (between entre) ; to swing back and forth [pendulum] osciller ; to sway back and forth se balancer ; the film cuts ou moves back and forth between New York and Paris le film se passe entre New York et Paris.
    E vtr
    1 ( support) soutenir [candidate, party, person, bid, bill, action] ; appuyer [application] ; apporter son soutien à [enterprise, project] ; the strike is backed by the union le syndicat soutient la grève ; the junta is backed by the militia la junte est soutenue par la milice ;
    2 ( finance) financer [project, undertaking] ;
    3 ( endorse) garantir [currency] ; to back a bill Comm, Fin endosser, avaliser une traite ;
    4 ( substantiate) justifier [argument, claim] (with à l'aide de) ;
    5 ( reverse) faire reculer [horse] ; to back the car into the garage rentrer la voiture au garage en marche arrière ; to back sb into/against sth faire reculer qn dans/contre qch ; to back oars ou water déramer ;
    6 ( bet on) parier sur [horse, favourite, winner] ; to back a loser [race goer] miser sur un cheval perdant ; fig ( invest ill-advisedly) mal placer son argent ; ( support a lost cause) soutenir une cause perdue d'avance ; to back the wrong horse lit, fig miser sur le mauvais cheval ;
    7 (stiffen, line) consolider, renforcer [structure] ; endosser [book] ; renforcer, entoiler [map] ; maroufler [painting] ; doubler [fabric] ;
    8 Mus accompagner [singer, performer] ;
    9 Naut masquer, coiffer [sail].
    F vi
    1 ( reverse) faire marche arrière ;
    2 Naut [wind] changer de direction.
    G - backed (dans composés)
    1 ( of furniture) a high-/low-backed chair une chaise avec un dossier haut/bas ;
    2 (lined, stiffened) canvas-/foam-backed doublé de toile/de mousse ;
    3 ( supported) UN-backed soutenu par l'ONU ;
    4 ( financed) government-backed financé par l'État.
    to break the back of a journey/task faire le plus gros du voyage/travail. ⇒ beyond, duck, hand, own, scratch, wall.
    back away reculer ; to back away from lit s'éloigner de [person, precipice] ; fig prendre ses distances par rapport à [issue, problem] ; chercher à éviter [confrontation].
    back down:
    back down ( give way) céder ; you can't back down now tu ne peux pas céder maintenant ; to back down from chercher à éviter [confrontation] ; to back down on ou over reconsidérer [sanctions, proposal, allegations] ;
    back down [sth] [person] descendre [qch] à reculons [slope] ; [car] descendre [qch] en marche arrière [drive, hill].
    1 ( move away) reculer ;
    2 fig ( climb down) se montrer plus coopérant ; to back off over céder sur [issue, matter].
    back onto:
    back onto [sth] [house] donner sur [qch] à l'arrière [fields, railway].
    back out:
    1 ( come out backwards) [person] sortir à reculons ; [car, driver] sortir en marche arrière ; to back out of [person] sortir de [qch] en reculant [room] ; [car, driver] sortir de [qch] en marche arrière [garage, parking space] ;
    2 ( renege on) se désister, reculer ; to back out of annuler [deal, contract] ; [competitor, team] se retirer de [event] ;
    back [sth] out faire sortir [qch] en marche arrière [vehicle] ; to back the car out of the garage faire sortir la voiture du garage en marche arrière.
    back up:
    back up
    1 ( reverse) [driver, vehicle] reculer, faire marche arrière ; back up a few metres recule de quelques mètres ;
    2 US ( block) [drains] s'obstruer ;
    3 US ( tail back) [traffic] se bloquer ;
    back [sth] up, back up [sth]
    1 ( support) [facts, evidence] confirmer [claims, case, theory] ;
    2 Comput sauvegarder [data, file] ;
    back [sb] up soutenir [person].

    Big English-French dictionary > back

  • 3 near

    1. adverb
    1) (at a short distance) nah[e]

    stand/live [quite] near — [ganz] in der Nähe stehen/wohnen

    come or draw near/nearer — [Tag, Zeitpunkt:] nahen/näherrücken

    near at handin Reichweite (Dat.); [Ort] ganz in der Nähe

    be near at hand[Ereignis:] nahe bevorstehen

    so near and yet so farso nah und doch so fern

    2) (closely)

    near to = 2 a, b, c; we were near to being drowned — wir wären fast od. beinah[e] ertrunken

    2. preposition
    1) (in space) (position) nahe an/bei (+ Dat.); (motion) nahe an (+ Akk.); (fig.) nahe (geh.) nachgestellt (+ Dat.); in der Nähe (+ Gen.)

    keep near mehalte dich od. bleib in meiner Nähe

    near where... — in der Nähe od. unweit der Stelle (Gen.), wo...

    move it nearer herrücke es näher zu ihr

    don't stand so near the firegeh nicht so nahe od. dicht an das Feuer

    when we got nearer Oxfordals wir in die Nähe von Oxford kamen

    wait till we're nearer home — warte, bis wir nicht mehr so weit von zu Hause weg sind

    the man near/nearest you — der Mann, der bei dir/der dir am nächsten steht

    nobody comes anywhere near him at swimmingim Schwimmen kommt bei weitem keiner an ihn heran

    3) (in time)

    near the end/the beginning of something — gegen Ende/zu Anfang einer Sache (Gen.)

    4) in comb. Beinahe[unfall, -zusammenstoß, -katastrophe]

    be in a state of near-collapsekurz vor dem Zusammenbruch stehen

    a near-miraclefast od. beinahe ein Wunder

    3. adjective
    1) (in space or time) nahe
    2) (closely related) nahe [Verwandte]; eng [Freund]
    3) (in nature) fast richtig [Vermutung]; groß [Ähnlichkeit]

    £30 or near/nearest offer — 30 Pfund oder nächstbestes Angebot

    this is the nearest equivalentdies entspricht dem am ehesten

    near escapeEntkommen mit knapper Not

    round it up to the nearest pennyrunde es auf den nächsthöheren Pfennigbetrag

    be a near miss[Schuss, Wurf:] knapp danebengehen

    that was a near miss (escape) das war aber knapp!


    the near side(Brit.) (travelling on the left/right) die linke/rechte Seite

    5) (direct)
    4. transitive verb
    sich nähern (+ Dat.)
    * * *
    [niə] 1. adjective
    1) (not far away in place or time: The station is quite near; Christmas is getting near.) nahe
    2) (not far away in relationship: He is a near relation.) nahe
    2. adverb
    1) (to or at a short distance from here or the place mentioned: He lives quite near.) nahe
    2) ((with to) close to: Don't sit too near to the window.) nahe
    3. preposition
    (at a very small distance from (in place, time etc): She lives near the church; It was near midnight when they arrived.) nahe
    4. verb
    (to come near (to): The roads became busier as they neared the town; as evening was nearing.) sich nähren
    - academic.ru/49300/nearly">nearly
    - nearness
    - nearby
    - nearside
    - near-sighted
    - a near miss
    * * *
    [nɪəʳ, AM nɪr]
    I. adj
    1. (close in space) nahe, in der Nähe
    where's the \nearest phone box? wo ist die nächste Telefonzelle?
    in the \near distance [ganz] in der Nähe
    in the \near future in der nahen Zukunft
    3. (most similar)
    \nearest am nächsten
    walking in these boots is the \nearest thing to floating on air in diesen Stiefeln läuft man fast wie auf Watte
    this was the \nearest equivalent to cottage cheese I could find von allem, was ich auftreiben konnte, ist das hier Hüttenkäse am ähnlichsten
    he rounded up the sum to the \nearest dollar er rundete die Summe auf den nächsten Dollar auf
    4. attr (close to being)
    he was in a state of \near despair er war der Verzweiflung nahe
    that's a \near certainty/impossibility das ist so gut wie sicher/unmöglich
    a \near catastrophe/collision eine Beinahekatastrophe/ein Beinahezusammenstoß m
    5. attr (person) nahe, eng
    he's a \near neighbour er gehört zu der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft
    \near relative enge[r] [o nahe[r]] Verwandte[r]
    his \nearest and dearest ( hum) seine Lieben hum
    6. attr BRIT, AUS AUTO, TRANSP (nearside) auf der Beifahrerseite präd, nach n
    a \near thing:
    that was a \near thing! it could have been a disaster das war aber knapp! es hätte ein Unglück geben können
    she won in the end but it was a \near thing am Ende hat sie doch noch gewonnen, aber es war knapp
    II. adv
    do you live somewhere \near? wohnst du hier irgendwo in der Nähe?
    I wish we lived \nearer ich wünschte, wir würden näher beieinanderwohnen
    I was standing just \near enough to hear what he was saying ich stand gerade nah genug, um zu hören, was er sagte
    \near at hand object in [unmittelbarer] Reichweite; place [ganz] in der Nähe
    to draw [or get] \near näher rücken
    the time is drawing \nearer die Zeit rückt näher
    3. (almost) beinahe, fast
    a \near perfect performance eine fast perfekte Vorstellung
    I \near fell out or the chair ich wäre beinahe vom Stuhl gefallen
    as \near as:
    as \near as he could recall, the burglar had been tall soweit er sich erinnern konnte, war der Einbrecher groß gewesen
    I'm as \near certain as can be ich bin mir so gut wie sicher
    there were about 60 people at the party, as \near as I could judge ich schätze, es waren so um die 60 Leute auf der Party
    \near enough ( fam) fast, beinahe
    she's been here 10 years, \near enough sie ist seit 10 Jahren hier, so ungefähr jedenfalls
    they're the same age or \near enough sie haben so ungefähr dasselbe Alter
    nowhere [or not anywhere] \near bei Weitem nicht
    his income is nowhere \near enough to live on sein Einkommen reicht bei Weitem nicht zum Leben [aus]
    he's not anywhere \near as [or so] tall as his sister er ist längst nicht so groß wie seine Schwester
    as \near as dammit [or damn it] BRIT ( fam)
    it will cost £200, or as \near as dammit so Pi mal Daumen gerechnet wird es etwa 200 Pfund kosten
    III. prep
    1. (in proximity to)
    \near [to] nahe [bei] + dat
    he stood \near her er stand nahe [o dicht] bei ihr
    do you live \near here? wohnen Sie hier in der Nähe?
    we live quite \near [to] a school wir wohnen in unmittelbarer Nähe einer Schule
    the house was nowhere \near the port das Haus lag nicht mal in der Nähe des Hafens
    don't come too \near me, you might catch my cold komm mir nicht zu nahe, du könntest dich mit meiner Erkältung anstecken
    which bus stop is \nearest [to] your house? welche Bushaltestelle ist von deinem Haus aus die nächste?
    go and sit \nearer [to] the fire komm, setz dich näher ans Feuer
    there's a car park \near the factory bei [o in der Nähe] der Fabrik gibt es einen Parkplatz
    I shan't be home till some time \near midnight ich werde erst so um Mitternacht zurück sein
    it's nowhere \near time for us to leave yet es ist noch längst nicht Zeit für uns zu gehen
    I'm nowhere \near finishing the book ich habe das Buch noch längst nicht ausgelesen
    details will be given \near the date die Einzelheiten werden kurz vor dem Termin bekanntgegeben
    his birthday is very \near Easter er hat kurz vor Ostern Geburtstag
    I'll think about it \nearer [to] the time wenn die Zeit reif ist, dann werde ich drüber nachdenken
    \near the end of the war gegen Kriegsende
    we came \near to being killed wir wären beinahe getötet worden
    they came \near to blows over the election results sie hätten sich fast geprügelt wegen der Wahlergebnisse
    \near to starvation/dehydration nahe dem Verhungern/Verdursten
    \near to tears den Tränen nahe
    4. (similar in quantity or quality)
    he's \nearer 70 than 60 er ist eher 70 als 60
    this colour is \nearest [to] the original diese Farbe kommt dem Original am nächsten
    nobody else comes \near him in cooking was das Kochen angeht, da kommt keiner an ihn ran
    5. (about ready to)
    to be \near to doing sth nahe daran sein, etw akk zu tun
    I am \near to losing my temper ich verliere gleich die Geduld
    he came \near to punching him er hätte ihn beinahe geschlagen
    6. (like)
    he felt something \near envy er empfand so etwas wie Neid
    what he said was nothing \near the truth was er sagte, entsprach nicht im Entferntesten der Wahrheit
    7. (almost amount of) annähernd, fast
    it weighed \near to a pound es wog etwas weniger als ein Pfund
    temperatures \near 30 degrees Temperaturen von etwas unter 30 Grad
    profits fell from £8 million to \nearer £6 million die Gewinne sind von 8 Millionen auf gerade mal 6 Millionen zurückgegangen
    IV. vt
    to \near sth sich akk etw dat nähern, etw dat näher kommen
    we \neared the top of the mountain wir kamen dem Gipfel des Berges immer näher
    to \near completion kurz vor der Vollendung stehen
    sb \nears his/her end ( liter) jds Ende naht euph
    V. vi sich akk nähern, näher kommen [o rücken]
    lunchtime is \nearing es ist bald Mittagszeit
    as Christmas \neared, little Susan became more and more excited als Weihnachten nahte, wurde die kleine Susan immer aufgeregter
    * * *
    [nɪə(r)] (+er)
    1. ADVERB
    1) = close in space or time nahe

    don't sit/stand so near — setzen Sie sich/stehen Sie nicht so nahe (daran)

    you live nearer/nearest — du wohnst näher/am nächsten

    to move/come nearer — näher kommen

    that was the nearest I ever got to seeing himda hätte ich ihn fast gesehen

    the nearer it gets to the election, the more they look like losing — je näher die Wahl kommt or rückt, desto mehr sieht es danach aus, dass sie verlieren werden __diams; to be near at hand zur Hand sein; (shops) in der Nähe sein; (help) ganz nahe sein; (event) unmittelbar bevorstehen

    2) = closely, accurately genau

    as near as I can tell —

    (that's) near enough — so gehts ungefähr, das haut so ungefähr hin (inf)

    ... no, but near enough —... nein, aber es ist nicht weit davon entfernt

    3) = almost fast, beinahe; impossible nahezu, fast; dead nahezu

    in negative statements it's nowhere near enough — das ist bei Weitem nicht genug

    we're nowhere or not anywhere near finishing the book —

    you are nowhere or not anywhere near the truth — das ist weit gefehlt, du bist weit von der Wahrheit entfernt

    (also ADV: near to)
    1) = close to position nahe an (+dat), nahe (+dat); (with motion) nahe an (+acc); (= in the vicinity of) in der Nähe von or +gen; (with motion) in die Nähe von or +gen

    move the chair near/nearer (to) the table — rücken Sie den Stuhl an den/näher an den Tisch

    to get near/nearer (to) sb/sth — nahe/näher an jdn/etw herankommen

    to stand near/nearer (to) the table — nahe/näher am Tisch stehen

    he won't go near anything illegal —

    near here/there — hier/dort in der Nähe

    near (to) where I had seen him — nahe der Stelle, wo ich ihn gesehen hatte

    to be nearest to stheiner Sache (dat) am nächsten sein

    take the chair nearest (to) you/the table — nehmen Sie den Stuhl direkt neben Ihnen/dem Tisch

    that's nearer it —

    to be near (to) sb's heart or sb — jdm am Herzen liegen

    to be near (to) the knuckle or bone (joke) — gewagt sein; (remark) hart an der Grenze sein

    2) = close in time with time stipulated gegen

    near (to) the appointed time — um die ausgemachte Zeit herum

    come back nearer (to) 3 o'clock —

    to be nearer/nearest (to) sth — einer Sache (dat) zeitlich näher liegen/am nächsten liegen

    near (to) the end of my stay/the play/the book — gegen Ende meines Aufenthalts/des Stücks/des Buchs

    as it drew near/nearer (to) his departure — als seine Abreise heranrückte/näher heranrückte


    = on the point of to be near (to) doing sth — nahe daran sein, etw zu tun

    to be near (to) tears/despair etc — den Tränen/der Verzweiflung etc nahe sein

    she was near (to) laughing out loud — sie hätte beinahe laut gelacht

    the project is near/nearer (to) completion —

    he came near to ruining his chances — er hätte sich seine Chancen beinahe verdorben, es hätte nicht viel gefehlt, und er hätte sich seine Chancen verdorben

    we were near to being drowned — wir waren dem Ertrinken nahe, wir wären beinahe ertrunken

    4) = similar to ähnlich (+dat)

    German is nearer (to) Dutch than English is — Deutsch ist dem Holländischen ähnlicher als Englisch

    it's the same thing or near it —

    1) = close in space or time nahe

    to be near (person, object) — in der Nähe sein; (danger, end, help) nahe sein; (event, departure, festival) bevorstehen

    to be very near — ganz in der Nähe sein; (in time) nahe or unmittelbar bevorstehen; (danger etc) ganz nahe sein

    to be nearer/nearest — näher/am nächsten sein; (event etc) zeitlich näher/am nächsten liegen

    it looks very near —

    his answer was nearer than mine/nearest — seine Antwort traf eher zu als meine/traf die Sachlage am ehesten

    when death is so nearwenn man dem Tod nahe ist

    these events are still very near —

    the hour is near (when...) (old) her hour was near (old) — die Stunde ist nahe(, da...) (old) ihre Stunde war nahe (old)

    2) fig escape knapp

    a near disaster/accident — beinahe or fast ein Unglück nt/ein Unfall m

    his nearest rival — sein schärfster Rivale, seine schärfste Rivalin

    to be in a state of near collapse/hysteria — am Rande eines Zusammenbruchs/der Hysterie sein

    £50 or nearest offer (Comm) — Verhandlungsbasis £ 50

    we'll sell it for £50, or nearest offer — wir verkaufen es für £ 50 oder das nächstbeste Angebot

    this is the nearest translation you'll getbesser kann man es kaum übersetzen, diese Übersetzung trifft es noch am ehesten

    that's the nearest thing you'll get to a compliment/an answer — ein besseres Kompliment/eine bessere Antwort kannst du kaum erwarten

    3) = closely related, intimate relation nah; friend nah, vertraut
    sich nähern (+dat)

    to be nearing sth (fig)auf etw (acc) zugehen

    (time, event) näher rücken

    the time is nearing when... — die Zeit rückt näher, da...

    * * *
    near [nıə(r)]
    A adv
    1. nahe, (ganz) in der Nähe, dicht dabei
    2. nahe (bevorstehend) (Zeitpunkt, Ereignis etc)
    3. nahe (heran), näher:
    4. nahezu, beinahe, fast:
    £1,000 is not anywhere near enough 1000 Pfund sind bei Weitem nicht genug oder sind auch nicht annähernd genug;
    not anywhere near as bad as nicht annähernd so schlecht wie, bei Weitem nicht so schlecht wie
    5. obs sparsam:
    live near sparsam oder kärglich leben
    6. fig eng (verwandt, befreundet etc)
    7. SCHIFF hart (am Winde):
    B adj (adv nearly)
    1. nahe (gelegen), in der Nähe:
    the nearest place der nächstgelegene Ort
    2. kurz, nahe:
    the nearest way der kürzeste Weg
    3. nahe (Zeitpunkt, Ereignis etc):
    4. nahe (verwandt):
    the nearest relations die nächsten Verwandten
    5. eng (befreundet oder vertraut):
    a near friend ein guter oder enger Freund;
    my nearest and dearest friend mein bester Freund;
    6. knapp:
    we had a near escape wir sind mit knapper Not entkommen;
    near miss FLUG, AUTO Beinahe-, Fastzusammenstoß m;
    a) knapp danebengehen (Schuss etc),
    b) fig knapp scheitern;
    that was a near thing umg das hätte ins Auge gehen können, das ist gerade noch einmal gut gegangen
    7. genau, wörtlich, wortgetreu (Übersetzung etc)
    8. umg knaus(e)rig
    C präp
    1. nahe (dat), in der oder die Nähe von (oder gen), nahe an (dat) oder bei, unweit (gen):
    near sb in jemandes Nähe;
    a house near the station ein Haus in Bahnhofsnähe;
    get near the end of one’s career sich dem Ende seiner Laufbahn nähern;
    near completion der Vollendung nahe, nahezu fertiggestellt;
    a) nicht weit von hier,
    b) hier in der Nähe;
    his opinion is very near my own wir sind fast der gleichen Meinung;
    be near doing sth nahe daran sein, etwas zu tun; bone1 A 1
    2. (zeitlich) nahe, nicht weit von
    D v/t & v/i sich nähern, näher kommen (dat):
    be nearing completion der Vollendung entgegengehenBesondere Redewendungen: near at hand
    a) A 1,
    b) A 2 near by nearby A;
    a) sich ungefähr belaufen auf (akk),
    b) einer Sache sehr nahe oder fast gleichkommen, fast etwas sein she came near to tears sie war den Tränen nahe, sie hätte fast geweint;
    come ( oder go) near to doing sth etwas fast oder beinahe tun;
    not come near to sth in keinem Verhältnis stehen zu etwas; draw near, nowhere A 3
    nr abk near
    * * *
    1. adverb

    stand/live [quite] near — [ganz] in der Nähe stehen/wohnen

    come or draw near/nearer — [Tag, Zeitpunkt:] nahen/näherrücken

    near at handin Reichweite (Dat.); [Ort] ganz in der Nähe

    be near at hand[Ereignis:] nahe bevorstehen

    near to = 2 a, b, c; we were near to being drowned — wir wären fast od. beinah[e] ertrunken

    2. preposition
    1) (in space) (position) nahe an/bei (+ Dat.); (motion) nahe an (+ Akk.); (fig.) nahe (geh.) nachgestellt (+ Dat.); in der Nähe (+ Gen.)

    keep near mehalte dich od. bleib in meiner Nähe

    near where... — in der Nähe od. unweit der Stelle (Gen.), wo...

    wait till we're nearer home — warte, bis wir nicht mehr so weit von zu Hause weg sind

    the man near/nearest you — der Mann, der bei dir/der dir am nächsten steht

    ask me again nearer the time — frag mich, wenn der Zeitpunkt etwas näher gerückt ist, noch einmal

    near the end/the beginning of something — gegen Ende/zu Anfang einer Sache (Gen.)

    4) in comb. Beinahe[unfall, -zusammenstoß, -katastrophe]

    a near-miraclefast od. beinahe ein Wunder

    3. adjective
    2) (closely related) nahe [Verwandte]; eng [Freund]
    3) (in nature) fast richtig [Vermutung]; groß [Ähnlichkeit]

    £30 or near/nearest offer — 30 Pfund oder nächstbestes Angebot

    be a near miss[Schuss, Wurf:] knapp danebengehen

    that was a near miss (escape) das war aber knapp!


    the near side(Brit.) (travelling on the left/right) die linke/rechte Seite

    4. transitive verb
    sich nähern (+ Dat.)
    * * *
    nah adj. prep.
    nächst präp.

    English-german dictionary > near

  • 4 near

    A adv
    1 ( nearby) to live/work quite near habiter/travailler tout près ; to move ou draw near approcher (to de) ; to move ou draw nearer s'approcher davantage (to de) ; to bring sth nearer approcher qch ;
    2 ( close in time) the exams are drawing near les examens approchent ; the time is near when… dans peu de temps,… ; how near are they in age? combien ont-ils de différence d'âge? ;
    3 ( nearly) as near perfect as it could be aussi proche de la perfection que possible ; nowhere near finished/ready loin d'être fini/prêt ; he's not anywhere near as bright as her il est loin d'être aussi intelligent qu'elle.
    1 ( approximately) à peu près ; there were 20 yachts near enough il y avait à peu près 20 yachts ;
    2 ( sufficiently close) that's near enough ( not any closer) tu es assez près ; ( acceptable as quantity) ça ira ; to be near enough/come near enough to do être assez près/s'approcher suffisamment pour faire.
    C prep
    1 ( in space) près de [place, person, object] ; near here/there près d'ici/de là ; don't go near the fire ne t'approche pas trop du feu ; don't come near me ne t'approche pas de moi ;
    2 ( in time) nearer the time quand la date approchera ; it's getting near Christmas Noël approche ; on or near the 12th autour du 12 ; their anniversary is near ours leur anniversaire de mariage est à quelques jours du nôtre ; nearer 40 than 30 plus proche or plus près de 40 ans que de 30 ;
    3 ( in degree) proche de ; nearer the truth plus proche de la vérité ; nearer this colour than that plus proche de cette couleur-ci que de celle-là ; nearer what I'm looking for plus proche de ce que je cherche ; near the beginning/end of the article presque au début/à la fin de l'article ; near the climax of the play à l'approche du point culminant de la pièce ; I'm no nearer (finding) a solution than I was yesterday je n'ai pas plus de solution que je n'en avais hier ; he's no nearer (making) a decision il n'est pas plus décidé ; she's nowhere near finishing elle est loin d'avoir fini ; £400? it cost nearer £600 400 livres? je dirais plutôt 600 ; nobody comes anywhere near her fig personne ne lui arrive à la cheville.
    1 ( in space) près de [place, person, object] ; near to where près de l'endroit où ; nearer to plus près de ; how near are we to Dijon? à quelle distance sommes-nous de Dijon? ;
    2 ( on point of) au bord de [tears, hysteria, collapse] ; to be near to doing être sur le point de faire ; how near are you to completing…? est-ce que vous êtes sur le point de finir…? ;
    3 ( in degree) to come nearest to s'approcher le plus de [ideal, conception] ; to come near to doing faillir faire ; he came near to giving up il a failli abandonner.
    E adj
    1 (close in distance, time) proche ; the nearest tree l'arbre le plus proche ; our nearest neighbours nos voisins les plus proches ; in the near future dans un avenir proche ;
    2 ( in degree) in the near darkness dans la pénombre ; he's the nearest thing to an accountant we've got c'est lui qui a le plus de connaissances en comptabilité parmi nos employés ; it's the nearest thing (to article, colour required) c'est ça le plus approchant ; to calculate sth to the near whole number Math arrondir un résultat ;
    3 ( short) the nearest route le chemin le plus court.
    F near+ (dans composés) presque ; a near-catastrophic blunder une gaffe presque catastrophique ; a near-perfect exam paper un examen presque parfait or proche de la perfection.
    G vtr
    1 ( draw close to) approcher de [place] ; as we neared the city/the harbour comme nous approchions de la ville/du port ;
    2 fig approcher de [peak, record high] ; to near the end of approcher de la fin de [season, term] ; to near the end of one's life lit, fig approcher de sa fin ; to near completion [project, book] toucher à sa fin ; to near retirement partir bientôt à la retraite.

    Big English-French dictionary > near

  • 5 near

    near [nɪər]
       a. (in space) tout près ; (in time) proche
    near at hand [object] à portée de (la) main ; [event] tout proche
    near here/there près d'ici/de là
       c. ( = on the same level) au niveau de
    to be near sth se rapprocher de qch ; (figurative) ressembler à qch
       a. ( = close in space) proche
       b. ( = close in time) proche
       c. (figurative) [relative] proche
    it was a near thing (of election, race result) ça a été très juste
    [+ place] approcher de ; [+ person] approcher
    * * *
    [nɪə(r)] 1.
    1) ( nearby)

    to move ou draw nearer — s'approcher davantage (to de)

    the time is near when... — dans peu de temps,...

    3) ( nearly)
    near enough adverbial phrase
    1) ( approximately) à peu près

    that's near enough — ( not any closer) tu es assez près; ( acceptable as quantity) ça ira

    1) ( in space) près de
    2) ( in time)
    3) ( in degree) proche de

    £400? it cost nearer £600 — 400 livres sterling? je dirais plutôt 600

    nobody comes anywhere near herfig personne ne lui arrive à la cheville

    near to prepositional phrase
    1) ( in space) près de
    2) ( on point of) au bord de [tears, hysteria, collapse]

    how near are you to completing...? — est-ce que vous êtes sur le point de finir...?

    3) ( in degree)
    1) (close in distance, time) proche
    2) ( in degree)

    he's the nearest thing to an accountant we've got — c'est lui qui a le plus de connaissances en comptabilité parmi nos employés

    it's the nearest thing — (to article, colour required) c'est ça le plus approchant

    3) ( short)
    near + combining form presque
    transitive verb lit, fig ( draw close to) approcher de

    English-French dictionary > near

  • 6 cerca

    near, close.
    ¿está o queda cerca? is it near o nearby?
    cerca de near, close to; (en el espacio) nearly, about (aproximadamente)
    de cerca closely; (examinar, mirar) deeply; (afectar) first-hand (vivir)
    ver algo/a alguien de cerca to see something/somebody close up
    si no costó dos millones, andará cerca it can't have cost much less than two million
    1 fence (valla).
    2 picket fence.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: cercar.
    * * *
    1 (lugar y tiempo) near, close
    cerca de (cercano a) near, close 2 (aproximadamente) nearly, about, around
    cerca de la estación near the station, close to the station
    de cerca closely
    1 (vallado) fence, wall
    * * *
    1. adv.
    close, near, nearby
    2. noun f.
    2) wall
    * * *
    SF (=valla) [de madera, alambre] fence; [de piedra, ladrillo] wall

    cerca eléctrica — electrified fence, electric fence

    1. ADV
    1) [indicando proximidad] [de aquí o allí] near, nearby; [entre objetos, personas] close

    está aquí cercait's very o just near here

    ¿está cerca la estación? — is the station near here o nearby?

    las casas están tan cerca que se pueden oír las conversaciones de los vecinos — the houses are so close (to each other) that you can hear what the neighbours are saying

    las vacaciones están ya cerca — the holidays are nearly here, the holidays are not far off now

    cerca de — near (to), close to


    de cerca —

    a) (=a poca distancia) [ver] close up; [seguir, observar, vigilar] closely

    no veo bien de cerca — I can't see things close up, I'm long-sighted

    visto de cerca, parece mayor — when you see him close up o at close quarters, he seems older

    el coche iba a gran velocidad, seguido de cerca por su escolta — the car was travelling at a high speed, followed closely by its escort

    b) (=en persona) in person

    no conoce de cerca los problemas de la poblaciónhe does not have first-hand o personal knowledge of the people's problems


    cerca de(=casi) nearly

    cerca de 2.500 personas — nearly 2,500 people

    estar cerca de hacer algo — to come close to doing sth

    estuvimos tan cerca de conseguir la victoria... — we were so close to obtaining victory...

    4) esp Cono Sur

    cerca nuestro/mío — near us/me

    2. SM
    1) (=aspecto)
    2) pl cercas (Arte) foreground sing
    * * *
    a) ( en el espacio) near, close

    ¿hay algún banco cerca? — is there a bank nearby o close by?

    cerca de algo/alguien — near something/somebody

    viven cerca de Tampico/de casa — they live near Tampico/near us


    de cerca — close up, close to

    2) ( en el tiempo) close

    cerca de algo/+ inf — close to something/-ing

    cerca de — almost, nearly

    cerca de 1.000 — almost o nearly 1,000

    femenino (de alambre, madera) fence; ( de piedra) wall
    * * *
    a) ( en el espacio) near, close

    ¿hay algún banco cerca? — is there a bank nearby o close by?

    cerca de algo/alguien — near something/somebody

    viven cerca de Tampico/de casa — they live near Tampico/near us


    de cerca — close up, close to

    2) ( en el tiempo) close

    cerca de algo/+ inf — close to something/-ing

    cerca de — almost, nearly

    cerca de 1.000 — almost o nearly 1,000

    femenino (de alambre, madera) fence; ( de piedra) wall
    * * *
    1 = picket fence, fence.

    Ex: The barrier between religion & government in the US is described as a picket fence between accommodationists & separationists.

    Ex: I asked why Mr McGregor had a fence around the garden and whether or not Peter needed to go there for food.
    * cerca de alambre = wire fence.
    * cerca de alambre de púas = barbed-wire fence.
    * cerca de tela metálica = wire fence.
    * peldaños para saltar una cerca = stile.

    = near, nearby [near-by], near at hand, close at hand, handy, nigh, within walking distance, in the vicinity, within easy walking distance, within an easy walk.

    Ex: You can restrict the neighborhood even more by using NEAR, which searches for two (or more) terms, in any order, in the same sentence.

    Ex: An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster.
    Ex: The firm does not have to be near at hand, but there must be plenty of cooperation and consultation as to selection of stock.
    Ex: Material needed daily should be stored close at hand.
    Ex: The desire soon dies away and the book is forgotten if copies are not handy = El deseo pronto muere y el libro se olvida si no hay ejemplares a mano.
    Ex: The article 'The end is nigh' predicts that the information technology crisis is likely to be worse than predicted because of the need to organize replacement of systems affected by the millennium problem = El artículo "El fin esta cerca' predice que la crisis de la tecnología de la información es probable que sea pero de lo previsto debido a la necesidad de organizar la sustitución de los sistemas afectados por el problema del milenio.
    Ex: The pilot phase focused on the students at schools within walking distance of the Central Library.
    Ex: In general while on desk duty the librarian must be aware of what is happening in the vicinity and notice who is coming and going.
    Ex: For those who wish to make their own arrangements for accommodation, there are many hotels within easy walking distance.
    Ex: A great neighborhood has stores and shops that satisfy everyday needs within an easy walk from home.
    * al examinar Algo de cerca = on closer examination, on closer inspection.
    * cerca de = close to, near [nearer -comp., nearest -sup.], in the vicinity of, in close proximity to, around, a heartbeat away from, in sight of, in the proximity of.
    * cerca de + Fecha/Número = circa + Fecha/Número [ca o c, -abrev.].
    * cerca + Posesivo = at + Posesivo + elbow.
    * cerca uno del otro = in close proximity.
    * conducir demasiado cerca de otro = tailgate.
    * controlado de cerca = closely monitored.
    * de cerca = at close range, at close quarters.
    * demasiado cerca = too close for comfort.
    * estar cerca = be at hand, be around.
    * estar cerca de = be close to.
    * estar muy cerca de = be one step away from, be steps away from, come + very close to.
    * lo suficientemente cerca = within range.
    * lo suficientemente cerca como para oír = within earshot of.
    * más cerca de = more nearly.
    * mirada de cerca = close look.
    * mirada más de cerca = closer look.
    * mucho más cerca = far closer.
    * muy cerca = close-by.
    * muy de cerca = not far behind.
    * peligrosamente cerca = too close for comfort.
    * seguido de cerca = closely followed, closely monitored.
    * seguir de cerca = monitor, stay in + control, keep + track of.
    * ver la muerte de cerca = have + brushes with death.
    * vigilado de cerca = under close guard.
    * vigilar Algo muy de cerca = keep + a watchful eye.
    * visión de cerca = ringside view, ringside seat.
    * vivir cerca = live + locally.

    * * *
    1 (en el espacio) near, close
    su casa queda or está muy cerca her house is very near o very close
    ¿hay algún banco cerca? is there a bank nearby o close by?
    vamos a pie, queda aquí cerquita let's walk, it's very near (here) o it's very close
    queda cerquísima it's only just around the corner ( o just down the road etc)
    una de estas tiendas que hay aquí cerca one of these shops just up the road o around the corner o near here
    cerca DE algo/algn:
    viven cerca de casa/de Tampico they live near us/near Tampico
    siéntate cerca de mí or ( crit) cerca mío sit near me
    me siento muy cerca de ti I feel very close to you
    de cerca close up, close to
    me acerqué para verlo de cerca I went nearer so I could see it close up o close to
    no veo bien de cerca I'm longsighted
    seguir algo de cerca to follow sth closely
    los exámenes ya están cerca the exams aren't far away now, the exams are getting quite close now
    cerca DE algo:
    estamos ya cerca de la Navidad Christmas is not far away
    cuando estemos más cerca de la fecha te lo diré I'll tell you closer to o nearer the day
    estás tan cerca de lograrlo you're so close o near to achieving it
    (indicando aproximación): cerca de almost, nearly, close on
    vendieron cerca de 1.000 cabezas de ganado they sold almost o nearly o close on 1,000 head of cattle
    (de alambre, madera) fence; (de piedra) wall
    * * *


    Del verbo cercar: ( conjugate cercar)

    cerca es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    cerca adverbio

    cerca de algo/algn near sth/sb;
    ¿hay algún banco cerca? is there a bank nearby o close by?;

    está por aquí cerca it's near here (somewhere);
    mirar algo/a algn de cerca to look at sth/sb close up o close to;
    seguir algo de cerca to follow sth closely

    estás tan cerca de lograrlo you're so close to achieving it;
    serán cerca de las dos it must be nearly 2 o'clock

    ■ sustantivo femenino (de alambre, madera) fence;
    ( de piedra) wall
    cercar ( conjugate cercar) verbo transitivo
    a)campo/terreno to enclose, surround;

    ( con valla) to fence in

    c) (Mil) ‹ ciudad to besiege;

    enemigo to surround
    cerca 1 adverbio
    1 (a poca distancia) near, close: el colegio está cerca de la biblioteca, the school is near the library
    estábamos ya muy cerca, cuando..., we were almost there when...
    ponte más cerca de ella, get closer to her
    de cerca, closely: lo examiné de cerca, I examined it close up
    2 (próximo en el tiempo) soon: ya están cerca las vacaciones, the holidays are coming up soon
    ♦ Locuciones: cerca de, (casi, aproximadamente) nearly, around
    cerca de mil personas, about one thousand people
    les esperamos cerca de una hora, we waited for them for about an hour (a punto de) estuve cerca de conseguirlo, I very nearly succeeded
    cerca 2 sustantivo femenino fence, wall
    cercar verbo transitivo
    1 (con una valla) to fence, enclose
    2 (al enemigo) to surround
    ' cerca' also found in these entries:
    - caer
    - encima
    - excavar
    - filo
    - junta
    - junto
    - mayoría
    - ponerse
    - seto
    - tarde
    - topless
    - valla
    - casi
    - encontrar
    - luego
    - portón
    - tapia
    - tocar
    - vecino
    - ventaja
    - ver
    - verja
    - apprehend
    - around
    - avoid
    - by
    - chart
    - circa
    - close
    - closely
    - come up to
    - convenient
    - cricket
    - do
    - early
    - fence
    - go by
    - gunshot
    - hand
    - handy
    - hotly
    - inhibited
    - near
    - nearby
    - on
    - pass by
    - proximity
    - quarter
    - round
    - shadow
    - spitting distance
    - tail
    - thereabout
    - thereabouts
    - village
    - yacht
    - zoom in
    - anywhere
    - ear
    - examination
    - fencing
    - florist
    - follow
    - late
    - lie
    - point
    - range
    - run
    - set
    - somewhere
    - stile
    * * *
    [valla] fence; [muro] wall cerca eléctrica electric fence;
    cerca viva hedge
    1. [en el espacio] near, close;
    ¿está o [m5] queda cerca? is it near o nearby?;
    no me hace falta un taxi porque voy cerca I don't need a taxi, because I'm not going far;
    cerca de near, close to;
    la tienda está cerca del metro the shop's near the Br underground o US subway;
    está cerca de mí it's near me;
    estuvo cerca de ganar el premio she came close to winning the prize;
    de cerca [examinar, mirar] closely;
    [afectar] deeply; [vivir] first-hand;
    vivió de cerca el problema de las drogas she had first-hand experience of drug addiction;
    no ve bien de cerca he's long-sighted;
    ver algo/a alguien de cerca to see sth/sb close up;
    2. [en el tiempo]
    el verano ya está cerca summer is nearly here, summer isn't far away;
    cerca del principio close to o near the beginning;
    son cerca de las ocho it's about eight (o'clock);
    los hechos ocurrieron cerca de las seis de la tarde the events in question took place at around six o'clock in the evening;
    estamos cerca del final del festival we are nearing o approaching the end of the festival
    3. [indica aproximación]
    cerca de nearly, about;
    acudieron cerca de mil manifestantes there were nearly o about a thousand demonstrators there;
    si no costó 2 millones, andará cerca it can't have cost much less than 2 million
    * * *
    1 f fence
    2 adv
    1 near, close;
    de cerca close up;
    seguir de cerca follow closely;
    vivo muy cerca, me coge muy cerca I live very close by;
    cerca de near, close to
    2 ( casi) nearly
    * * *
    cerca adv
    1) : close, near, nearby
    cerca de : nearly, almost
    cerca nf
    1) : fence
    2) : (stone) wall
    * * *
    cerca1 adv near / close
    ¿vives cerca de aquí? do you live near here?
    cerca2 n fence

    Spanish-English dictionary > cerca

  • 7 near

    1. прил.
    1) а) ближний, близлежащий, близко расположенный the near fields ≈ близлежащие поля Syn: not distant б) более близкий the nearestближайший, соседний, близлежащий
    2) кратчайший, прямойпути) the near road ≈ прямая кратчайшая дорога Syn: short, direct
    3) ближайший (о времени) the near future ≈ ближайшее будущее
    4) близкий;
    тесно связанный our nearest relativesнаши ближайшие родственники
    5) близкий, сходный;
    приблизительно правильный near resemblanceблизкое сходство near translationнаиболее точный, близкий к оригиналу перевод
    6) минимальный;
    доставшийся с трудом, трудный a near escapeеле удавшийся побег Syn: narrow, close
    7) скупой, скаредный, прижимистый Syn: thrifty, stingy
    8) левый( о ноге лошади, колесе экипажа, лошади в упряжке) the near foreleg ≈ левая передняя нога
    2. нареч.
    1) близко, около, поблизости, недалеко to come/draw near ≈ приближаться Who comes near him in wit? ≈ Кто может сравниться с ним в остроумии?
    2) близко, недалеко (близость по времени) The new year draws near. ≈ Новый год уже близко.
    3) близко, тесно( о связях, родстве, схожести) a near-standing positionпочти схожие позиции
    4) почти, чуть не, едва не a period of near 30 yearsпромежуток почти в 30 лет Syn: almost, nearly
    5) архаич. бережливо, скупо
    3. предл.
    1) возле, у, около, рядом( указывает на нахождение вблизи чего-л.) regions near the equator ≈ районы около экватора
    2) к, около, почти (близкий к какому-л. времени, возрасту) near the beginning of the year ≈ в начале года
    3) почти (приближение к какому-л. состоянию) to be near deathбыть почти при смертиsail near the wind
    4. гл. подходить, приближаться;
    надвигаться to near the land ≈ приближаться к берегу Syn: approach, come near, draw near близкий;
    тесно связанный - * relation ближайший родственник, член семьи (о детях и родителях) - * friends закадычные друзья - * to suicide близкий к самоубийству - * to smb.'s heart заветный, близкий сердцу - a matter of * consequence to me вопрос, в котором я тесным образом заинтересован близлежащий, близкий, находящийся рядом - * point (медицина) ближайшая точка ясного зрения - * sight близорукость - the post-office is quite * почта совсем близко этот, свой, наш, ближний - * shore( военное) берег, занимаемый своими войсками, исходный берег - on the * bank на этом /на нашем/ берегу - on the * side по сю /по эту/ сторону ближайший (о времени) - the * future ближайшее будущее короткий, прямой ( о пути) - the *est way to the station кратчайший путь к станции - to show smb. a *er cut (разговорное) показать кому-л., как пройти напрямик близкий, сходный - * resemblance близкое сходство - the *est translation of an idiom наиболее точный /близкий к оригиналу/ перевод идиомы напоминающий (по виду и т. п.) ;
    имитирующий - * silk искусственный шелк - * seal кролик, выделанный под котик (мех) (американизм) почти полный - * blindness почти полная слепота - a * saint святой человек доставшийся с трудом;
    трудный - * victory дорогая победа - * work кропотливая работа, особ. требующая напряжения зрения - a * escape побег, чуть не кончившийся неудачей;
    еле-еле предотвращенная гибель( разговорное) скупой, прижимистый;
    мелочный - he is * with his money он с трудом расстается с деньгами левый (о колесе экипажа, лошади в упряжке и т. п.) - * side левая сторона( по ходу) - * horse левая лошадь пары, подседельная лошадь ( near-) как компонент сложных слов со значением приближающийся к чему-л., полу-, около-, при- - near-nude полуголый - near-bottom придонный - the near-break of a marriage супружество на грани развода, разлад в семье > * and dear родной, любимый > my *est and dearest friend мой закадычный друг > our *est and dearest преим. наши семьи, наши жены и дети > a * go /shave, squeak, thing, touch/ опасное /рискованное/ положение, опасность, которую едва удалось избежать;
    на волосок от гибели > we won the race but it was a * thing мы победили в гонке, но с большим трудом указывает на нахождение поблизости или на приближении близко, недалеко, поблизости, подле - to stand * стоять недалеко - don't go away, stay somewhere * не уходите (далеко), будьте поблизости - *er and *er ближе и ближе - to come /to draw/ * приближаться - as soon as he came *er как только он приблизился - do not approach too * не подходите слишком близко указывает на близость, приближение во времени близко, недалеко;
    передается также глагольными приставками - the harvest season is drawing * приближается время уборки урожая указывает на тесное родство, непосредственную связь и т. п. близко, непосредственно - we are * related мы близкие родственники - tribes * allied родственные племена - they are * acquainted with the people of the country они хорошо знают народ этой страны - to be * akin /of a kin/ быть очень близкими родственниками - news that concerns you very * новость, которая близко касается вас указывает на приближение к какому-л. качеству, состоянию и т. п. почти, чуть не, едва не - * a century ago почти сто лет назад - you are * right вы почти правы - the results are pretty * equal результаты почти совпадают - it is done or * so это сделано или почти сделано - it is the same thing or * so это то же самое или почти то же самое - he is not * as popular as before он далеко не так популярен, как раньше бережливо, скупо - to live * жить скупо /расчетливо/ в сочетаниях - as * as почти;
    чуть не - as * as a touch /as ninepence, as dammit/ (сленг) почти ничем не отличаясь от (чего-л.) - as * as no matter, as * as makes no difference практически то же самое - they're the same height or as * as make no difference они практически одного роста - he was as * as could be to being knocked down by the bus его чуть не сшиб автобус - as * as I can guess насколько я могу догадываться;
    как я могу предположить - * upon почти (о времени) - * upon six o'clock почти шесть часов - he is * upon eighty years of age ему почти восемьдесят лет - nowhere *, not *, not anywhere * далеко не;
    нисколько - the concert hall was nowhere * full концертный зал был далеко /отнюдь/ не полон - the bus is not anywhere * as expensive as the train ехать автобусом гораздо дешевле, чем поездом > * at hand под рукой;
    близко, рядом;
    на носу > the papers are all * at hand все документы под рукой > the exams are * at hand экзамены на носу > the holiday is * at hand праздник не за горами > the time is * at hand близится час > the time to act is * at hand приближается время действовать > far and * везде;
    повсюду > we searched far and * for the missing child мы повсюду искали пропавшего ребенка;
    в поисках пропавшего ребенка мы обшарили всю местность приближаться к (чему-л.) ;
    подходить - the ship was *ing land корабль приближался к берегу - they are *ing the end of their exile их изгнание подходит к концу - the road is *ing completion строительство дороги близится к завершению - to be *ing one's end (образное) быть на краю могилы (морское) идти в крутой бейдевинд указывает на нахождение вблизи от чего-л. близ, возле, у, около - * the station близ /около/ станции - * the river у реки - regions * the equator области, расположенные у экватора - he was standing * the table он стоял у стола - we live * them мы живем близко /недалеко/ от них - * the ground (метеорология) приземный - Plessis * Tours (география) Плесси под Туром /близ Тура/ указывает на приближение к чему-л. к - bring your chair * the fire подвиньте свой стул к камину /к огню/ - don't come * me не подходи(те) ко мне( близко) - he drew /came/ * us он подошел к нам - to be * the end /the goal, the mark/ быть близким к цели указывает на приближение во времени почти - it is * midnight почти двенадцать часов ночи, скоро полночь - it is * dinner-time скоро обед - he is * fifty years of age ему скоро будет /исполнится/ пятьдесят лет указывает на приближение к какому-л. качеству, состоянию и т. п. к;
    почти, чуть не - his hopes were * fulfilment его надежды были близки к осуществлению - the plan came * being realized план был почти осуществлен - I came * forgetting how to get there я чуть не забыл, как туда идти - this act came * spoiling his chances этот поступок чуть не испортил ему все /все шансы/ указывает на сходство ближе к;
    почти - nobody can come anywhere * him с ним никто не может сравниться - the copy does not come * the original копия мало похожа на оригинал > to lie /to come, to go/ * smb. /smb.'s heart/ близко затрагивать /непосредственно касаться/ кого-л. > to sail * the wind (морское) идти в крутой бейдевинд;
    действовать крайне рискованно ~ upon почти что;
    far and near повсюду;
    as near as I can guess насколько я могу догадаться ~ приближаться;
    to near the land приближаться к берегу;
    to be nearing one's end умирать, кончаться ~ подле;
    близко, поблизости, недалеко;
    около (по месту или времени) ;
    to come (или to draw) near приближаться to come nearer the end приближаться к концу;
    who comes near him in wit? кто может сравниться с ним в остроумии? he ~ died with fright он чуть не умер от страха;
    that will go near to killing him это может убить его ~ почти, чуть не, едва не (обыкн. nearly) ;
    I came near forgetting я чуть не забыл ~ prep к, около, почти (о времени, возрасте и т. п.) ;
    it is near dinnertime скоро обед;
    the portrait does not come near the original портрет не похож на оригинал near ближайший (о времени) ;
    the near future ближайшее будущее ~ ближний ~ близкий;
    приблизительно правильный;
    near translation близкий к оригиналу перевод;
    near resemblance близкое сходство;
    near guess почти правильная догадка ~ близкий;
    тесно связанный;
    near akin (to) родственный по характеру;
    near and dear близкий и дорогой ~ близкий ~ близлежащий, ближний ~ prep возле, у, около (о месте) ;
    we live near the river мы живем у реки ~ доставшийся с трудом;
    near victory победа, доставшаяся с трудом;
    near work кропотливая работа ~ prep к, около, почти (о времени, возрасте и т. п.) ;
    it is near dinnertime скоро обед;
    the portrait does not come near the original портрет не похож на оригинал ~ кратчайший, прямой (о пути) ~ левый (о ноге лошади, колесе экипажа, лошади в упряжке) ;
    the near foreleg левая передняя нога ~ подле;
    близко, поблизости, недалеко;
    около (по месту или времени) ;
    to come (или to draw) near приближаться ~ почти, чуть не, едва не (обыкн. nearly) ;
    I came near forgetting я чуть не забыл ~ приближаться;
    to near the land приближаться к берегу;
    to be nearing one's end умирать, кончаться ~ скупой, прижимистый, мелочный ~ близкий;
    тесно связанный;
    near akin (to) родственный по характеру;
    near and dear близкий и дорогой ~ близкий;
    тесно связанный;
    near akin (to) родственный по характеру;
    near and dear близкий и дорогой ~ at hand = не за горами;
    на носу;
    скоро ~ at hand под рукой;
    тут, близко ~ by вскоре ~ by рядом, близко ~ левый (о ноге лошади, колесе экипажа, лошади в упряжке) ;
    the near foreleg левая передняя нога near ближайший (о времени) ;
    the near future ближайшее будущее ~ близкий;
    приблизительно правильный;
    near translation близкий к оригиналу перевод;
    near resemblance близкое сходство;
    near guess почти правильная догадка ~ близкий;
    приблизительно правильный;
    near translation близкий к оригиналу перевод;
    near resemblance близкое сходство;
    near guess почти правильная догадка ~ приближаться;
    to near the land приближаться к берегу;
    to be nearing one's end умирать, кончаться ~ to one's heart заветный;
    a very near concern of mine дело, очень близкое моему сердцу ~ близкий;
    приблизительно правильный;
    near translation близкий к оригиналу перевод;
    near resemblance близкое сходство;
    near guess почти правильная догадка ~ upon почти что;
    far and near повсюду;
    as near as I can guess насколько я могу догадаться ~ доставшийся с трудом;
    near victory победа, доставшаяся с трудом;
    near work кропотливая работа ~ доставшийся с трудом;
    near victory победа, доставшаяся с трудом;
    near work кропотливая работа ~ prep к, около, почти (о времени, возрасте и т. п.) ;
    it is near dinnertime скоро обед;
    the portrait does not come near the original портрет не похож на оригинал to sail ~ the wind мор. идти в крутой бейдевинд to sail ~ the wind поступать рискованно he ~ died with fright он чуть не умер от страха;
    that will go near to killing him это может убить его ~ to one's heart заветный;
    a very near concern of mine дело, очень близкое моему сердцу ~ prep возле, у, около (о месте) ;
    we live near the river мы живем у реки to come nearer the end приближаться к концу;
    who comes near him in wit? кто может сравниться с ним в остроумии?

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > near

  • 8 haece

    hīc, haec, hoc ( gen. hujus, monosyl., Plaut. Am. prol. 51; 96; 1, 1, 115; dat. huic, Sidon. Carm. 7, 145; Avien. Descr. Orb. 22; dat. sing. fem. hae rei, Cato, R. R. 14, 3; acc. HONC for hunc, C. I. L. 1, 32; nom. plur. hic, Enn. ap. Philarg. ad Verg. G. 4, 230 = Ann. v. 414 Vahl.; Varr. L. L. 6, § 73 Mull.; fem. haec, v. infra, B. init.; dat. and abl. hibus, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 20; cf. Varr. L. L. 8, § 78 Mull.; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, p. 203 sqq.), pron. demonstr. [from the pronom. root i (whence also comes is), with the demonstr. suffix ce ] points to something near or present, or which is conceived of as present, this.
    With subst.:

    hic homo sanus non est,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 246:

    rapidus fluvius est hic, non hac temere transiri potest... apud hunc fluvium, etc.,

    id. Bacch. 1, 1, 53:

    quid praeclarum putet in rebus humanis, qui haec deorum regna perspexerit? etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17:

    genus hoc,

    id. ib. 1, 25:

    hoc avunculo, atque in hac tam clara re publica natus,

    id. ib. 1, 19; cf.:

    quorum singuli saluti huic civitati fuerunt, et qui sunt procul ab aetatis hujus memoria,

    id. ib. 1, 1:

    his libris,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    hae feriae,

    id. ib. 1, 9; 1, 20; cf.:

    hoc otio,

    id. ib. 9 fin.:

    haec caelestia vel studiosissime solet quaerere,

    id. ib. 1, 10:

    ad haec cituma,

    id. ib. 1, 21:

    hic vir,

    Liv. 7, 39, 12.—
    Absol. (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 520):

    hic insidiantes vigilant, Enn. l. l.: hi domum me ad se auferent,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 94: non mihi videtur, quod hi venerunt, alius nobis sermo esse quaerendus, sed agendum accuratius, et dicendum dignum aliquid horum auribus, Cic. Rep. 1, 13:

    feceris (ut etiam pro his dicam) nobis gratum omnibus,

    id. ib. 1, 21 fin.:

    hoc ubi Amphitruo erus conspicatus est, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 87:

    docere hoc poterat ille homines paene agrestes, et apud imperitos audebat haec dicere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 15:

    dixerat hoc ille, cum, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 12:

    haec Scipio cum dixisset,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 7.—
    More emphatic, in the original full form, hīce, haece, hōce (not, as formerly written, hicce, haecce, hocce; in gen. sing. HVIVSQVE; in nom. plur. hisce, like ieis = ei, and ques = qui, see below; and apocopated in nom. plur. fem. haec for haece, and in gen. plur. horunc, harunc, for horunce, harunce);

    and, with the interrogative particle, hicine, haecine, hocine (mostly ante - class.): hoce haud dubium est quin, etc.,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 17:

    eum hinc profugiens vendidit in Alide Patri hujusce,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 10; so,


    id. Poen. prol. 120; 5, 4, 76; 87; cf.:

    atque hujusce rei judicium jam continuo video futurum,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 14, 47:

    hisce homines ubi habitent,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 36; v. Ritschl ad h. l.; so,


    id. Ps. 1, 5, 125; id. Capt. prol. 35 Fleck.; id. Rud. 2, 1, 5 ib., and perh. also id. Mil. 4, 8, 24 (Ritschl, hice): hice, Att. ap. Non. 15, 29 (Trag. Rel. v. 122 Rib.); Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    haec aedes,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 1, 53; 3, 1, 117; so,

    haec sunt atque aliae multae in magnis dotibus Incommoditates,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 58:

    haec (puellae),

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 34:

    haec sententiae,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 22; 3, 34, 84; Lucr. 3, 601; Verg. G. 3, 305; cf. Bentl. Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 24:

    aliut posticum harunce aedium,

    Plaut. Stich. 3, 1, 41; cf.:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Most. 2, 1, 57:

    sine opera tua nihil di horunc facere possunt,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 53:


    id. Poen. 3, 1, 48; Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 97; id. Phorm. 3, 2, 33:

    cedo signum, si harunc Baccharum es,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 25:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Merc. 5, 1, 3:

    hisce ego Placidum ted hodie reddam,

    id. Curc. 5, 3, 48; cf.:

    quid dicam hisce, incertus sum,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 4, 36:

    tu ab hisce rebus animum avoca,

    Sulp. in Cic. Fam. 4, 5, 5; so,


    Plaut. Cas. 2, 7, 13; id. Most. 1, 3, 81; 1, 4, 23; 2, 2, 71; 4, 2, 35 et saep.: Thr. Tu hosce instrue. Gn Illuc est sapere! ut hosce instruxit, Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 11; so,


    id. ib. 1, 2, 71; id. Heaut. 3, 2, 3; 4, 5, 4; id. Ad. 5, 7, 5; id. Phorm. 4, 3, 4:

    apud hasce aedes,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 194; so,


    id. As. 2, 3, 1; id. Aul. 2, 4, 2; 2, 8, 15; id. Capt. 4, 2, 51; id. Bacch. 4, 6, 17 et saep.—

    With the interrog. particle: hicin' Achilles est?

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 61; so,


    id. Pers. 5, 2, 49; cf.:

    hicine vir patriae natus usquam nisi in patria morietur?

    Cic. Mil. 38, 104 et saep.:


    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 206; id. Ep. 4, 2, 5; 5, 1, 15; id. Pers. 4, 3, 75; Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 5; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 24:

    huncine hominem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 68; cf.:

    huncine hominem! hancine impudentiam! judices, hanc audaciam!

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 25, § 62:

    hocine hic pacto potest Inhibere imperium magister?

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 43:

    o Juppiter, hoscine mores!

    Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 40:

    hacine victoria sola aut hac praeda contenti estis futuri,

    Liv. 10, 17, 5; Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 3;

    so in the shorter form, hicne,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 141:

    ex hocne equo,

    id. Fat. 3, 5:

    cum hocne,

    id. Att. 9, 7, 3:

    ex hacne natura,

    id. Tusc. 1, 25, 62: haece locutus, Enn. ap. Gell. 12, 4 (Ann. v. 239 Vahl.) al.—So, Fortuna hujusce diei, as a particular deity, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 54;

    in inscrr. also written HVIVSQVE DIEI,

    Inscr. Orell. 5; cf.:


    id. ib. 1580; 2300;


    id. ib. 2488.—
    With other pronouns:

    hos eosdem motus perturbationes dixerimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 4, 7; cf.:

    cum idem hoc visum diceretur,

    id. Rep. 1, 14:

    hoc idem fit in reliquis civitatibus,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 15, 2; id. B. C. 1, 74, 5; Quint. 8, 4, 17:

    haec eadem centurionibus tribunisque militum mandabant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 17 fin.:

    haec eadem genera,

    Quint. 6, 3, 54:

    hoc ipsum civile jus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    sed hoc ipsum ex superiore pendet quaestione,

    Quint. 2, 1, 8; 8, 3, 45:

    ad hunc eum ipsum,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 1, 2 Goer. N. cr.; cf.:

    idem hoc ipsum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 9, 26:

    huic illi legato,

    id. Fl. 22, 52:

    hunc illum fatis Portendi generum,

    Verg. A. 7, 255; cf.:

    hic est enim ille vultus semper idem, quem, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 15, 31:

    hic est ille status quantitatis,

    Quint. 7, 4, 15: haec est illa, quae deinôsis vocatur, id. 6, 2, 24:

    hujus istius facti stultitia,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 9, 24:

    ista haec epigrammata,

    Sid. Ep. 2, 10: hunc talem virum, Cic. fil. ap. Cic. Fam. 16, 21, 3:

    callidum quendam hunc,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 50, 218.—
    Opp. to ille, iste, less freq. to hic, alter, alius, etc., this, the latter, to indicate the nearer object (which is to be determined not so much by the phraseology as by the thought; so that hic may refer to that noun whose position in the sentence is the more remote, but which is the most closely connected with the speaker, and of the most importance to him, in which case it is to be rendered by that, the former, etc.):

    ejusdem esse, qui in illa re peccarit, hoc quoque admisisse,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 16, 50:

    in his undis et tempestatibus ad summam senectutem maluit jactari, quam in illa tranquillitate atque otio jucundissime vivere,

    id. Rep. 1, 1:

    si deerunt haec remedia, ad illa declinandum est,

    Quint. 7, 2, 30:

    cum hic testamento, ille proximitate nitatur,

    id. 3, 6, 95:

    in his judicem sibi, in illis alii credere,

    id. 5, 7, 33:

    haec pars perorationis accusatori patronoque ex aequo communis est. Affectibus quoque iisdem fere utuntur: sed varius hic, ille saepius ac magis,

    id. 6, 1, 8; cf. id. 6, 2, 12; 17:

    cum tu ista caelestia de Scipione quaesieris, ego autem haec, quae videntur ante oculos, esse magis putem quaerenda,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 19; id. Fam. 2, 11, 1:

    iisdem enim hic sapiens, de quo loquor, oculis, quibus iste vester, caelum, terram, mare intuebitur,

    id. Ac. 2, 33, 105:

    si hoc loco scripsisset, isto verbo usus non esset, non isto loco verbum istud collocasset,

    id. Inv. 2, 41, 121:

    has igitur tot sententias ut omittamus, haec nunc videamus, quae diu multumque defensa sunt,

    id. Ac. 2, 42, 130:

    Caesar facile diceret: Hic versus Plauti non est, hic est,

    this... that, id. Fam. 9, 16, 4:

    ego hoc dico. adversarius hoc,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:

    vendidit hic auro patriam... Hic thalamum invasit natae,

    Verg. A. 6, 621 sq.:

    hi molium objectus, hi proximas scaphas scandere,

    Tac. A. 14, 8:

    quid responsuri sint adversarii his et his... cum sciret haec et haec,

    Quint. 6, 1, 3 sq.:

    interim quaeritur: hoc an hoc? furtum an sacrilegium?

    id. 7, 3, 9:

    alter (Roscius) plurimarum palmarum vetus ac nobilis gladiator habetur, hic autem nuper se ad eum lanistam contulit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 6, 17:

    occupat hic collem, cymba sedet alter adunca,

    Ov. M. 1, 293.—
    Referring to that which in the speaker's mind is the nearer object, although by the position of the words it is the more remote: quam ob rem cave Catoni anteponas ne istum quidem ipsum, quem Apollo sapientissimum judicavit (i. e. Socratem): Hujus enim (i. e. Catonis, of the former) facta, illius (i. e. Socratis) dicta laudantur, Cic. Lael. 2, 10; id. Rosc. Com. 2, 7:

    hanc posteriorem (artem) et Stoici et Peripatetici, priorem autem illi (i. e. Peripatetici) egregie tradiderunt, hi (i. e. Stoici) ne attigerunt quidem,

    id. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    hoc Cicero atque Asinius certatim sunt usi: pro Scauro hic, ille pro filio,

    Quint. 6, 1, 21; 3, 10, 1:

    melior tutiorque est certa pax quam sperata victoria: haec in tua, illa in deorum manu est,

    the former... the latter, Liv. 30, 30, 19:

    quocumque aspicio, nihil est, nisi pontus et aer: Fluctibus hic tumidus, nubibus ille minax,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 24; id. M. 1, 697.—
    In the neutr. sing. subst., with gen.:

    quid hoc hominist?

    Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 26; cf. Ter. Eun. 3, 4, 8:

    quid hoc morbi est?

    id. ib. 2, 1, 19:

    quid hoc est negoti?

    id. Ad. 4, 5, 71; cf. id. Eun. 3, 4, 6:

    hoc fructi pro labore ab his fero,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 16:

    edormiscam hoc villi,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 11:

    hoc commodi est, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 32, 91:

    hoc copiarum in Hispanias portatum est,

    Liv. 42, 18, 7:

    hoc servitutis injunxisse, ut, etc.,

    id. 5, 2, 8:

    hoc intervalli datum res tranquillas in urbe fecit,

    id. 3, 25, 4:

    hoc consilii,

    id. 5, 39, 6:

    hoc solacii,

    id. 30, 13, 13:

    hoc noctis,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 2; 11; 136.—
    Hoc with verbs impers., pleonast. as a subject (ante-class.):

    eamus, Amphitruo: lucescit hoc jam,

    there is daybreak, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 45: luciscit hoc jam, [p. 853] Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 1:

    lucet hoc,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 63; cf. id. Curc. 1, 3, 26.—
    Pregn. (qs. pointing to something with the finger), this, this... here (ante-class. and poet.); most freq. of the speaker himself, like the Gr. hode, for ego:

    hic homost omnium hominum praecipuos,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 1, 1:

    hic si quid nobis forte adversi evenerit, tibi erunt parata verba, huic homini verbera,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 115; so,

    huic homini, i. q. mihi,

    Plaut. Ep. 1, 2, 38:

    hic homo, i. q. ego,

    id. Curc. 2, 1, 33:

    hunc hominem, i. q. me,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 1; Hor. S. 1, 9, 47; cf.:

    vin' tu huic seni auscultare?

    Ter. Ad. 5, 7, 8; id. And. 2, 1, 10; Tib. 2, 6, 7:

    haec res,

    my property, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 106:

    hunc in collum,

    my neck, id. Pers. 4, 6, 9 Brix (Ritschl, huc): ni haec praesensisset canes, this dog, = ego, id. Trin. 1, 2, 135 Brix ad loc.—In neutr. absol.: tu quod te posterius purges hanc injuriam mihi nolle Factam esse, hujus non faciam, not so much, i. e. not the least, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 9.—
    With reference to time, of this time, now present, actual, this:

    cena hac annona est sine sacris hereditas,

    in the present scarcity, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 83:

    sed nondum haec, quae nunc tenet saeculum, neglegentia deum venerat,

    Liv. 3, 20:

    his temporibus,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 77, 1:

    M. Cato, hujus nostri Catonis pater,

    id. Off. 3, 16, 66; cf.:

    si potius ad antiquorum diligentiam, quam ad horum luxuriam dirigas aedificationem,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 13, 6 sq.:

    etenim qui haec vituperare volunt, Chrysogonum tantum posse queruntur,

    the present times, Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 138:

    ne horum quidem magnificentia operum,

    Liv. 1, 55 fin.;

    very rarely of time just ended: ante hos annos quadraginta,

    Plin. 14, 22, 28, § 143:

    ante hos sex menses,

    Phaedr. 1, 1, 10:

    ante hoc triduum,

    Front. Ep. ad M. Caes. 2, 5 init.; Aug. Serm. 270, 3.
    Very freq. referring to a thought that follows, and which may be expressed by a relative sentence, or by a sentence denoting the object, cause, or effect; with qui, quae, quod, an acc. and inf., quod, ut, ne, etc. (more clearly indicative than the determinative, is, ea, id; though freq. confounded with it in MSS. and editt.).
    With relat. clause:

    Qui hodie fuerim liber, eum nunc potivit pater Servitutis: hic, qui verna natust, conqueritur,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 24; cf.:

    eos, qui, etc.... his, qui, etc.... longe duco esse anteponendos,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    neque his contentus sum, quae de ista consultatione scripta nobis summi ex Graecia homines reliquerunt, neque ea, quae mihi videntur, anteferre illis audeo,

    id. ib. 1, 22:

    non est tibi his solis utendum existimationibus ac judiciis, qui nunc sunt, hominum, sed iis etiam, qui futuri sunt,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 15, § 43:

    quis hic est homo, quem ante aedis video hoc noctis?

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 136:

    unde in laboribus et periculis fortitudo? nempe ab his, qui, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2; 1, 17:

    haec quae sunt in hoc genere,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    mundus hic totus, quod domicilium di nobis dederunt,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    hoc autem sphaerae genus, in quo, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 14;

    1, 16: in his libris, quos legistis,

    id. Leg. 1, 9, 27; cf. id. Div. 1, 3, 5:

    quam quisque norit artem, in hac se exerceat,

    id. Tusc. 1, 18, 41 et saep.:

    lepide ipsi hi sunt capti, suis qui filiis fecere insidias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 90; cf. Cic. Tusc. 2, 1, 3; id. N. D. 1, 40, 113:

    servi, qui, cum culpa carint, tamen malum Metuont, hi solent esse eris utibiles,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 2, 2 sq.; cf. Cic. Rep. 1, 19:

    de Bruti amore etsi mihi nihil novi adfers: tamen hoc audio libentius, quo saepius,

    id. Att. 13, 36 fin.; cf.:

    is porro, quo generosior celsiorque est, hoc majoribus velut organis commovetur,

    Quint. 1, 2, 30:

    hoc primum videamus, quidnam sit, de altero sole quod nuntiatum est in senatu, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10; 1, 24:

    mire tractat hoc Cicero pro Milone quae facturus fuerit Clodius, si praeturam invasisset,

    Quint. 9, 2, 41.—
    With acc. and inf.:

    erat tunc haec nova et ignota ratio, solem lunae oppositum solere deficere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 16:

    sed hoc vir excellenti providentia sensit ac vidit, non esse opportunissimos situs maritimos urbibus iis, quae, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 3:

    hoc tantum admiror, Flavum, etc.,

    Quint. 7, 4, 40; 11, 1, 22:

    unum hoc definio, tantam esse necessitatem virtutis, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 1: hoc simul accipe dictum: Quorum..., Eorundem libertati me parcere certum est, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 204 Vahl.); cf.

    with appositive clause: sic hoc proloquar: Principio, ut illo advenimus, Continuo Amphitruo delegit viros, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 48:

    ut hoc: Non debes alienam uxorem optare,

    Quint. 7, 1, 25; cf. id. 9, 4, 97; 9, 2, 32.—
    With quod or quia:

    maxime hoc mihi mirum videri solet, quod, qui tranquillo mari gubernare se negent posse, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 6:

    quaesierat ex me Scipio, quidnam sentirem de hoc, quod duo soles visos esse constaret,

    id. ib. 1, 13; Quint. 9, 1, 1:

    propter hoc ipsum ostendenda non sunt, quod apparent,

    id. 12, 9, 6:

    nostri primo integris viribus fortiter repugnare... sed hoc superari, quod diuturnitate pugnae, etc.,

    in this that, herein that, Caes. B. G. 3, 4, 3; cf. Quint. 8, 3, 30:

    hoc ipso fidem detrahimus illis, quod sint tam gravia,

    id. 9, 2, 53:

    hoc ipso, quod,

    id. 4, 1, 54; 5, 11, 41; 6, 2, 16 et saep.: consilio vestro utar libenter, et hoc libentius, quod, etc., Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 8, C, 1; cf.:

    id hoc facilius eis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 2, 3:

    hoc esse miseriorem gravioremque fortunam Sequanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 32, 4; Quint. 5, 7, 22:

    hoc magis, quod (al. quia) illic ut litigatores loquimur frequentius,

    id. 6, 2, 36:

    hoc sese excruciat animi, Quia leno ademit cistulam ei,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 57:

    quod hoc etiam mirabilius debet videri, quia, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 12; cf.:

    hoc sunt exempla potentiora, quia, etc.,

    Quint. 10, 1, 15.—
    With ut or ne:

    nunc hoc me orare a vobis jussit Juppiter, ut conquistores, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 64; cf.:

    hoc quoque etiam mihi in mandatis dedit, Ut conquistores, etc.,

    id. ib. 81:

    atque hoc evenit In labore atque in dolore, ut mors obrepat interim,

    id. Ps. 2, 3, 19:

    nec enim hoc suscepi, ut, etc.... neque hoc polliceor me facturum, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 24:

    neque enim hac nos patria lege genuit aut educavit, ut... sed ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 4;

    for which: homines sunt hac lege generati, qui tuerentur, etc.,

    id. ib. 6, 15:

    quare hoc animo in nos esse debebis, ut aetas nostra, etc.,

    id. Fam. 2, 1 fin.; id. Off. 3, 5, 22; id. Rep. 1, 12:

    plurimum in hoc laboris exhausimus, ut ostenderemus, etc.,

    Quint. 8 praef. § 6; cf.:

    habenda fides est vel in hoc, ut, etc.,

    id. 11, 2, 51; so,

    in hoc, ut,

    id. 6, 3, 15; 10, 3, 29: hoc erit tibi argumentum semper in promptu situm: Ne quid exspectes amicos, quod tute agere possies, Enn. ap. Gell. 2, 29 fin. (Sat. v. 37 Vahl.); so,

    in hoc scilicet, ne suspectus his foret,

    Vell. 2, 41 fin.
    Hoc est serves to annex a more particular explanation of what has been said, that is, that is to say, namely:

    in hac causa dicam de eo prius, quod apud vos plurimum debet valere, hoc est, de voluntate eorum, quibus injuriae factae sunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    quadriennium, hoc est, ex quo tempore fundus veniit,

    id. Caecin. 7, 19; 34, 100:

    cum honos agebatur amplissimus familiae vestrae, hoc est, consulatus parentis tui,

    id. Sull. 17, 49; id. Fam. 5, 12, 8:

    primum quaero, qua ratione Naevius susceptum negotium non transegerit, hoc est, cur bona non vendiderit,

    id. Quint. 24, 76 et saep.—Sarcastically:

    ut haberet (Clodius) ad praeturam gerendam, hoc est, ad evertendam rem publicam plenum annum,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 24:

    at quam crebro usurpat Et consul et Antonius! Hoc est dicere: Et consul et homo impudicissimus, Et consul et homo nequissimus,

    id. Phil. 2, 28, 70.—
    Hoc est or ĕrat, quod, with the accessory idea of indignation or reproach, is or was it for this that, etc.:

    hoc erat, alma parens, quod me per tela, per ignis Eripis, ut mediis hostem in penetralibus... cernam?

    Verg. A. 2, 664; Petr. 93.—Hence,
    hāc, in this place, on this side, this way, here (class.): nunc Juppiter hac stat, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1 (Ann. v. 263 Vahl.); imitated by Verg. A. 12, 565: Ar. Hac quidem non venit. Le. Angiporto Illac per hortum circuit clam, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 151:

    nunc hac An illac eam, incerta sum consili,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 30:

    plenus rimarum sum: hac atque illac perfluo,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 25; cf.:

    hac illac circumcursa,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 1; and: mox hac atque illa rapti, Tac. Agr. 28:

    sequere hac, reducam te ubi fuisti,

    this way, hither, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 106; id. As. 4, 2, 1; id. Men. 4, 1, 4; id. Poen. 1, 2, 116; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; cf.:

    sequere hac me intus ad Glycerium nunc,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 14:

    sequere me ergo hac intro,

    id. Ad. 4, 3, 18:

    i hac mecum intro,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 56; 62; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 35 sq.:

    quin igitur ad illa spatia nostra pergimus?... Nos vero: et hac quidem adire si placet, per ripam et umbram,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 4, 14:

    ab oppido declivis locus tenui fastigio vergebat. Hac nostris erat receptus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45, 5; 2, 2, 3.—Hac-hac, for hac-illac ( poet.):

    namque videbat, uti bellantes Pergama circum Hac fugerent Grai, Hac Phryges,

    Verg. A. 1, 467 sq.; Prop. 1, 3, 13; rarely in full form with the interrog. particle ne:

    utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus?

    Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (cf. Ladewig, Anal. Scaen. p. 22). —
    hīc (old form heic; and with the interrog. part. ne, hicine), adv. loci, in this place, here.
    In space.

    hos quos videtis stare hic captivos duos, etc.... Senex qui hic habitat, etc.,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 1 sq.:

    ego jam dudum hic adsum,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 6, 5:

    quem praestolare hic ante ostium?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 5:

    hic propter hunc adsiste,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 15:

    hic tui omnes valent,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 20, 3:

    non modo hic, ubi, etc... sed, ubicumque, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 55, § 143:

    mons ibi arduus Nomine Parnasus... hic ubi Deucalion... parva rate vectus adhaesit,

    Ov. M. 1, 319:

    hic (sc. Carthagine) illius (Junonis) arma, Hic currus fuit,

    Verg. A. 1, 16 et saep.: Pa. Philocomasium hicine etiam nunc est? Pe Quom exibam, hic erat, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 25; cf.: Ch. Ubi ego sum? hicine an apud mortuos? Eut. Neque apud mortuos neque hic es, id. Merc. 3, 4, 17:


    id. Cist. 1, 1, 21; 4, 2, 80; Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 al.: Da. Cedo fenus, redde fenus, fenus reddite, etc.... Tr. Fenus illic, fenus hic, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 76:

    facile hic plus mali est, quam illic boni,

    Ter. And. 4, 3, 5; cf. id. Hec. 2, 1, 20:

    hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae,

    Verg. G. 1, 54:

    hic, illic, ubi mors deprenderat, exhalantes,

    Ov. M. 7, 581 (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 519).—With gen.:

    hic proxume viciniae,

    in this neighborhood, Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 2:

    modo vidi virginem hic viciniae miseram,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 45.—With ne: hicine libertatem aiunt aequam esse omnibus? is it here that, etc., Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 (cf. hic, I. B. fin.).—
    Transf., in this affair, on this occasion, in this particular, herein, here:

    hic, quantum in bello fortuna possit, cognosci potuit,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 35, 2; Cic. Verr. 1, 16, 49:

    hic tu tabulas desideras Heracliensium publicas,

    id. Arch. 4, 8; cf.:

    hic vos dubitabitis, judices,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 44, § 109:

    hic miramur, hunc hominem tantum excellere ceteris? etc.,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 13, 39:

    hic jam plura non dicam,

    id. ib. 9, 24; id. Planc. 41, 99; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 66 (cf. II. fin. infra):

    hic, ubi opus est, non verentur: illic, ubi nihil opus est, ibi verentur,

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 14:

    ut cum hic tibi satisfecerimus, istic quoque nostram in te benevolentiam navare possimus,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 10, 3.—Referring to the noun whose position in the sentence is the most remote (cf. I. D. 2.):

    alterius ducis causa melior videbatur, alterius erat firmior: hic omnia speciosa, illic valentia,

    Vell. 2, 49, 3.—
    Of time, i. q. nunc or tum, now, here; then, hereupon, at this time, at this juncture:

    hic reddes omnia,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 15:

    hic ego quid praedicem?

    Cic. Sest. 5, 12; id. Cat. 1, 10, 26:

    hic cum uterque me intueretur,

    id. Fin. 2, 1, 1; so,

    hic cum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 20, 60; Nep. Milt. 3, 3:

    hic tum Fabricius frequentes eos ad me domum adduxit,

    Cic. Clu. 17, 49; so, hic tum, id. ib 20, 56; 27, 73; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26 §

    66 al.: hic regina gravem poposcit pateram,

    Verg. A. 1, 728.—So very freq. to introduce the beginning of a speech: hic Laelius (inquit); hic Philus;

    hic Scipio, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 13, 23; 24 sq.; id. Fam. 1, 9, 10; 3, 8, 3; 5, 15, 4; id. Ac. 2, 4, 10; id. de Or. 2, 50, 202; Verg. A. 9, 246 et saep.—
    huc (access. form hoc), v. huc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > haece

  • 9 hic

    hīc, haec, hoc ( gen. hujus, monosyl., Plaut. Am. prol. 51; 96; 1, 1, 115; dat. huic, Sidon. Carm. 7, 145; Avien. Descr. Orb. 22; dat. sing. fem. hae rei, Cato, R. R. 14, 3; acc. HONC for hunc, C. I. L. 1, 32; nom. plur. hic, Enn. ap. Philarg. ad Verg. G. 4, 230 = Ann. v. 414 Vahl.; Varr. L. L. 6, § 73 Mull.; fem. haec, v. infra, B. init.; dat. and abl. hibus, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 20; cf. Varr. L. L. 8, § 78 Mull.; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, p. 203 sqq.), pron. demonstr. [from the pronom. root i (whence also comes is), with the demonstr. suffix ce ] points to something near or present, or which is conceived of as present, this.
    With subst.:

    hic homo sanus non est,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 246:

    rapidus fluvius est hic, non hac temere transiri potest... apud hunc fluvium, etc.,

    id. Bacch. 1, 1, 53:

    quid praeclarum putet in rebus humanis, qui haec deorum regna perspexerit? etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17:

    genus hoc,

    id. ib. 1, 25:

    hoc avunculo, atque in hac tam clara re publica natus,

    id. ib. 1, 19; cf.:

    quorum singuli saluti huic civitati fuerunt, et qui sunt procul ab aetatis hujus memoria,

    id. ib. 1, 1:

    his libris,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    hae feriae,

    id. ib. 1, 9; 1, 20; cf.:

    hoc otio,

    id. ib. 9 fin.:

    haec caelestia vel studiosissime solet quaerere,

    id. ib. 1, 10:

    ad haec cituma,

    id. ib. 1, 21:

    hic vir,

    Liv. 7, 39, 12.—
    Absol. (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 520):

    hic insidiantes vigilant, Enn. l. l.: hi domum me ad se auferent,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 94: non mihi videtur, quod hi venerunt, alius nobis sermo esse quaerendus, sed agendum accuratius, et dicendum dignum aliquid horum auribus, Cic. Rep. 1, 13:

    feceris (ut etiam pro his dicam) nobis gratum omnibus,

    id. ib. 1, 21 fin.:

    hoc ubi Amphitruo erus conspicatus est, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 87:

    docere hoc poterat ille homines paene agrestes, et apud imperitos audebat haec dicere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 15:

    dixerat hoc ille, cum, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 12:

    haec Scipio cum dixisset,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 7.—
    More emphatic, in the original full form, hīce, haece, hōce (not, as formerly written, hicce, haecce, hocce; in gen. sing. HVIVSQVE; in nom. plur. hisce, like ieis = ei, and ques = qui, see below; and apocopated in nom. plur. fem. haec for haece, and in gen. plur. horunc, harunc, for horunce, harunce);

    and, with the interrogative particle, hicine, haecine, hocine (mostly ante - class.): hoce haud dubium est quin, etc.,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 17:

    eum hinc profugiens vendidit in Alide Patri hujusce,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 10; so,


    id. Poen. prol. 120; 5, 4, 76; 87; cf.:

    atque hujusce rei judicium jam continuo video futurum,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 14, 47:

    hisce homines ubi habitent,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 36; v. Ritschl ad h. l.; so,


    id. Ps. 1, 5, 125; id. Capt. prol. 35 Fleck.; id. Rud. 2, 1, 5 ib., and perh. also id. Mil. 4, 8, 24 (Ritschl, hice): hice, Att. ap. Non. 15, 29 (Trag. Rel. v. 122 Rib.); Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    haec aedes,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 1, 53; 3, 1, 117; so,

    haec sunt atque aliae multae in magnis dotibus Incommoditates,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 58:

    haec (puellae),

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 34:

    haec sententiae,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 22; 3, 34, 84; Lucr. 3, 601; Verg. G. 3, 305; cf. Bentl. Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 24:

    aliut posticum harunce aedium,

    Plaut. Stich. 3, 1, 41; cf.:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Most. 2, 1, 57:

    sine opera tua nihil di horunc facere possunt,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 53:


    id. Poen. 3, 1, 48; Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 97; id. Phorm. 3, 2, 33:

    cedo signum, si harunc Baccharum es,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 25:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Merc. 5, 1, 3:

    hisce ego Placidum ted hodie reddam,

    id. Curc. 5, 3, 48; cf.:

    quid dicam hisce, incertus sum,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 4, 36:

    tu ab hisce rebus animum avoca,

    Sulp. in Cic. Fam. 4, 5, 5; so,


    Plaut. Cas. 2, 7, 13; id. Most. 1, 3, 81; 1, 4, 23; 2, 2, 71; 4, 2, 35 et saep.: Thr. Tu hosce instrue. Gn Illuc est sapere! ut hosce instruxit, Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 11; so,


    id. ib. 1, 2, 71; id. Heaut. 3, 2, 3; 4, 5, 4; id. Ad. 5, 7, 5; id. Phorm. 4, 3, 4:

    apud hasce aedes,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 194; so,


    id. As. 2, 3, 1; id. Aul. 2, 4, 2; 2, 8, 15; id. Capt. 4, 2, 51; id. Bacch. 4, 6, 17 et saep.—

    With the interrog. particle: hicin' Achilles est?

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 61; so,


    id. Pers. 5, 2, 49; cf.:

    hicine vir patriae natus usquam nisi in patria morietur?

    Cic. Mil. 38, 104 et saep.:


    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 206; id. Ep. 4, 2, 5; 5, 1, 15; id. Pers. 4, 3, 75; Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 5; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 24:

    huncine hominem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 68; cf.:

    huncine hominem! hancine impudentiam! judices, hanc audaciam!

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 25, § 62:

    hocine hic pacto potest Inhibere imperium magister?

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 43:

    o Juppiter, hoscine mores!

    Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 40:

    hacine victoria sola aut hac praeda contenti estis futuri,

    Liv. 10, 17, 5; Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 3;

    so in the shorter form, hicne,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 141:

    ex hocne equo,

    id. Fat. 3, 5:

    cum hocne,

    id. Att. 9, 7, 3:

    ex hacne natura,

    id. Tusc. 1, 25, 62: haece locutus, Enn. ap. Gell. 12, 4 (Ann. v. 239 Vahl.) al.—So, Fortuna hujusce diei, as a particular deity, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 54;

    in inscrr. also written HVIVSQVE DIEI,

    Inscr. Orell. 5; cf.:


    id. ib. 1580; 2300;


    id. ib. 2488.—
    With other pronouns:

    hos eosdem motus perturbationes dixerimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 4, 7; cf.:

    cum idem hoc visum diceretur,

    id. Rep. 1, 14:

    hoc idem fit in reliquis civitatibus,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 15, 2; id. B. C. 1, 74, 5; Quint. 8, 4, 17:

    haec eadem centurionibus tribunisque militum mandabant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 17 fin.:

    haec eadem genera,

    Quint. 6, 3, 54:

    hoc ipsum civile jus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    sed hoc ipsum ex superiore pendet quaestione,

    Quint. 2, 1, 8; 8, 3, 45:

    ad hunc eum ipsum,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 1, 2 Goer. N. cr.; cf.:

    idem hoc ipsum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 9, 26:

    huic illi legato,

    id. Fl. 22, 52:

    hunc illum fatis Portendi generum,

    Verg. A. 7, 255; cf.:

    hic est enim ille vultus semper idem, quem, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 15, 31:

    hic est ille status quantitatis,

    Quint. 7, 4, 15: haec est illa, quae deinôsis vocatur, id. 6, 2, 24:

    hujus istius facti stultitia,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 9, 24:

    ista haec epigrammata,

    Sid. Ep. 2, 10: hunc talem virum, Cic. fil. ap. Cic. Fam. 16, 21, 3:

    callidum quendam hunc,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 50, 218.—
    Opp. to ille, iste, less freq. to hic, alter, alius, etc., this, the latter, to indicate the nearer object (which is to be determined not so much by the phraseology as by the thought; so that hic may refer to that noun whose position in the sentence is the more remote, but which is the most closely connected with the speaker, and of the most importance to him, in which case it is to be rendered by that, the former, etc.):

    ejusdem esse, qui in illa re peccarit, hoc quoque admisisse,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 16, 50:

    in his undis et tempestatibus ad summam senectutem maluit jactari, quam in illa tranquillitate atque otio jucundissime vivere,

    id. Rep. 1, 1:

    si deerunt haec remedia, ad illa declinandum est,

    Quint. 7, 2, 30:

    cum hic testamento, ille proximitate nitatur,

    id. 3, 6, 95:

    in his judicem sibi, in illis alii credere,

    id. 5, 7, 33:

    haec pars perorationis accusatori patronoque ex aequo communis est. Affectibus quoque iisdem fere utuntur: sed varius hic, ille saepius ac magis,

    id. 6, 1, 8; cf. id. 6, 2, 12; 17:

    cum tu ista caelestia de Scipione quaesieris, ego autem haec, quae videntur ante oculos, esse magis putem quaerenda,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 19; id. Fam. 2, 11, 1:

    iisdem enim hic sapiens, de quo loquor, oculis, quibus iste vester, caelum, terram, mare intuebitur,

    id. Ac. 2, 33, 105:

    si hoc loco scripsisset, isto verbo usus non esset, non isto loco verbum istud collocasset,

    id. Inv. 2, 41, 121:

    has igitur tot sententias ut omittamus, haec nunc videamus, quae diu multumque defensa sunt,

    id. Ac. 2, 42, 130:

    Caesar facile diceret: Hic versus Plauti non est, hic est,

    this... that, id. Fam. 9, 16, 4:

    ego hoc dico. adversarius hoc,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:

    vendidit hic auro patriam... Hic thalamum invasit natae,

    Verg. A. 6, 621 sq.:

    hi molium objectus, hi proximas scaphas scandere,

    Tac. A. 14, 8:

    quid responsuri sint adversarii his et his... cum sciret haec et haec,

    Quint. 6, 1, 3 sq.:

    interim quaeritur: hoc an hoc? furtum an sacrilegium?

    id. 7, 3, 9:

    alter (Roscius) plurimarum palmarum vetus ac nobilis gladiator habetur, hic autem nuper se ad eum lanistam contulit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 6, 17:

    occupat hic collem, cymba sedet alter adunca,

    Ov. M. 1, 293.—
    Referring to that which in the speaker's mind is the nearer object, although by the position of the words it is the more remote: quam ob rem cave Catoni anteponas ne istum quidem ipsum, quem Apollo sapientissimum judicavit (i. e. Socratem): Hujus enim (i. e. Catonis, of the former) facta, illius (i. e. Socratis) dicta laudantur, Cic. Lael. 2, 10; id. Rosc. Com. 2, 7:

    hanc posteriorem (artem) et Stoici et Peripatetici, priorem autem illi (i. e. Peripatetici) egregie tradiderunt, hi (i. e. Stoici) ne attigerunt quidem,

    id. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    hoc Cicero atque Asinius certatim sunt usi: pro Scauro hic, ille pro filio,

    Quint. 6, 1, 21; 3, 10, 1:

    melior tutiorque est certa pax quam sperata victoria: haec in tua, illa in deorum manu est,

    the former... the latter, Liv. 30, 30, 19:

    quocumque aspicio, nihil est, nisi pontus et aer: Fluctibus hic tumidus, nubibus ille minax,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 24; id. M. 1, 697.—
    In the neutr. sing. subst., with gen.:

    quid hoc hominist?

    Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 26; cf. Ter. Eun. 3, 4, 8:

    quid hoc morbi est?

    id. ib. 2, 1, 19:

    quid hoc est negoti?

    id. Ad. 4, 5, 71; cf. id. Eun. 3, 4, 6:

    hoc fructi pro labore ab his fero,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 16:

    edormiscam hoc villi,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 11:

    hoc commodi est, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 32, 91:

    hoc copiarum in Hispanias portatum est,

    Liv. 42, 18, 7:

    hoc servitutis injunxisse, ut, etc.,

    id. 5, 2, 8:

    hoc intervalli datum res tranquillas in urbe fecit,

    id. 3, 25, 4:

    hoc consilii,

    id. 5, 39, 6:

    hoc solacii,

    id. 30, 13, 13:

    hoc noctis,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 2; 11; 136.—
    Hoc with verbs impers., pleonast. as a subject (ante-class.):

    eamus, Amphitruo: lucescit hoc jam,

    there is daybreak, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 45: luciscit hoc jam, [p. 853] Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 1:

    lucet hoc,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 63; cf. id. Curc. 1, 3, 26.—
    Pregn. (qs. pointing to something with the finger), this, this... here (ante-class. and poet.); most freq. of the speaker himself, like the Gr. hode, for ego:

    hic homost omnium hominum praecipuos,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 1, 1:

    hic si quid nobis forte adversi evenerit, tibi erunt parata verba, huic homini verbera,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 115; so,

    huic homini, i. q. mihi,

    Plaut. Ep. 1, 2, 38:

    hic homo, i. q. ego,

    id. Curc. 2, 1, 33:

    hunc hominem, i. q. me,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 1; Hor. S. 1, 9, 47; cf.:

    vin' tu huic seni auscultare?

    Ter. Ad. 5, 7, 8; id. And. 2, 1, 10; Tib. 2, 6, 7:

    haec res,

    my property, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 106:

    hunc in collum,

    my neck, id. Pers. 4, 6, 9 Brix (Ritschl, huc): ni haec praesensisset canes, this dog, = ego, id. Trin. 1, 2, 135 Brix ad loc.—In neutr. absol.: tu quod te posterius purges hanc injuriam mihi nolle Factam esse, hujus non faciam, not so much, i. e. not the least, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 9.—
    With reference to time, of this time, now present, actual, this:

    cena hac annona est sine sacris hereditas,

    in the present scarcity, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 83:

    sed nondum haec, quae nunc tenet saeculum, neglegentia deum venerat,

    Liv. 3, 20:

    his temporibus,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 77, 1:

    M. Cato, hujus nostri Catonis pater,

    id. Off. 3, 16, 66; cf.:

    si potius ad antiquorum diligentiam, quam ad horum luxuriam dirigas aedificationem,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 13, 6 sq.:

    etenim qui haec vituperare volunt, Chrysogonum tantum posse queruntur,

    the present times, Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 138:

    ne horum quidem magnificentia operum,

    Liv. 1, 55 fin.;

    very rarely of time just ended: ante hos annos quadraginta,

    Plin. 14, 22, 28, § 143:

    ante hos sex menses,

    Phaedr. 1, 1, 10:

    ante hoc triduum,

    Front. Ep. ad M. Caes. 2, 5 init.; Aug. Serm. 270, 3.
    Very freq. referring to a thought that follows, and which may be expressed by a relative sentence, or by a sentence denoting the object, cause, or effect; with qui, quae, quod, an acc. and inf., quod, ut, ne, etc. (more clearly indicative than the determinative, is, ea, id; though freq. confounded with it in MSS. and editt.).
    With relat. clause:

    Qui hodie fuerim liber, eum nunc potivit pater Servitutis: hic, qui verna natust, conqueritur,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 24; cf.:

    eos, qui, etc.... his, qui, etc.... longe duco esse anteponendos,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    neque his contentus sum, quae de ista consultatione scripta nobis summi ex Graecia homines reliquerunt, neque ea, quae mihi videntur, anteferre illis audeo,

    id. ib. 1, 22:

    non est tibi his solis utendum existimationibus ac judiciis, qui nunc sunt, hominum, sed iis etiam, qui futuri sunt,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 15, § 43:

    quis hic est homo, quem ante aedis video hoc noctis?

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 136:

    unde in laboribus et periculis fortitudo? nempe ab his, qui, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2; 1, 17:

    haec quae sunt in hoc genere,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    mundus hic totus, quod domicilium di nobis dederunt,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    hoc autem sphaerae genus, in quo, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 14;

    1, 16: in his libris, quos legistis,

    id. Leg. 1, 9, 27; cf. id. Div. 1, 3, 5:

    quam quisque norit artem, in hac se exerceat,

    id. Tusc. 1, 18, 41 et saep.:

    lepide ipsi hi sunt capti, suis qui filiis fecere insidias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 90; cf. Cic. Tusc. 2, 1, 3; id. N. D. 1, 40, 113:

    servi, qui, cum culpa carint, tamen malum Metuont, hi solent esse eris utibiles,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 2, 2 sq.; cf. Cic. Rep. 1, 19:

    de Bruti amore etsi mihi nihil novi adfers: tamen hoc audio libentius, quo saepius,

    id. Att. 13, 36 fin.; cf.:

    is porro, quo generosior celsiorque est, hoc majoribus velut organis commovetur,

    Quint. 1, 2, 30:

    hoc primum videamus, quidnam sit, de altero sole quod nuntiatum est in senatu, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10; 1, 24:

    mire tractat hoc Cicero pro Milone quae facturus fuerit Clodius, si praeturam invasisset,

    Quint. 9, 2, 41.—
    With acc. and inf.:

    erat tunc haec nova et ignota ratio, solem lunae oppositum solere deficere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 16:

    sed hoc vir excellenti providentia sensit ac vidit, non esse opportunissimos situs maritimos urbibus iis, quae, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 3:

    hoc tantum admiror, Flavum, etc.,

    Quint. 7, 4, 40; 11, 1, 22:

    unum hoc definio, tantam esse necessitatem virtutis, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 1: hoc simul accipe dictum: Quorum..., Eorundem libertati me parcere certum est, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 204 Vahl.); cf.

    with appositive clause: sic hoc proloquar: Principio, ut illo advenimus, Continuo Amphitruo delegit viros, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 48:

    ut hoc: Non debes alienam uxorem optare,

    Quint. 7, 1, 25; cf. id. 9, 4, 97; 9, 2, 32.—
    With quod or quia:

    maxime hoc mihi mirum videri solet, quod, qui tranquillo mari gubernare se negent posse, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 6:

    quaesierat ex me Scipio, quidnam sentirem de hoc, quod duo soles visos esse constaret,

    id. ib. 1, 13; Quint. 9, 1, 1:

    propter hoc ipsum ostendenda non sunt, quod apparent,

    id. 12, 9, 6:

    nostri primo integris viribus fortiter repugnare... sed hoc superari, quod diuturnitate pugnae, etc.,

    in this that, herein that, Caes. B. G. 3, 4, 3; cf. Quint. 8, 3, 30:

    hoc ipso fidem detrahimus illis, quod sint tam gravia,

    id. 9, 2, 53:

    hoc ipso, quod,

    id. 4, 1, 54; 5, 11, 41; 6, 2, 16 et saep.: consilio vestro utar libenter, et hoc libentius, quod, etc., Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 8, C, 1; cf.:

    id hoc facilius eis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 2, 3:

    hoc esse miseriorem gravioremque fortunam Sequanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 32, 4; Quint. 5, 7, 22:

    hoc magis, quod (al. quia) illic ut litigatores loquimur frequentius,

    id. 6, 2, 36:

    hoc sese excruciat animi, Quia leno ademit cistulam ei,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 57:

    quod hoc etiam mirabilius debet videri, quia, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 12; cf.:

    hoc sunt exempla potentiora, quia, etc.,

    Quint. 10, 1, 15.—
    With ut or ne:

    nunc hoc me orare a vobis jussit Juppiter, ut conquistores, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 64; cf.:

    hoc quoque etiam mihi in mandatis dedit, Ut conquistores, etc.,

    id. ib. 81:

    atque hoc evenit In labore atque in dolore, ut mors obrepat interim,

    id. Ps. 2, 3, 19:

    nec enim hoc suscepi, ut, etc.... neque hoc polliceor me facturum, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 24:

    neque enim hac nos patria lege genuit aut educavit, ut... sed ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 4;

    for which: homines sunt hac lege generati, qui tuerentur, etc.,

    id. ib. 6, 15:

    quare hoc animo in nos esse debebis, ut aetas nostra, etc.,

    id. Fam. 2, 1 fin.; id. Off. 3, 5, 22; id. Rep. 1, 12:

    plurimum in hoc laboris exhausimus, ut ostenderemus, etc.,

    Quint. 8 praef. § 6; cf.:

    habenda fides est vel in hoc, ut, etc.,

    id. 11, 2, 51; so,

    in hoc, ut,

    id. 6, 3, 15; 10, 3, 29: hoc erit tibi argumentum semper in promptu situm: Ne quid exspectes amicos, quod tute agere possies, Enn. ap. Gell. 2, 29 fin. (Sat. v. 37 Vahl.); so,

    in hoc scilicet, ne suspectus his foret,

    Vell. 2, 41 fin.
    Hoc est serves to annex a more particular explanation of what has been said, that is, that is to say, namely:

    in hac causa dicam de eo prius, quod apud vos plurimum debet valere, hoc est, de voluntate eorum, quibus injuriae factae sunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    quadriennium, hoc est, ex quo tempore fundus veniit,

    id. Caecin. 7, 19; 34, 100:

    cum honos agebatur amplissimus familiae vestrae, hoc est, consulatus parentis tui,

    id. Sull. 17, 49; id. Fam. 5, 12, 8:

    primum quaero, qua ratione Naevius susceptum negotium non transegerit, hoc est, cur bona non vendiderit,

    id. Quint. 24, 76 et saep.—Sarcastically:

    ut haberet (Clodius) ad praeturam gerendam, hoc est, ad evertendam rem publicam plenum annum,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 24:

    at quam crebro usurpat Et consul et Antonius! Hoc est dicere: Et consul et homo impudicissimus, Et consul et homo nequissimus,

    id. Phil. 2, 28, 70.—
    Hoc est or ĕrat, quod, with the accessory idea of indignation or reproach, is or was it for this that, etc.:

    hoc erat, alma parens, quod me per tela, per ignis Eripis, ut mediis hostem in penetralibus... cernam?

    Verg. A. 2, 664; Petr. 93.—Hence,
    hāc, in this place, on this side, this way, here (class.): nunc Juppiter hac stat, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1 (Ann. v. 263 Vahl.); imitated by Verg. A. 12, 565: Ar. Hac quidem non venit. Le. Angiporto Illac per hortum circuit clam, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 151:

    nunc hac An illac eam, incerta sum consili,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 30:

    plenus rimarum sum: hac atque illac perfluo,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 25; cf.:

    hac illac circumcursa,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 1; and: mox hac atque illa rapti, Tac. Agr. 28:

    sequere hac, reducam te ubi fuisti,

    this way, hither, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 106; id. As. 4, 2, 1; id. Men. 4, 1, 4; id. Poen. 1, 2, 116; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; cf.:

    sequere hac me intus ad Glycerium nunc,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 14:

    sequere me ergo hac intro,

    id. Ad. 4, 3, 18:

    i hac mecum intro,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 56; 62; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 35 sq.:

    quin igitur ad illa spatia nostra pergimus?... Nos vero: et hac quidem adire si placet, per ripam et umbram,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 4, 14:

    ab oppido declivis locus tenui fastigio vergebat. Hac nostris erat receptus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45, 5; 2, 2, 3.—Hac-hac, for hac-illac ( poet.):

    namque videbat, uti bellantes Pergama circum Hac fugerent Grai, Hac Phryges,

    Verg. A. 1, 467 sq.; Prop. 1, 3, 13; rarely in full form with the interrog. particle ne:

    utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus?

    Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (cf. Ladewig, Anal. Scaen. p. 22). —
    hīc (old form heic; and with the interrog. part. ne, hicine), adv. loci, in this place, here.
    In space.

    hos quos videtis stare hic captivos duos, etc.... Senex qui hic habitat, etc.,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 1 sq.:

    ego jam dudum hic adsum,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 6, 5:

    quem praestolare hic ante ostium?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 5:

    hic propter hunc adsiste,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 15:

    hic tui omnes valent,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 20, 3:

    non modo hic, ubi, etc... sed, ubicumque, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 55, § 143:

    mons ibi arduus Nomine Parnasus... hic ubi Deucalion... parva rate vectus adhaesit,

    Ov. M. 1, 319:

    hic (sc. Carthagine) illius (Junonis) arma, Hic currus fuit,

    Verg. A. 1, 16 et saep.: Pa. Philocomasium hicine etiam nunc est? Pe Quom exibam, hic erat, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 25; cf.: Ch. Ubi ego sum? hicine an apud mortuos? Eut. Neque apud mortuos neque hic es, id. Merc. 3, 4, 17:


    id. Cist. 1, 1, 21; 4, 2, 80; Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 al.: Da. Cedo fenus, redde fenus, fenus reddite, etc.... Tr. Fenus illic, fenus hic, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 76:

    facile hic plus mali est, quam illic boni,

    Ter. And. 4, 3, 5; cf. id. Hec. 2, 1, 20:

    hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae,

    Verg. G. 1, 54:

    hic, illic, ubi mors deprenderat, exhalantes,

    Ov. M. 7, 581 (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 519).—With gen.:

    hic proxume viciniae,

    in this neighborhood, Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 2:

    modo vidi virginem hic viciniae miseram,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 45.—With ne: hicine libertatem aiunt aequam esse omnibus? is it here that, etc., Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 (cf. hic, I. B. fin.).—
    Transf., in this affair, on this occasion, in this particular, herein, here:

    hic, quantum in bello fortuna possit, cognosci potuit,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 35, 2; Cic. Verr. 1, 16, 49:

    hic tu tabulas desideras Heracliensium publicas,

    id. Arch. 4, 8; cf.:

    hic vos dubitabitis, judices,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 44, § 109:

    hic miramur, hunc hominem tantum excellere ceteris? etc.,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 13, 39:

    hic jam plura non dicam,

    id. ib. 9, 24; id. Planc. 41, 99; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 66 (cf. II. fin. infra):

    hic, ubi opus est, non verentur: illic, ubi nihil opus est, ibi verentur,

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 14:

    ut cum hic tibi satisfecerimus, istic quoque nostram in te benevolentiam navare possimus,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 10, 3.—Referring to the noun whose position in the sentence is the most remote (cf. I. D. 2.):

    alterius ducis causa melior videbatur, alterius erat firmior: hic omnia speciosa, illic valentia,

    Vell. 2, 49, 3.—
    Of time, i. q. nunc or tum, now, here; then, hereupon, at this time, at this juncture:

    hic reddes omnia,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 15:

    hic ego quid praedicem?

    Cic. Sest. 5, 12; id. Cat. 1, 10, 26:

    hic cum uterque me intueretur,

    id. Fin. 2, 1, 1; so,

    hic cum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 20, 60; Nep. Milt. 3, 3:

    hic tum Fabricius frequentes eos ad me domum adduxit,

    Cic. Clu. 17, 49; so, hic tum, id. ib 20, 56; 27, 73; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26 §

    66 al.: hic regina gravem poposcit pateram,

    Verg. A. 1, 728.—So very freq. to introduce the beginning of a speech: hic Laelius (inquit); hic Philus;

    hic Scipio, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 13, 23; 24 sq.; id. Fam. 1, 9, 10; 3, 8, 3; 5, 15, 4; id. Ac. 2, 4, 10; id. de Or. 2, 50, 202; Verg. A. 9, 246 et saep.—
    huc (access. form hoc), v. huc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > hic

  • 10 Hoc erat quod

    hīc, haec, hoc ( gen. hujus, monosyl., Plaut. Am. prol. 51; 96; 1, 1, 115; dat. huic, Sidon. Carm. 7, 145; Avien. Descr. Orb. 22; dat. sing. fem. hae rei, Cato, R. R. 14, 3; acc. HONC for hunc, C. I. L. 1, 32; nom. plur. hic, Enn. ap. Philarg. ad Verg. G. 4, 230 = Ann. v. 414 Vahl.; Varr. L. L. 6, § 73 Mull.; fem. haec, v. infra, B. init.; dat. and abl. hibus, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 20; cf. Varr. L. L. 8, § 78 Mull.; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, p. 203 sqq.), pron. demonstr. [from the pronom. root i (whence also comes is), with the demonstr. suffix ce ] points to something near or present, or which is conceived of as present, this.
    With subst.:

    hic homo sanus non est,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 246:

    rapidus fluvius est hic, non hac temere transiri potest... apud hunc fluvium, etc.,

    id. Bacch. 1, 1, 53:

    quid praeclarum putet in rebus humanis, qui haec deorum regna perspexerit? etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17:

    genus hoc,

    id. ib. 1, 25:

    hoc avunculo, atque in hac tam clara re publica natus,

    id. ib. 1, 19; cf.:

    quorum singuli saluti huic civitati fuerunt, et qui sunt procul ab aetatis hujus memoria,

    id. ib. 1, 1:

    his libris,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    hae feriae,

    id. ib. 1, 9; 1, 20; cf.:

    hoc otio,

    id. ib. 9 fin.:

    haec caelestia vel studiosissime solet quaerere,

    id. ib. 1, 10:

    ad haec cituma,

    id. ib. 1, 21:

    hic vir,

    Liv. 7, 39, 12.—
    Absol. (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 520):

    hic insidiantes vigilant, Enn. l. l.: hi domum me ad se auferent,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 94: non mihi videtur, quod hi venerunt, alius nobis sermo esse quaerendus, sed agendum accuratius, et dicendum dignum aliquid horum auribus, Cic. Rep. 1, 13:

    feceris (ut etiam pro his dicam) nobis gratum omnibus,

    id. ib. 1, 21 fin.:

    hoc ubi Amphitruo erus conspicatus est, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 87:

    docere hoc poterat ille homines paene agrestes, et apud imperitos audebat haec dicere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 15:

    dixerat hoc ille, cum, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 12:

    haec Scipio cum dixisset,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 7.—
    More emphatic, in the original full form, hīce, haece, hōce (not, as formerly written, hicce, haecce, hocce; in gen. sing. HVIVSQVE; in nom. plur. hisce, like ieis = ei, and ques = qui, see below; and apocopated in nom. plur. fem. haec for haece, and in gen. plur. horunc, harunc, for horunce, harunce);

    and, with the interrogative particle, hicine, haecine, hocine (mostly ante - class.): hoce haud dubium est quin, etc.,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 17:

    eum hinc profugiens vendidit in Alide Patri hujusce,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 10; so,


    id. Poen. prol. 120; 5, 4, 76; 87; cf.:

    atque hujusce rei judicium jam continuo video futurum,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 14, 47:

    hisce homines ubi habitent,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 36; v. Ritschl ad h. l.; so,


    id. Ps. 1, 5, 125; id. Capt. prol. 35 Fleck.; id. Rud. 2, 1, 5 ib., and perh. also id. Mil. 4, 8, 24 (Ritschl, hice): hice, Att. ap. Non. 15, 29 (Trag. Rel. v. 122 Rib.); Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    haec aedes,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 1, 53; 3, 1, 117; so,

    haec sunt atque aliae multae in magnis dotibus Incommoditates,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 58:

    haec (puellae),

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 34:

    haec sententiae,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 22; 3, 34, 84; Lucr. 3, 601; Verg. G. 3, 305; cf. Bentl. Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 24:

    aliut posticum harunce aedium,

    Plaut. Stich. 3, 1, 41; cf.:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Most. 2, 1, 57:

    sine opera tua nihil di horunc facere possunt,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 53:


    id. Poen. 3, 1, 48; Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 97; id. Phorm. 3, 2, 33:

    cedo signum, si harunc Baccharum es,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 25:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Merc. 5, 1, 3:

    hisce ego Placidum ted hodie reddam,

    id. Curc. 5, 3, 48; cf.:

    quid dicam hisce, incertus sum,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 4, 36:

    tu ab hisce rebus animum avoca,

    Sulp. in Cic. Fam. 4, 5, 5; so,


    Plaut. Cas. 2, 7, 13; id. Most. 1, 3, 81; 1, 4, 23; 2, 2, 71; 4, 2, 35 et saep.: Thr. Tu hosce instrue. Gn Illuc est sapere! ut hosce instruxit, Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 11; so,


    id. ib. 1, 2, 71; id. Heaut. 3, 2, 3; 4, 5, 4; id. Ad. 5, 7, 5; id. Phorm. 4, 3, 4:

    apud hasce aedes,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 194; so,


    id. As. 2, 3, 1; id. Aul. 2, 4, 2; 2, 8, 15; id. Capt. 4, 2, 51; id. Bacch. 4, 6, 17 et saep.—

    With the interrog. particle: hicin' Achilles est?

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 61; so,


    id. Pers. 5, 2, 49; cf.:

    hicine vir patriae natus usquam nisi in patria morietur?

    Cic. Mil. 38, 104 et saep.:


    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 206; id. Ep. 4, 2, 5; 5, 1, 15; id. Pers. 4, 3, 75; Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 5; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 24:

    huncine hominem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 68; cf.:

    huncine hominem! hancine impudentiam! judices, hanc audaciam!

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 25, § 62:

    hocine hic pacto potest Inhibere imperium magister?

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 43:

    o Juppiter, hoscine mores!

    Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 40:

    hacine victoria sola aut hac praeda contenti estis futuri,

    Liv. 10, 17, 5; Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 3;

    so in the shorter form, hicne,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 141:

    ex hocne equo,

    id. Fat. 3, 5:

    cum hocne,

    id. Att. 9, 7, 3:

    ex hacne natura,

    id. Tusc. 1, 25, 62: haece locutus, Enn. ap. Gell. 12, 4 (Ann. v. 239 Vahl.) al.—So, Fortuna hujusce diei, as a particular deity, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 54;

    in inscrr. also written HVIVSQVE DIEI,

    Inscr. Orell. 5; cf.:


    id. ib. 1580; 2300;


    id. ib. 2488.—
    With other pronouns:

    hos eosdem motus perturbationes dixerimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 4, 7; cf.:

    cum idem hoc visum diceretur,

    id. Rep. 1, 14:

    hoc idem fit in reliquis civitatibus,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 15, 2; id. B. C. 1, 74, 5; Quint. 8, 4, 17:

    haec eadem centurionibus tribunisque militum mandabant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 17 fin.:

    haec eadem genera,

    Quint. 6, 3, 54:

    hoc ipsum civile jus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    sed hoc ipsum ex superiore pendet quaestione,

    Quint. 2, 1, 8; 8, 3, 45:

    ad hunc eum ipsum,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 1, 2 Goer. N. cr.; cf.:

    idem hoc ipsum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 9, 26:

    huic illi legato,

    id. Fl. 22, 52:

    hunc illum fatis Portendi generum,

    Verg. A. 7, 255; cf.:

    hic est enim ille vultus semper idem, quem, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 15, 31:

    hic est ille status quantitatis,

    Quint. 7, 4, 15: haec est illa, quae deinôsis vocatur, id. 6, 2, 24:

    hujus istius facti stultitia,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 9, 24:

    ista haec epigrammata,

    Sid. Ep. 2, 10: hunc talem virum, Cic. fil. ap. Cic. Fam. 16, 21, 3:

    callidum quendam hunc,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 50, 218.—
    Opp. to ille, iste, less freq. to hic, alter, alius, etc., this, the latter, to indicate the nearer object (which is to be determined not so much by the phraseology as by the thought; so that hic may refer to that noun whose position in the sentence is the more remote, but which is the most closely connected with the speaker, and of the most importance to him, in which case it is to be rendered by that, the former, etc.):

    ejusdem esse, qui in illa re peccarit, hoc quoque admisisse,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 16, 50:

    in his undis et tempestatibus ad summam senectutem maluit jactari, quam in illa tranquillitate atque otio jucundissime vivere,

    id. Rep. 1, 1:

    si deerunt haec remedia, ad illa declinandum est,

    Quint. 7, 2, 30:

    cum hic testamento, ille proximitate nitatur,

    id. 3, 6, 95:

    in his judicem sibi, in illis alii credere,

    id. 5, 7, 33:

    haec pars perorationis accusatori patronoque ex aequo communis est. Affectibus quoque iisdem fere utuntur: sed varius hic, ille saepius ac magis,

    id. 6, 1, 8; cf. id. 6, 2, 12; 17:

    cum tu ista caelestia de Scipione quaesieris, ego autem haec, quae videntur ante oculos, esse magis putem quaerenda,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 19; id. Fam. 2, 11, 1:

    iisdem enim hic sapiens, de quo loquor, oculis, quibus iste vester, caelum, terram, mare intuebitur,

    id. Ac. 2, 33, 105:

    si hoc loco scripsisset, isto verbo usus non esset, non isto loco verbum istud collocasset,

    id. Inv. 2, 41, 121:

    has igitur tot sententias ut omittamus, haec nunc videamus, quae diu multumque defensa sunt,

    id. Ac. 2, 42, 130:

    Caesar facile diceret: Hic versus Plauti non est, hic est,

    this... that, id. Fam. 9, 16, 4:

    ego hoc dico. adversarius hoc,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:

    vendidit hic auro patriam... Hic thalamum invasit natae,

    Verg. A. 6, 621 sq.:

    hi molium objectus, hi proximas scaphas scandere,

    Tac. A. 14, 8:

    quid responsuri sint adversarii his et his... cum sciret haec et haec,

    Quint. 6, 1, 3 sq.:

    interim quaeritur: hoc an hoc? furtum an sacrilegium?

    id. 7, 3, 9:

    alter (Roscius) plurimarum palmarum vetus ac nobilis gladiator habetur, hic autem nuper se ad eum lanistam contulit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 6, 17:

    occupat hic collem, cymba sedet alter adunca,

    Ov. M. 1, 293.—
    Referring to that which in the speaker's mind is the nearer object, although by the position of the words it is the more remote: quam ob rem cave Catoni anteponas ne istum quidem ipsum, quem Apollo sapientissimum judicavit (i. e. Socratem): Hujus enim (i. e. Catonis, of the former) facta, illius (i. e. Socratis) dicta laudantur, Cic. Lael. 2, 10; id. Rosc. Com. 2, 7:

    hanc posteriorem (artem) et Stoici et Peripatetici, priorem autem illi (i. e. Peripatetici) egregie tradiderunt, hi (i. e. Stoici) ne attigerunt quidem,

    id. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    hoc Cicero atque Asinius certatim sunt usi: pro Scauro hic, ille pro filio,

    Quint. 6, 1, 21; 3, 10, 1:

    melior tutiorque est certa pax quam sperata victoria: haec in tua, illa in deorum manu est,

    the former... the latter, Liv. 30, 30, 19:

    quocumque aspicio, nihil est, nisi pontus et aer: Fluctibus hic tumidus, nubibus ille minax,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 24; id. M. 1, 697.—
    In the neutr. sing. subst., with gen.:

    quid hoc hominist?

    Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 26; cf. Ter. Eun. 3, 4, 8:

    quid hoc morbi est?

    id. ib. 2, 1, 19:

    quid hoc est negoti?

    id. Ad. 4, 5, 71; cf. id. Eun. 3, 4, 6:

    hoc fructi pro labore ab his fero,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 16:

    edormiscam hoc villi,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 11:

    hoc commodi est, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 32, 91:

    hoc copiarum in Hispanias portatum est,

    Liv. 42, 18, 7:

    hoc servitutis injunxisse, ut, etc.,

    id. 5, 2, 8:

    hoc intervalli datum res tranquillas in urbe fecit,

    id. 3, 25, 4:

    hoc consilii,

    id. 5, 39, 6:

    hoc solacii,

    id. 30, 13, 13:

    hoc noctis,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 2; 11; 136.—
    Hoc with verbs impers., pleonast. as a subject (ante-class.):

    eamus, Amphitruo: lucescit hoc jam,

    there is daybreak, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 45: luciscit hoc jam, [p. 853] Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 1:

    lucet hoc,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 63; cf. id. Curc. 1, 3, 26.—
    Pregn. (qs. pointing to something with the finger), this, this... here (ante-class. and poet.); most freq. of the speaker himself, like the Gr. hode, for ego:

    hic homost omnium hominum praecipuos,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 1, 1:

    hic si quid nobis forte adversi evenerit, tibi erunt parata verba, huic homini verbera,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 115; so,

    huic homini, i. q. mihi,

    Plaut. Ep. 1, 2, 38:

    hic homo, i. q. ego,

    id. Curc. 2, 1, 33:

    hunc hominem, i. q. me,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 1; Hor. S. 1, 9, 47; cf.:

    vin' tu huic seni auscultare?

    Ter. Ad. 5, 7, 8; id. And. 2, 1, 10; Tib. 2, 6, 7:

    haec res,

    my property, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 106:

    hunc in collum,

    my neck, id. Pers. 4, 6, 9 Brix (Ritschl, huc): ni haec praesensisset canes, this dog, = ego, id. Trin. 1, 2, 135 Brix ad loc.—In neutr. absol.: tu quod te posterius purges hanc injuriam mihi nolle Factam esse, hujus non faciam, not so much, i. e. not the least, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 9.—
    With reference to time, of this time, now present, actual, this:

    cena hac annona est sine sacris hereditas,

    in the present scarcity, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 83:

    sed nondum haec, quae nunc tenet saeculum, neglegentia deum venerat,

    Liv. 3, 20:

    his temporibus,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 77, 1:

    M. Cato, hujus nostri Catonis pater,

    id. Off. 3, 16, 66; cf.:

    si potius ad antiquorum diligentiam, quam ad horum luxuriam dirigas aedificationem,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 13, 6 sq.:

    etenim qui haec vituperare volunt, Chrysogonum tantum posse queruntur,

    the present times, Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 138:

    ne horum quidem magnificentia operum,

    Liv. 1, 55 fin.;

    very rarely of time just ended: ante hos annos quadraginta,

    Plin. 14, 22, 28, § 143:

    ante hos sex menses,

    Phaedr. 1, 1, 10:

    ante hoc triduum,

    Front. Ep. ad M. Caes. 2, 5 init.; Aug. Serm. 270, 3.
    Very freq. referring to a thought that follows, and which may be expressed by a relative sentence, or by a sentence denoting the object, cause, or effect; with qui, quae, quod, an acc. and inf., quod, ut, ne, etc. (more clearly indicative than the determinative, is, ea, id; though freq. confounded with it in MSS. and editt.).
    With relat. clause:

    Qui hodie fuerim liber, eum nunc potivit pater Servitutis: hic, qui verna natust, conqueritur,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 24; cf.:

    eos, qui, etc.... his, qui, etc.... longe duco esse anteponendos,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    neque his contentus sum, quae de ista consultatione scripta nobis summi ex Graecia homines reliquerunt, neque ea, quae mihi videntur, anteferre illis audeo,

    id. ib. 1, 22:

    non est tibi his solis utendum existimationibus ac judiciis, qui nunc sunt, hominum, sed iis etiam, qui futuri sunt,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 15, § 43:

    quis hic est homo, quem ante aedis video hoc noctis?

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 136:

    unde in laboribus et periculis fortitudo? nempe ab his, qui, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2; 1, 17:

    haec quae sunt in hoc genere,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    mundus hic totus, quod domicilium di nobis dederunt,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    hoc autem sphaerae genus, in quo, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 14;

    1, 16: in his libris, quos legistis,

    id. Leg. 1, 9, 27; cf. id. Div. 1, 3, 5:

    quam quisque norit artem, in hac se exerceat,

    id. Tusc. 1, 18, 41 et saep.:

    lepide ipsi hi sunt capti, suis qui filiis fecere insidias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 90; cf. Cic. Tusc. 2, 1, 3; id. N. D. 1, 40, 113:

    servi, qui, cum culpa carint, tamen malum Metuont, hi solent esse eris utibiles,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 2, 2 sq.; cf. Cic. Rep. 1, 19:

    de Bruti amore etsi mihi nihil novi adfers: tamen hoc audio libentius, quo saepius,

    id. Att. 13, 36 fin.; cf.:

    is porro, quo generosior celsiorque est, hoc majoribus velut organis commovetur,

    Quint. 1, 2, 30:

    hoc primum videamus, quidnam sit, de altero sole quod nuntiatum est in senatu, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10; 1, 24:

    mire tractat hoc Cicero pro Milone quae facturus fuerit Clodius, si praeturam invasisset,

    Quint. 9, 2, 41.—
    With acc. and inf.:

    erat tunc haec nova et ignota ratio, solem lunae oppositum solere deficere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 16:

    sed hoc vir excellenti providentia sensit ac vidit, non esse opportunissimos situs maritimos urbibus iis, quae, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 3:

    hoc tantum admiror, Flavum, etc.,

    Quint. 7, 4, 40; 11, 1, 22:

    unum hoc definio, tantam esse necessitatem virtutis, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 1: hoc simul accipe dictum: Quorum..., Eorundem libertati me parcere certum est, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 204 Vahl.); cf.

    with appositive clause: sic hoc proloquar: Principio, ut illo advenimus, Continuo Amphitruo delegit viros, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 48:

    ut hoc: Non debes alienam uxorem optare,

    Quint. 7, 1, 25; cf. id. 9, 4, 97; 9, 2, 32.—
    With quod or quia:

    maxime hoc mihi mirum videri solet, quod, qui tranquillo mari gubernare se negent posse, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 6:

    quaesierat ex me Scipio, quidnam sentirem de hoc, quod duo soles visos esse constaret,

    id. ib. 1, 13; Quint. 9, 1, 1:

    propter hoc ipsum ostendenda non sunt, quod apparent,

    id. 12, 9, 6:

    nostri primo integris viribus fortiter repugnare... sed hoc superari, quod diuturnitate pugnae, etc.,

    in this that, herein that, Caes. B. G. 3, 4, 3; cf. Quint. 8, 3, 30:

    hoc ipso fidem detrahimus illis, quod sint tam gravia,

    id. 9, 2, 53:

    hoc ipso, quod,

    id. 4, 1, 54; 5, 11, 41; 6, 2, 16 et saep.: consilio vestro utar libenter, et hoc libentius, quod, etc., Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 8, C, 1; cf.:

    id hoc facilius eis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 2, 3:

    hoc esse miseriorem gravioremque fortunam Sequanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 32, 4; Quint. 5, 7, 22:

    hoc magis, quod (al. quia) illic ut litigatores loquimur frequentius,

    id. 6, 2, 36:

    hoc sese excruciat animi, Quia leno ademit cistulam ei,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 57:

    quod hoc etiam mirabilius debet videri, quia, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 12; cf.:

    hoc sunt exempla potentiora, quia, etc.,

    Quint. 10, 1, 15.—
    With ut or ne:

    nunc hoc me orare a vobis jussit Juppiter, ut conquistores, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 64; cf.:

    hoc quoque etiam mihi in mandatis dedit, Ut conquistores, etc.,

    id. ib. 81:

    atque hoc evenit In labore atque in dolore, ut mors obrepat interim,

    id. Ps. 2, 3, 19:

    nec enim hoc suscepi, ut, etc.... neque hoc polliceor me facturum, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 24:

    neque enim hac nos patria lege genuit aut educavit, ut... sed ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 4;

    for which: homines sunt hac lege generati, qui tuerentur, etc.,

    id. ib. 6, 15:

    quare hoc animo in nos esse debebis, ut aetas nostra, etc.,

    id. Fam. 2, 1 fin.; id. Off. 3, 5, 22; id. Rep. 1, 12:

    plurimum in hoc laboris exhausimus, ut ostenderemus, etc.,

    Quint. 8 praef. § 6; cf.:

    habenda fides est vel in hoc, ut, etc.,

    id. 11, 2, 51; so,

    in hoc, ut,

    id. 6, 3, 15; 10, 3, 29: hoc erit tibi argumentum semper in promptu situm: Ne quid exspectes amicos, quod tute agere possies, Enn. ap. Gell. 2, 29 fin. (Sat. v. 37 Vahl.); so,

    in hoc scilicet, ne suspectus his foret,

    Vell. 2, 41 fin.
    Hoc est serves to annex a more particular explanation of what has been said, that is, that is to say, namely:

    in hac causa dicam de eo prius, quod apud vos plurimum debet valere, hoc est, de voluntate eorum, quibus injuriae factae sunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    quadriennium, hoc est, ex quo tempore fundus veniit,

    id. Caecin. 7, 19; 34, 100:

    cum honos agebatur amplissimus familiae vestrae, hoc est, consulatus parentis tui,

    id. Sull. 17, 49; id. Fam. 5, 12, 8:

    primum quaero, qua ratione Naevius susceptum negotium non transegerit, hoc est, cur bona non vendiderit,

    id. Quint. 24, 76 et saep.—Sarcastically:

    ut haberet (Clodius) ad praeturam gerendam, hoc est, ad evertendam rem publicam plenum annum,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 24:

    at quam crebro usurpat Et consul et Antonius! Hoc est dicere: Et consul et homo impudicissimus, Et consul et homo nequissimus,

    id. Phil. 2, 28, 70.—
    Hoc est or ĕrat, quod, with the accessory idea of indignation or reproach, is or was it for this that, etc.:

    hoc erat, alma parens, quod me per tela, per ignis Eripis, ut mediis hostem in penetralibus... cernam?

    Verg. A. 2, 664; Petr. 93.—Hence,
    hāc, in this place, on this side, this way, here (class.): nunc Juppiter hac stat, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1 (Ann. v. 263 Vahl.); imitated by Verg. A. 12, 565: Ar. Hac quidem non venit. Le. Angiporto Illac per hortum circuit clam, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 151:

    nunc hac An illac eam, incerta sum consili,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 30:

    plenus rimarum sum: hac atque illac perfluo,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 25; cf.:

    hac illac circumcursa,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 1; and: mox hac atque illa rapti, Tac. Agr. 28:

    sequere hac, reducam te ubi fuisti,

    this way, hither, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 106; id. As. 4, 2, 1; id. Men. 4, 1, 4; id. Poen. 1, 2, 116; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; cf.:

    sequere hac me intus ad Glycerium nunc,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 14:

    sequere me ergo hac intro,

    id. Ad. 4, 3, 18:

    i hac mecum intro,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 56; 62; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 35 sq.:

    quin igitur ad illa spatia nostra pergimus?... Nos vero: et hac quidem adire si placet, per ripam et umbram,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 4, 14:

    ab oppido declivis locus tenui fastigio vergebat. Hac nostris erat receptus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45, 5; 2, 2, 3.—Hac-hac, for hac-illac ( poet.):

    namque videbat, uti bellantes Pergama circum Hac fugerent Grai, Hac Phryges,

    Verg. A. 1, 467 sq.; Prop. 1, 3, 13; rarely in full form with the interrog. particle ne:

    utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus?

    Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (cf. Ladewig, Anal. Scaen. p. 22). —
    hīc (old form heic; and with the interrog. part. ne, hicine), adv. loci, in this place, here.
    In space.

    hos quos videtis stare hic captivos duos, etc.... Senex qui hic habitat, etc.,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 1 sq.:

    ego jam dudum hic adsum,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 6, 5:

    quem praestolare hic ante ostium?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 5:

    hic propter hunc adsiste,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 15:

    hic tui omnes valent,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 20, 3:

    non modo hic, ubi, etc... sed, ubicumque, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 55, § 143:

    mons ibi arduus Nomine Parnasus... hic ubi Deucalion... parva rate vectus adhaesit,

    Ov. M. 1, 319:

    hic (sc. Carthagine) illius (Junonis) arma, Hic currus fuit,

    Verg. A. 1, 16 et saep.: Pa. Philocomasium hicine etiam nunc est? Pe Quom exibam, hic erat, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 25; cf.: Ch. Ubi ego sum? hicine an apud mortuos? Eut. Neque apud mortuos neque hic es, id. Merc. 3, 4, 17:


    id. Cist. 1, 1, 21; 4, 2, 80; Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 al.: Da. Cedo fenus, redde fenus, fenus reddite, etc.... Tr. Fenus illic, fenus hic, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 76:

    facile hic plus mali est, quam illic boni,

    Ter. And. 4, 3, 5; cf. id. Hec. 2, 1, 20:

    hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae,

    Verg. G. 1, 54:

    hic, illic, ubi mors deprenderat, exhalantes,

    Ov. M. 7, 581 (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 519).—With gen.:

    hic proxume viciniae,

    in this neighborhood, Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 2:

    modo vidi virginem hic viciniae miseram,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 45.—With ne: hicine libertatem aiunt aequam esse omnibus? is it here that, etc., Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 (cf. hic, I. B. fin.).—
    Transf., in this affair, on this occasion, in this particular, herein, here:

    hic, quantum in bello fortuna possit, cognosci potuit,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 35, 2; Cic. Verr. 1, 16, 49:

    hic tu tabulas desideras Heracliensium publicas,

    id. Arch. 4, 8; cf.:

    hic vos dubitabitis, judices,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 44, § 109:

    hic miramur, hunc hominem tantum excellere ceteris? etc.,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 13, 39:

    hic jam plura non dicam,

    id. ib. 9, 24; id. Planc. 41, 99; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 66 (cf. II. fin. infra):

    hic, ubi opus est, non verentur: illic, ubi nihil opus est, ibi verentur,

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 14:

    ut cum hic tibi satisfecerimus, istic quoque nostram in te benevolentiam navare possimus,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 10, 3.—Referring to the noun whose position in the sentence is the most remote (cf. I. D. 2.):

    alterius ducis causa melior videbatur, alterius erat firmior: hic omnia speciosa, illic valentia,

    Vell. 2, 49, 3.—
    Of time, i. q. nunc or tum, now, here; then, hereupon, at this time, at this juncture:

    hic reddes omnia,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 15:

    hic ego quid praedicem?

    Cic. Sest. 5, 12; id. Cat. 1, 10, 26:

    hic cum uterque me intueretur,

    id. Fin. 2, 1, 1; so,

    hic cum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 20, 60; Nep. Milt. 3, 3:

    hic tum Fabricius frequentes eos ad me domum adduxit,

    Cic. Clu. 17, 49; so, hic tum, id. ib 20, 56; 27, 73; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26 §

    66 al.: hic regina gravem poposcit pateram,

    Verg. A. 1, 728.—So very freq. to introduce the beginning of a speech: hic Laelius (inquit); hic Philus;

    hic Scipio, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 13, 23; 24 sq.; id. Fam. 1, 9, 10; 3, 8, 3; 5, 15, 4; id. Ac. 2, 4, 10; id. de Or. 2, 50, 202; Verg. A. 9, 246 et saep.—
    huc (access. form hoc), v. huc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Hoc erat quod

  • 11 Hoc est

    hīc, haec, hoc ( gen. hujus, monosyl., Plaut. Am. prol. 51; 96; 1, 1, 115; dat. huic, Sidon. Carm. 7, 145; Avien. Descr. Orb. 22; dat. sing. fem. hae rei, Cato, R. R. 14, 3; acc. HONC for hunc, C. I. L. 1, 32; nom. plur. hic, Enn. ap. Philarg. ad Verg. G. 4, 230 = Ann. v. 414 Vahl.; Varr. L. L. 6, § 73 Mull.; fem. haec, v. infra, B. init.; dat. and abl. hibus, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 20; cf. Varr. L. L. 8, § 78 Mull.; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, p. 203 sqq.), pron. demonstr. [from the pronom. root i (whence also comes is), with the demonstr. suffix ce ] points to something near or present, or which is conceived of as present, this.
    With subst.:

    hic homo sanus non est,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 246:

    rapidus fluvius est hic, non hac temere transiri potest... apud hunc fluvium, etc.,

    id. Bacch. 1, 1, 53:

    quid praeclarum putet in rebus humanis, qui haec deorum regna perspexerit? etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17:

    genus hoc,

    id. ib. 1, 25:

    hoc avunculo, atque in hac tam clara re publica natus,

    id. ib. 1, 19; cf.:

    quorum singuli saluti huic civitati fuerunt, et qui sunt procul ab aetatis hujus memoria,

    id. ib. 1, 1:

    his libris,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    hae feriae,

    id. ib. 1, 9; 1, 20; cf.:

    hoc otio,

    id. ib. 9 fin.:

    haec caelestia vel studiosissime solet quaerere,

    id. ib. 1, 10:

    ad haec cituma,

    id. ib. 1, 21:

    hic vir,

    Liv. 7, 39, 12.—
    Absol. (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 520):

    hic insidiantes vigilant, Enn. l. l.: hi domum me ad se auferent,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 94: non mihi videtur, quod hi venerunt, alius nobis sermo esse quaerendus, sed agendum accuratius, et dicendum dignum aliquid horum auribus, Cic. Rep. 1, 13:

    feceris (ut etiam pro his dicam) nobis gratum omnibus,

    id. ib. 1, 21 fin.:

    hoc ubi Amphitruo erus conspicatus est, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 87:

    docere hoc poterat ille homines paene agrestes, et apud imperitos audebat haec dicere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 15:

    dixerat hoc ille, cum, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 12:

    haec Scipio cum dixisset,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 7.—
    More emphatic, in the original full form, hīce, haece, hōce (not, as formerly written, hicce, haecce, hocce; in gen. sing. HVIVSQVE; in nom. plur. hisce, like ieis = ei, and ques = qui, see below; and apocopated in nom. plur. fem. haec for haece, and in gen. plur. horunc, harunc, for horunce, harunce);

    and, with the interrogative particle, hicine, haecine, hocine (mostly ante - class.): hoce haud dubium est quin, etc.,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 17:

    eum hinc profugiens vendidit in Alide Patri hujusce,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 10; so,


    id. Poen. prol. 120; 5, 4, 76; 87; cf.:

    atque hujusce rei judicium jam continuo video futurum,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 14, 47:

    hisce homines ubi habitent,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 36; v. Ritschl ad h. l.; so,


    id. Ps. 1, 5, 125; id. Capt. prol. 35 Fleck.; id. Rud. 2, 1, 5 ib., and perh. also id. Mil. 4, 8, 24 (Ritschl, hice): hice, Att. ap. Non. 15, 29 (Trag. Rel. v. 122 Rib.); Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    haec aedes,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 1, 53; 3, 1, 117; so,

    haec sunt atque aliae multae in magnis dotibus Incommoditates,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 58:

    haec (puellae),

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 34:

    haec sententiae,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 22; 3, 34, 84; Lucr. 3, 601; Verg. G. 3, 305; cf. Bentl. Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 24:

    aliut posticum harunce aedium,

    Plaut. Stich. 3, 1, 41; cf.:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Most. 2, 1, 57:

    sine opera tua nihil di horunc facere possunt,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 53:


    id. Poen. 3, 1, 48; Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 97; id. Phorm. 3, 2, 33:

    cedo signum, si harunc Baccharum es,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 25:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Merc. 5, 1, 3:

    hisce ego Placidum ted hodie reddam,

    id. Curc. 5, 3, 48; cf.:

    quid dicam hisce, incertus sum,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 4, 36:

    tu ab hisce rebus animum avoca,

    Sulp. in Cic. Fam. 4, 5, 5; so,


    Plaut. Cas. 2, 7, 13; id. Most. 1, 3, 81; 1, 4, 23; 2, 2, 71; 4, 2, 35 et saep.: Thr. Tu hosce instrue. Gn Illuc est sapere! ut hosce instruxit, Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 11; so,


    id. ib. 1, 2, 71; id. Heaut. 3, 2, 3; 4, 5, 4; id. Ad. 5, 7, 5; id. Phorm. 4, 3, 4:

    apud hasce aedes,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 194; so,


    id. As. 2, 3, 1; id. Aul. 2, 4, 2; 2, 8, 15; id. Capt. 4, 2, 51; id. Bacch. 4, 6, 17 et saep.—

    With the interrog. particle: hicin' Achilles est?

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 61; so,


    id. Pers. 5, 2, 49; cf.:

    hicine vir patriae natus usquam nisi in patria morietur?

    Cic. Mil. 38, 104 et saep.:


    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 206; id. Ep. 4, 2, 5; 5, 1, 15; id. Pers. 4, 3, 75; Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 5; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 24:

    huncine hominem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 68; cf.:

    huncine hominem! hancine impudentiam! judices, hanc audaciam!

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 25, § 62:

    hocine hic pacto potest Inhibere imperium magister?

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 43:

    o Juppiter, hoscine mores!

    Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 40:

    hacine victoria sola aut hac praeda contenti estis futuri,

    Liv. 10, 17, 5; Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 3;

    so in the shorter form, hicne,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 141:

    ex hocne equo,

    id. Fat. 3, 5:

    cum hocne,

    id. Att. 9, 7, 3:

    ex hacne natura,

    id. Tusc. 1, 25, 62: haece locutus, Enn. ap. Gell. 12, 4 (Ann. v. 239 Vahl.) al.—So, Fortuna hujusce diei, as a particular deity, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 54;

    in inscrr. also written HVIVSQVE DIEI,

    Inscr. Orell. 5; cf.:


    id. ib. 1580; 2300;


    id. ib. 2488.—
    With other pronouns:

    hos eosdem motus perturbationes dixerimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 4, 7; cf.:

    cum idem hoc visum diceretur,

    id. Rep. 1, 14:

    hoc idem fit in reliquis civitatibus,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 15, 2; id. B. C. 1, 74, 5; Quint. 8, 4, 17:

    haec eadem centurionibus tribunisque militum mandabant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 17 fin.:

    haec eadem genera,

    Quint. 6, 3, 54:

    hoc ipsum civile jus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    sed hoc ipsum ex superiore pendet quaestione,

    Quint. 2, 1, 8; 8, 3, 45:

    ad hunc eum ipsum,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 1, 2 Goer. N. cr.; cf.:

    idem hoc ipsum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 9, 26:

    huic illi legato,

    id. Fl. 22, 52:

    hunc illum fatis Portendi generum,

    Verg. A. 7, 255; cf.:

    hic est enim ille vultus semper idem, quem, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 15, 31:

    hic est ille status quantitatis,

    Quint. 7, 4, 15: haec est illa, quae deinôsis vocatur, id. 6, 2, 24:

    hujus istius facti stultitia,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 9, 24:

    ista haec epigrammata,

    Sid. Ep. 2, 10: hunc talem virum, Cic. fil. ap. Cic. Fam. 16, 21, 3:

    callidum quendam hunc,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 50, 218.—
    Opp. to ille, iste, less freq. to hic, alter, alius, etc., this, the latter, to indicate the nearer object (which is to be determined not so much by the phraseology as by the thought; so that hic may refer to that noun whose position in the sentence is the more remote, but which is the most closely connected with the speaker, and of the most importance to him, in which case it is to be rendered by that, the former, etc.):

    ejusdem esse, qui in illa re peccarit, hoc quoque admisisse,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 16, 50:

    in his undis et tempestatibus ad summam senectutem maluit jactari, quam in illa tranquillitate atque otio jucundissime vivere,

    id. Rep. 1, 1:

    si deerunt haec remedia, ad illa declinandum est,

    Quint. 7, 2, 30:

    cum hic testamento, ille proximitate nitatur,

    id. 3, 6, 95:

    in his judicem sibi, in illis alii credere,

    id. 5, 7, 33:

    haec pars perorationis accusatori patronoque ex aequo communis est. Affectibus quoque iisdem fere utuntur: sed varius hic, ille saepius ac magis,

    id. 6, 1, 8; cf. id. 6, 2, 12; 17:

    cum tu ista caelestia de Scipione quaesieris, ego autem haec, quae videntur ante oculos, esse magis putem quaerenda,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 19; id. Fam. 2, 11, 1:

    iisdem enim hic sapiens, de quo loquor, oculis, quibus iste vester, caelum, terram, mare intuebitur,

    id. Ac. 2, 33, 105:

    si hoc loco scripsisset, isto verbo usus non esset, non isto loco verbum istud collocasset,

    id. Inv. 2, 41, 121:

    has igitur tot sententias ut omittamus, haec nunc videamus, quae diu multumque defensa sunt,

    id. Ac. 2, 42, 130:

    Caesar facile diceret: Hic versus Plauti non est, hic est,

    this... that, id. Fam. 9, 16, 4:

    ego hoc dico. adversarius hoc,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:

    vendidit hic auro patriam... Hic thalamum invasit natae,

    Verg. A. 6, 621 sq.:

    hi molium objectus, hi proximas scaphas scandere,

    Tac. A. 14, 8:

    quid responsuri sint adversarii his et his... cum sciret haec et haec,

    Quint. 6, 1, 3 sq.:

    interim quaeritur: hoc an hoc? furtum an sacrilegium?

    id. 7, 3, 9:

    alter (Roscius) plurimarum palmarum vetus ac nobilis gladiator habetur, hic autem nuper se ad eum lanistam contulit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 6, 17:

    occupat hic collem, cymba sedet alter adunca,

    Ov. M. 1, 293.—
    Referring to that which in the speaker's mind is the nearer object, although by the position of the words it is the more remote: quam ob rem cave Catoni anteponas ne istum quidem ipsum, quem Apollo sapientissimum judicavit (i. e. Socratem): Hujus enim (i. e. Catonis, of the former) facta, illius (i. e. Socratis) dicta laudantur, Cic. Lael. 2, 10; id. Rosc. Com. 2, 7:

    hanc posteriorem (artem) et Stoici et Peripatetici, priorem autem illi (i. e. Peripatetici) egregie tradiderunt, hi (i. e. Stoici) ne attigerunt quidem,

    id. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    hoc Cicero atque Asinius certatim sunt usi: pro Scauro hic, ille pro filio,

    Quint. 6, 1, 21; 3, 10, 1:

    melior tutiorque est certa pax quam sperata victoria: haec in tua, illa in deorum manu est,

    the former... the latter, Liv. 30, 30, 19:

    quocumque aspicio, nihil est, nisi pontus et aer: Fluctibus hic tumidus, nubibus ille minax,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 24; id. M. 1, 697.—
    In the neutr. sing. subst., with gen.:

    quid hoc hominist?

    Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 26; cf. Ter. Eun. 3, 4, 8:

    quid hoc morbi est?

    id. ib. 2, 1, 19:

    quid hoc est negoti?

    id. Ad. 4, 5, 71; cf. id. Eun. 3, 4, 6:

    hoc fructi pro labore ab his fero,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 16:

    edormiscam hoc villi,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 11:

    hoc commodi est, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 32, 91:

    hoc copiarum in Hispanias portatum est,

    Liv. 42, 18, 7:

    hoc servitutis injunxisse, ut, etc.,

    id. 5, 2, 8:

    hoc intervalli datum res tranquillas in urbe fecit,

    id. 3, 25, 4:

    hoc consilii,

    id. 5, 39, 6:

    hoc solacii,

    id. 30, 13, 13:

    hoc noctis,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 2; 11; 136.—
    Hoc with verbs impers., pleonast. as a subject (ante-class.):

    eamus, Amphitruo: lucescit hoc jam,

    there is daybreak, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 45: luciscit hoc jam, [p. 853] Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 1:

    lucet hoc,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 63; cf. id. Curc. 1, 3, 26.—
    Pregn. (qs. pointing to something with the finger), this, this... here (ante-class. and poet.); most freq. of the speaker himself, like the Gr. hode, for ego:

    hic homost omnium hominum praecipuos,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 1, 1:

    hic si quid nobis forte adversi evenerit, tibi erunt parata verba, huic homini verbera,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 115; so,

    huic homini, i. q. mihi,

    Plaut. Ep. 1, 2, 38:

    hic homo, i. q. ego,

    id. Curc. 2, 1, 33:

    hunc hominem, i. q. me,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 1; Hor. S. 1, 9, 47; cf.:

    vin' tu huic seni auscultare?

    Ter. Ad. 5, 7, 8; id. And. 2, 1, 10; Tib. 2, 6, 7:

    haec res,

    my property, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 106:

    hunc in collum,

    my neck, id. Pers. 4, 6, 9 Brix (Ritschl, huc): ni haec praesensisset canes, this dog, = ego, id. Trin. 1, 2, 135 Brix ad loc.—In neutr. absol.: tu quod te posterius purges hanc injuriam mihi nolle Factam esse, hujus non faciam, not so much, i. e. not the least, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 9.—
    With reference to time, of this time, now present, actual, this:

    cena hac annona est sine sacris hereditas,

    in the present scarcity, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 83:

    sed nondum haec, quae nunc tenet saeculum, neglegentia deum venerat,

    Liv. 3, 20:

    his temporibus,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 77, 1:

    M. Cato, hujus nostri Catonis pater,

    id. Off. 3, 16, 66; cf.:

    si potius ad antiquorum diligentiam, quam ad horum luxuriam dirigas aedificationem,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 13, 6 sq.:

    etenim qui haec vituperare volunt, Chrysogonum tantum posse queruntur,

    the present times, Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 138:

    ne horum quidem magnificentia operum,

    Liv. 1, 55 fin.;

    very rarely of time just ended: ante hos annos quadraginta,

    Plin. 14, 22, 28, § 143:

    ante hos sex menses,

    Phaedr. 1, 1, 10:

    ante hoc triduum,

    Front. Ep. ad M. Caes. 2, 5 init.; Aug. Serm. 270, 3.
    Very freq. referring to a thought that follows, and which may be expressed by a relative sentence, or by a sentence denoting the object, cause, or effect; with qui, quae, quod, an acc. and inf., quod, ut, ne, etc. (more clearly indicative than the determinative, is, ea, id; though freq. confounded with it in MSS. and editt.).
    With relat. clause:

    Qui hodie fuerim liber, eum nunc potivit pater Servitutis: hic, qui verna natust, conqueritur,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 24; cf.:

    eos, qui, etc.... his, qui, etc.... longe duco esse anteponendos,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    neque his contentus sum, quae de ista consultatione scripta nobis summi ex Graecia homines reliquerunt, neque ea, quae mihi videntur, anteferre illis audeo,

    id. ib. 1, 22:

    non est tibi his solis utendum existimationibus ac judiciis, qui nunc sunt, hominum, sed iis etiam, qui futuri sunt,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 15, § 43:

    quis hic est homo, quem ante aedis video hoc noctis?

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 136:

    unde in laboribus et periculis fortitudo? nempe ab his, qui, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2; 1, 17:

    haec quae sunt in hoc genere,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    mundus hic totus, quod domicilium di nobis dederunt,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    hoc autem sphaerae genus, in quo, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 14;

    1, 16: in his libris, quos legistis,

    id. Leg. 1, 9, 27; cf. id. Div. 1, 3, 5:

    quam quisque norit artem, in hac se exerceat,

    id. Tusc. 1, 18, 41 et saep.:

    lepide ipsi hi sunt capti, suis qui filiis fecere insidias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 90; cf. Cic. Tusc. 2, 1, 3; id. N. D. 1, 40, 113:

    servi, qui, cum culpa carint, tamen malum Metuont, hi solent esse eris utibiles,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 2, 2 sq.; cf. Cic. Rep. 1, 19:

    de Bruti amore etsi mihi nihil novi adfers: tamen hoc audio libentius, quo saepius,

    id. Att. 13, 36 fin.; cf.:

    is porro, quo generosior celsiorque est, hoc majoribus velut organis commovetur,

    Quint. 1, 2, 30:

    hoc primum videamus, quidnam sit, de altero sole quod nuntiatum est in senatu, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10; 1, 24:

    mire tractat hoc Cicero pro Milone quae facturus fuerit Clodius, si praeturam invasisset,

    Quint. 9, 2, 41.—
    With acc. and inf.:

    erat tunc haec nova et ignota ratio, solem lunae oppositum solere deficere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 16:

    sed hoc vir excellenti providentia sensit ac vidit, non esse opportunissimos situs maritimos urbibus iis, quae, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 3:

    hoc tantum admiror, Flavum, etc.,

    Quint. 7, 4, 40; 11, 1, 22:

    unum hoc definio, tantam esse necessitatem virtutis, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 1: hoc simul accipe dictum: Quorum..., Eorundem libertati me parcere certum est, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 204 Vahl.); cf.

    with appositive clause: sic hoc proloquar: Principio, ut illo advenimus, Continuo Amphitruo delegit viros, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 48:

    ut hoc: Non debes alienam uxorem optare,

    Quint. 7, 1, 25; cf. id. 9, 4, 97; 9, 2, 32.—
    With quod or quia:

    maxime hoc mihi mirum videri solet, quod, qui tranquillo mari gubernare se negent posse, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 6:

    quaesierat ex me Scipio, quidnam sentirem de hoc, quod duo soles visos esse constaret,

    id. ib. 1, 13; Quint. 9, 1, 1:

    propter hoc ipsum ostendenda non sunt, quod apparent,

    id. 12, 9, 6:

    nostri primo integris viribus fortiter repugnare... sed hoc superari, quod diuturnitate pugnae, etc.,

    in this that, herein that, Caes. B. G. 3, 4, 3; cf. Quint. 8, 3, 30:

    hoc ipso fidem detrahimus illis, quod sint tam gravia,

    id. 9, 2, 53:

    hoc ipso, quod,

    id. 4, 1, 54; 5, 11, 41; 6, 2, 16 et saep.: consilio vestro utar libenter, et hoc libentius, quod, etc., Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 8, C, 1; cf.:

    id hoc facilius eis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 2, 3:

    hoc esse miseriorem gravioremque fortunam Sequanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 32, 4; Quint. 5, 7, 22:

    hoc magis, quod (al. quia) illic ut litigatores loquimur frequentius,

    id. 6, 2, 36:

    hoc sese excruciat animi, Quia leno ademit cistulam ei,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 57:

    quod hoc etiam mirabilius debet videri, quia, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 12; cf.:

    hoc sunt exempla potentiora, quia, etc.,

    Quint. 10, 1, 15.—
    With ut or ne:

    nunc hoc me orare a vobis jussit Juppiter, ut conquistores, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 64; cf.:

    hoc quoque etiam mihi in mandatis dedit, Ut conquistores, etc.,

    id. ib. 81:

    atque hoc evenit In labore atque in dolore, ut mors obrepat interim,

    id. Ps. 2, 3, 19:

    nec enim hoc suscepi, ut, etc.... neque hoc polliceor me facturum, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 24:

    neque enim hac nos patria lege genuit aut educavit, ut... sed ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 4;

    for which: homines sunt hac lege generati, qui tuerentur, etc.,

    id. ib. 6, 15:

    quare hoc animo in nos esse debebis, ut aetas nostra, etc.,

    id. Fam. 2, 1 fin.; id. Off. 3, 5, 22; id. Rep. 1, 12:

    plurimum in hoc laboris exhausimus, ut ostenderemus, etc.,

    Quint. 8 praef. § 6; cf.:

    habenda fides est vel in hoc, ut, etc.,

    id. 11, 2, 51; so,

    in hoc, ut,

    id. 6, 3, 15; 10, 3, 29: hoc erit tibi argumentum semper in promptu situm: Ne quid exspectes amicos, quod tute agere possies, Enn. ap. Gell. 2, 29 fin. (Sat. v. 37 Vahl.); so,

    in hoc scilicet, ne suspectus his foret,

    Vell. 2, 41 fin.
    Hoc est serves to annex a more particular explanation of what has been said, that is, that is to say, namely:

    in hac causa dicam de eo prius, quod apud vos plurimum debet valere, hoc est, de voluntate eorum, quibus injuriae factae sunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    quadriennium, hoc est, ex quo tempore fundus veniit,

    id. Caecin. 7, 19; 34, 100:

    cum honos agebatur amplissimus familiae vestrae, hoc est, consulatus parentis tui,

    id. Sull. 17, 49; id. Fam. 5, 12, 8:

    primum quaero, qua ratione Naevius susceptum negotium non transegerit, hoc est, cur bona non vendiderit,

    id. Quint. 24, 76 et saep.—Sarcastically:

    ut haberet (Clodius) ad praeturam gerendam, hoc est, ad evertendam rem publicam plenum annum,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 24:

    at quam crebro usurpat Et consul et Antonius! Hoc est dicere: Et consul et homo impudicissimus, Et consul et homo nequissimus,

    id. Phil. 2, 28, 70.—
    Hoc est or ĕrat, quod, with the accessory idea of indignation or reproach, is or was it for this that, etc.:

    hoc erat, alma parens, quod me per tela, per ignis Eripis, ut mediis hostem in penetralibus... cernam?

    Verg. A. 2, 664; Petr. 93.—Hence,
    hāc, in this place, on this side, this way, here (class.): nunc Juppiter hac stat, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1 (Ann. v. 263 Vahl.); imitated by Verg. A. 12, 565: Ar. Hac quidem non venit. Le. Angiporto Illac per hortum circuit clam, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 151:

    nunc hac An illac eam, incerta sum consili,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 30:

    plenus rimarum sum: hac atque illac perfluo,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 25; cf.:

    hac illac circumcursa,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 1; and: mox hac atque illa rapti, Tac. Agr. 28:

    sequere hac, reducam te ubi fuisti,

    this way, hither, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 106; id. As. 4, 2, 1; id. Men. 4, 1, 4; id. Poen. 1, 2, 116; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; cf.:

    sequere hac me intus ad Glycerium nunc,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 14:

    sequere me ergo hac intro,

    id. Ad. 4, 3, 18:

    i hac mecum intro,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 56; 62; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 35 sq.:

    quin igitur ad illa spatia nostra pergimus?... Nos vero: et hac quidem adire si placet, per ripam et umbram,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 4, 14:

    ab oppido declivis locus tenui fastigio vergebat. Hac nostris erat receptus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45, 5; 2, 2, 3.—Hac-hac, for hac-illac ( poet.):

    namque videbat, uti bellantes Pergama circum Hac fugerent Grai, Hac Phryges,

    Verg. A. 1, 467 sq.; Prop. 1, 3, 13; rarely in full form with the interrog. particle ne:

    utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus?

    Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (cf. Ladewig, Anal. Scaen. p. 22). —
    hīc (old form heic; and with the interrog. part. ne, hicine), adv. loci, in this place, here.
    In space.

    hos quos videtis stare hic captivos duos, etc.... Senex qui hic habitat, etc.,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 1 sq.:

    ego jam dudum hic adsum,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 6, 5:

    quem praestolare hic ante ostium?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 5:

    hic propter hunc adsiste,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 15:

    hic tui omnes valent,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 20, 3:

    non modo hic, ubi, etc... sed, ubicumque, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 55, § 143:

    mons ibi arduus Nomine Parnasus... hic ubi Deucalion... parva rate vectus adhaesit,

    Ov. M. 1, 319:

    hic (sc. Carthagine) illius (Junonis) arma, Hic currus fuit,

    Verg. A. 1, 16 et saep.: Pa. Philocomasium hicine etiam nunc est? Pe Quom exibam, hic erat, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 25; cf.: Ch. Ubi ego sum? hicine an apud mortuos? Eut. Neque apud mortuos neque hic es, id. Merc. 3, 4, 17:


    id. Cist. 1, 1, 21; 4, 2, 80; Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 al.: Da. Cedo fenus, redde fenus, fenus reddite, etc.... Tr. Fenus illic, fenus hic, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 76:

    facile hic plus mali est, quam illic boni,

    Ter. And. 4, 3, 5; cf. id. Hec. 2, 1, 20:

    hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae,

    Verg. G. 1, 54:

    hic, illic, ubi mors deprenderat, exhalantes,

    Ov. M. 7, 581 (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 519).—With gen.:

    hic proxume viciniae,

    in this neighborhood, Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 2:

    modo vidi virginem hic viciniae miseram,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 45.—With ne: hicine libertatem aiunt aequam esse omnibus? is it here that, etc., Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 (cf. hic, I. B. fin.).—
    Transf., in this affair, on this occasion, in this particular, herein, here:

    hic, quantum in bello fortuna possit, cognosci potuit,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 35, 2; Cic. Verr. 1, 16, 49:

    hic tu tabulas desideras Heracliensium publicas,

    id. Arch. 4, 8; cf.:

    hic vos dubitabitis, judices,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 44, § 109:

    hic miramur, hunc hominem tantum excellere ceteris? etc.,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 13, 39:

    hic jam plura non dicam,

    id. ib. 9, 24; id. Planc. 41, 99; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 66 (cf. II. fin. infra):

    hic, ubi opus est, non verentur: illic, ubi nihil opus est, ibi verentur,

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 14:

    ut cum hic tibi satisfecerimus, istic quoque nostram in te benevolentiam navare possimus,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 10, 3.—Referring to the noun whose position in the sentence is the most remote (cf. I. D. 2.):

    alterius ducis causa melior videbatur, alterius erat firmior: hic omnia speciosa, illic valentia,

    Vell. 2, 49, 3.—
    Of time, i. q. nunc or tum, now, here; then, hereupon, at this time, at this juncture:

    hic reddes omnia,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 15:

    hic ego quid praedicem?

    Cic. Sest. 5, 12; id. Cat. 1, 10, 26:

    hic cum uterque me intueretur,

    id. Fin. 2, 1, 1; so,

    hic cum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 20, 60; Nep. Milt. 3, 3:

    hic tum Fabricius frequentes eos ad me domum adduxit,

    Cic. Clu. 17, 49; so, hic tum, id. ib 20, 56; 27, 73; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26 §

    66 al.: hic regina gravem poposcit pateram,

    Verg. A. 1, 728.—So very freq. to introduce the beginning of a speech: hic Laelius (inquit); hic Philus;

    hic Scipio, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 13, 23; 24 sq.; id. Fam. 1, 9, 10; 3, 8, 3; 5, 15, 4; id. Ac. 2, 4, 10; id. de Or. 2, 50, 202; Verg. A. 9, 246 et saep.—
    huc (access. form hoc), v. huc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > Hoc est

  • 12 hoce

    hīc, haec, hoc ( gen. hujus, monosyl., Plaut. Am. prol. 51; 96; 1, 1, 115; dat. huic, Sidon. Carm. 7, 145; Avien. Descr. Orb. 22; dat. sing. fem. hae rei, Cato, R. R. 14, 3; acc. HONC for hunc, C. I. L. 1, 32; nom. plur. hic, Enn. ap. Philarg. ad Verg. G. 4, 230 = Ann. v. 414 Vahl.; Varr. L. L. 6, § 73 Mull.; fem. haec, v. infra, B. init.; dat. and abl. hibus, Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 20; cf. Varr. L. L. 8, § 78 Mull.; v. Neue, Formenl. 2, p. 203 sqq.), pron. demonstr. [from the pronom. root i (whence also comes is), with the demonstr. suffix ce ] points to something near or present, or which is conceived of as present, this.
    With subst.:

    hic homo sanus non est,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 246:

    rapidus fluvius est hic, non hac temere transiri potest... apud hunc fluvium, etc.,

    id. Bacch. 1, 1, 53:

    quid praeclarum putet in rebus humanis, qui haec deorum regna perspexerit? etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 17:

    genus hoc,

    id. ib. 1, 25:

    hoc avunculo, atque in hac tam clara re publica natus,

    id. ib. 1, 19; cf.:

    quorum singuli saluti huic civitati fuerunt, et qui sunt procul ab aetatis hujus memoria,

    id. ib. 1, 1:

    his libris,

    id. ib. 1, 7:

    hae feriae,

    id. ib. 1, 9; 1, 20; cf.:

    hoc otio,

    id. ib. 9 fin.:

    haec caelestia vel studiosissime solet quaerere,

    id. ib. 1, 10:

    ad haec cituma,

    id. ib. 1, 21:

    hic vir,

    Liv. 7, 39, 12.—
    Absol. (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 520):

    hic insidiantes vigilant, Enn. l. l.: hi domum me ad se auferent,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 2, 94: non mihi videtur, quod hi venerunt, alius nobis sermo esse quaerendus, sed agendum accuratius, et dicendum dignum aliquid horum auribus, Cic. Rep. 1, 13:

    feceris (ut etiam pro his dicam) nobis gratum omnibus,

    id. ib. 1, 21 fin.:

    hoc ubi Amphitruo erus conspicatus est, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 87:

    docere hoc poterat ille homines paene agrestes, et apud imperitos audebat haec dicere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 15:

    dixerat hoc ille, cum, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 12:

    haec Scipio cum dixisset,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    haec plurimis a me verbis dicta sunt, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 7.—
    More emphatic, in the original full form, hīce, haece, hōce (not, as formerly written, hicce, haecce, hocce; in gen. sing. HVIVSQVE; in nom. plur. hisce, like ieis = ei, and ques = qui, see below; and apocopated in nom. plur. fem. haec for haece, and in gen. plur. horunc, harunc, for horunce, harunce);

    and, with the interrogative particle, hicine, haecine, hocine (mostly ante - class.): hoce haud dubium est quin, etc.,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 17:

    eum hinc profugiens vendidit in Alide Patri hujusce,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 10; so,


    id. Poen. prol. 120; 5, 4, 76; 87; cf.:

    atque hujusce rei judicium jam continuo video futurum,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 14, 47:

    hisce homines ubi habitent,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 36; v. Ritschl ad h. l.; so,


    id. Ps. 1, 5, 125; id. Capt. prol. 35 Fleck.; id. Rud. 2, 1, 5 ib., and perh. also id. Mil. 4, 8, 24 (Ritschl, hice): hice, Att. ap. Non. 15, 29 (Trag. Rel. v. 122 Rib.); Ter. Eun. 2, 2, 38:

    haec aedes,

    Plaut. Most. 2, 1, 53; 3, 1, 117; so,

    haec sunt atque aliae multae in magnis dotibus Incommoditates,

    id. Aul. 3, 5, 58:

    haec (puellae),

    Ter. Eun. 3, 5, 34:

    haec sententiae,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 22; 3, 34, 84; Lucr. 3, 601; Verg. G. 3, 305; cf. Bentl. Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 24:

    aliut posticum harunce aedium,

    Plaut. Stich. 3, 1, 41; cf.:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Most. 2, 1, 57:

    sine opera tua nihil di horunc facere possunt,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 53:


    id. Poen. 3, 1, 48; Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 97; id. Phorm. 3, 2, 33:

    cedo signum, si harunc Baccharum es,

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 25:

    harunc aedium,

    id. Merc. 5, 1, 3:

    hisce ego Placidum ted hodie reddam,

    id. Curc. 5, 3, 48; cf.:

    quid dicam hisce, incertus sum,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 4, 36:

    tu ab hisce rebus animum avoca,

    Sulp. in Cic. Fam. 4, 5, 5; so,


    Plaut. Cas. 2, 7, 13; id. Most. 1, 3, 81; 1, 4, 23; 2, 2, 71; 4, 2, 35 et saep.: Thr. Tu hosce instrue. Gn Illuc est sapere! ut hosce instruxit, Ter. Eun. 4, 7, 11; so,


    id. ib. 1, 2, 71; id. Heaut. 3, 2, 3; 4, 5, 4; id. Ad. 5, 7, 5; id. Phorm. 4, 3, 4:

    apud hasce aedes,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 194; so,


    id. As. 2, 3, 1; id. Aul. 2, 4, 2; 2, 8, 15; id. Capt. 4, 2, 51; id. Bacch. 4, 6, 17 et saep.—

    With the interrog. particle: hicin' Achilles est?

    Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 61; so,


    id. Pers. 5, 2, 49; cf.:

    hicine vir patriae natus usquam nisi in patria morietur?

    Cic. Mil. 38, 104 et saep.:


    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 206; id. Ep. 4, 2, 5; 5, 1, 15; id. Pers. 4, 3, 75; Ter. Hec. 5, 2, 5; id. Phorm. 5, 8, 24:

    huncine hominem,

    Plaut. Ps. 1, 2, 68; cf.:

    huncine hominem! hancine impudentiam! judices, hanc audaciam!

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 25, § 62:

    hocine hic pacto potest Inhibere imperium magister?

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 43:

    o Juppiter, hoscine mores!

    Ter. Ad. 4, 7, 40:

    hacine victoria sola aut hac praeda contenti estis futuri,

    Liv. 10, 17, 5; Ter. Hec. 3, 1, 3;

    so in the shorter form, hicne,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 141:

    ex hocne equo,

    id. Fat. 3, 5:

    cum hocne,

    id. Att. 9, 7, 3:

    ex hacne natura,

    id. Tusc. 1, 25, 62: haece locutus, Enn. ap. Gell. 12, 4 (Ann. v. 239 Vahl.) al.—So, Fortuna hujusce diei, as a particular deity, Cic. Leg. 2, 11, 28; Plin. 34, 8, 19, § 54;

    in inscrr. also written HVIVSQVE DIEI,

    Inscr. Orell. 5; cf.:


    id. ib. 1580; 2300;


    id. ib. 2488.—
    With other pronouns:

    hos eosdem motus perturbationes dixerimus,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 4, 7; cf.:

    cum idem hoc visum diceretur,

    id. Rep. 1, 14:

    hoc idem fit in reliquis civitatibus,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 15, 2; id. B. C. 1, 74, 5; Quint. 8, 4, 17:

    haec eadem centurionibus tribunisque militum mandabant,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 17 fin.:

    haec eadem genera,

    Quint. 6, 3, 54:

    hoc ipsum civile jus,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    sed hoc ipsum ex superiore pendet quaestione,

    Quint. 2, 1, 8; 8, 3, 45:

    ad hunc eum ipsum,

    Cic. Ac. 1, 1, 2 Goer. N. cr.; cf.:

    idem hoc ipsum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 9, 26:

    huic illi legato,

    id. Fl. 22, 52:

    hunc illum fatis Portendi generum,

    Verg. A. 7, 255; cf.:

    hic est enim ille vultus semper idem, quem, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 15, 31:

    hic est ille status quantitatis,

    Quint. 7, 4, 15: haec est illa, quae deinôsis vocatur, id. 6, 2, 24:

    hujus istius facti stultitia,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 9, 24:

    ista haec epigrammata,

    Sid. Ep. 2, 10: hunc talem virum, Cic. fil. ap. Cic. Fam. 16, 21, 3:

    callidum quendam hunc,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 50, 218.—
    Opp. to ille, iste, less freq. to hic, alter, alius, etc., this, the latter, to indicate the nearer object (which is to be determined not so much by the phraseology as by the thought; so that hic may refer to that noun whose position in the sentence is the more remote, but which is the most closely connected with the speaker, and of the most importance to him, in which case it is to be rendered by that, the former, etc.):

    ejusdem esse, qui in illa re peccarit, hoc quoque admisisse,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 16, 50:

    in his undis et tempestatibus ad summam senectutem maluit jactari, quam in illa tranquillitate atque otio jucundissime vivere,

    id. Rep. 1, 1:

    si deerunt haec remedia, ad illa declinandum est,

    Quint. 7, 2, 30:

    cum hic testamento, ille proximitate nitatur,

    id. 3, 6, 95:

    in his judicem sibi, in illis alii credere,

    id. 5, 7, 33:

    haec pars perorationis accusatori patronoque ex aequo communis est. Affectibus quoque iisdem fere utuntur: sed varius hic, ille saepius ac magis,

    id. 6, 1, 8; cf. id. 6, 2, 12; 17:

    cum tu ista caelestia de Scipione quaesieris, ego autem haec, quae videntur ante oculos, esse magis putem quaerenda,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 19; id. Fam. 2, 11, 1:

    iisdem enim hic sapiens, de quo loquor, oculis, quibus iste vester, caelum, terram, mare intuebitur,

    id. Ac. 2, 33, 105:

    si hoc loco scripsisset, isto verbo usus non esset, non isto loco verbum istud collocasset,

    id. Inv. 2, 41, 121:

    has igitur tot sententias ut omittamus, haec nunc videamus, quae diu multumque defensa sunt,

    id. Ac. 2, 42, 130:

    Caesar facile diceret: Hic versus Plauti non est, hic est,

    this... that, id. Fam. 9, 16, 4:

    ego hoc dico. adversarius hoc,

    Quint. 4, 4, 8:

    vendidit hic auro patriam... Hic thalamum invasit natae,

    Verg. A. 6, 621 sq.:

    hi molium objectus, hi proximas scaphas scandere,

    Tac. A. 14, 8:

    quid responsuri sint adversarii his et his... cum sciret haec et haec,

    Quint. 6, 1, 3 sq.:

    interim quaeritur: hoc an hoc? furtum an sacrilegium?

    id. 7, 3, 9:

    alter (Roscius) plurimarum palmarum vetus ac nobilis gladiator habetur, hic autem nuper se ad eum lanistam contulit,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 6, 17:

    occupat hic collem, cymba sedet alter adunca,

    Ov. M. 1, 293.—
    Referring to that which in the speaker's mind is the nearer object, although by the position of the words it is the more remote: quam ob rem cave Catoni anteponas ne istum quidem ipsum, quem Apollo sapientissimum judicavit (i. e. Socratem): Hujus enim (i. e. Catonis, of the former) facta, illius (i. e. Socratis) dicta laudantur, Cic. Lael. 2, 10; id. Rosc. Com. 2, 7:

    hanc posteriorem (artem) et Stoici et Peripatetici, priorem autem illi (i. e. Peripatetici) egregie tradiderunt, hi (i. e. Stoici) ne attigerunt quidem,

    id. Fin. 4, 4, 10:

    hoc Cicero atque Asinius certatim sunt usi: pro Scauro hic, ille pro filio,

    Quint. 6, 1, 21; 3, 10, 1:

    melior tutiorque est certa pax quam sperata victoria: haec in tua, illa in deorum manu est,

    the former... the latter, Liv. 30, 30, 19:

    quocumque aspicio, nihil est, nisi pontus et aer: Fluctibus hic tumidus, nubibus ille minax,

    Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 24; id. M. 1, 697.—
    In the neutr. sing. subst., with gen.:

    quid hoc hominist?

    Plaut. Am. 2, 1, 26; cf. Ter. Eun. 3, 4, 8:

    quid hoc morbi est?

    id. ib. 2, 1, 19:

    quid hoc est negoti?

    id. Ad. 4, 5, 71; cf. id. Eun. 3, 4, 6:

    hoc fructi pro labore ab his fero,

    id. Ad. 5, 4, 16:

    edormiscam hoc villi,

    id. ib. 5, 2, 11:

    hoc commodi est, quod, etc.,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 32, 91:

    hoc copiarum in Hispanias portatum est,

    Liv. 42, 18, 7:

    hoc servitutis injunxisse, ut, etc.,

    id. 5, 2, 8:

    hoc intervalli datum res tranquillas in urbe fecit,

    id. 3, 25, 4:

    hoc consilii,

    id. 5, 39, 6:

    hoc solacii,

    id. 30, 13, 13:

    hoc noctis,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 2; 11; 136.—
    Hoc with verbs impers., pleonast. as a subject (ante-class.):

    eamus, Amphitruo: lucescit hoc jam,

    there is daybreak, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 45: luciscit hoc jam, [p. 853] Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 1:

    lucet hoc,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 63; cf. id. Curc. 1, 3, 26.—
    Pregn. (qs. pointing to something with the finger), this, this... here (ante-class. and poet.); most freq. of the speaker himself, like the Gr. hode, for ego:

    hic homost omnium hominum praecipuos,

    Plaut. Trin. 5, 1, 1:

    hic si quid nobis forte adversi evenerit, tibi erunt parata verba, huic homini verbera,

    Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 115; so,

    huic homini, i. q. mihi,

    Plaut. Ep. 1, 2, 38:

    hic homo, i. q. ego,

    id. Curc. 2, 1, 33:

    hunc hominem, i. q. me,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 4, 1; Hor. S. 1, 9, 47; cf.:

    vin' tu huic seni auscultare?

    Ter. Ad. 5, 7, 8; id. And. 2, 1, 10; Tib. 2, 6, 7:

    haec res,

    my property, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 106:

    hunc in collum,

    my neck, id. Pers. 4, 6, 9 Brix (Ritschl, huc): ni haec praesensisset canes, this dog, = ego, id. Trin. 1, 2, 135 Brix ad loc.—In neutr. absol.: tu quod te posterius purges hanc injuriam mihi nolle Factam esse, hujus non faciam, not so much, i. e. not the least, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 9.—
    With reference to time, of this time, now present, actual, this:

    cena hac annona est sine sacris hereditas,

    in the present scarcity, Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 83:

    sed nondum haec, quae nunc tenet saeculum, neglegentia deum venerat,

    Liv. 3, 20:

    his temporibus,

    Cic. Fam. 13, 77, 1:

    M. Cato, hujus nostri Catonis pater,

    id. Off. 3, 16, 66; cf.:

    si potius ad antiquorum diligentiam, quam ad horum luxuriam dirigas aedificationem,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 13, 6 sq.:

    etenim qui haec vituperare volunt, Chrysogonum tantum posse queruntur,

    the present times, Cic. Rosc. Am. 48, 138:

    ne horum quidem magnificentia operum,

    Liv. 1, 55 fin.;

    very rarely of time just ended: ante hos annos quadraginta,

    Plin. 14, 22, 28, § 143:

    ante hos sex menses,

    Phaedr. 1, 1, 10:

    ante hoc triduum,

    Front. Ep. ad M. Caes. 2, 5 init.; Aug. Serm. 270, 3.
    Very freq. referring to a thought that follows, and which may be expressed by a relative sentence, or by a sentence denoting the object, cause, or effect; with qui, quae, quod, an acc. and inf., quod, ut, ne, etc. (more clearly indicative than the determinative, is, ea, id; though freq. confounded with it in MSS. and editt.).
    With relat. clause:

    Qui hodie fuerim liber, eum nunc potivit pater Servitutis: hic, qui verna natust, conqueritur,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 24; cf.:

    eos, qui, etc.... his, qui, etc.... longe duco esse anteponendos,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2:

    neque his contentus sum, quae de ista consultatione scripta nobis summi ex Graecia homines reliquerunt, neque ea, quae mihi videntur, anteferre illis audeo,

    id. ib. 1, 22:

    non est tibi his solis utendum existimationibus ac judiciis, qui nunc sunt, hominum, sed iis etiam, qui futuri sunt,

    id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 15, § 43:

    quis hic est homo, quem ante aedis video hoc noctis?

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 136:

    unde in laboribus et periculis fortitudo? nempe ab his, qui, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 2; 1, 17:

    haec quae sunt in hoc genere,

    id. ib. 1, 11:

    mundus hic totus, quod domicilium di nobis dederunt,

    id. ib. 1, 13:

    hoc autem sphaerae genus, in quo, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 14;

    1, 16: in his libris, quos legistis,

    id. Leg. 1, 9, 27; cf. id. Div. 1, 3, 5:

    quam quisque norit artem, in hac se exerceat,

    id. Tusc. 1, 18, 41 et saep.:

    lepide ipsi hi sunt capti, suis qui filiis fecere insidias,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 90; cf. Cic. Tusc. 2, 1, 3; id. N. D. 1, 40, 113:

    servi, qui, cum culpa carint, tamen malum Metuont, hi solent esse eris utibiles,

    Plaut. Most. 4, 2, 2 sq.; cf. Cic. Rep. 1, 19:

    de Bruti amore etsi mihi nihil novi adfers: tamen hoc audio libentius, quo saepius,

    id. Att. 13, 36 fin.; cf.:

    is porro, quo generosior celsiorque est, hoc majoribus velut organis commovetur,

    Quint. 1, 2, 30:

    hoc primum videamus, quidnam sit, de altero sole quod nuntiatum est in senatu, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 10; 1, 24:

    mire tractat hoc Cicero pro Milone quae facturus fuerit Clodius, si praeturam invasisset,

    Quint. 9, 2, 41.—
    With acc. and inf.:

    erat tunc haec nova et ignota ratio, solem lunae oppositum solere deficere,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 16:

    sed hoc vir excellenti providentia sensit ac vidit, non esse opportunissimos situs maritimos urbibus iis, quae, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 3:

    hoc tantum admiror, Flavum, etc.,

    Quint. 7, 4, 40; 11, 1, 22:

    unum hoc definio, tantam esse necessitatem virtutis, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 1: hoc simul accipe dictum: Quorum..., Eorundem libertati me parcere certum est, Enn. ap. Cic. Off. 1, 12, 38 (Ann. v. 204 Vahl.); cf.

    with appositive clause: sic hoc proloquar: Principio, ut illo advenimus, Continuo Amphitruo delegit viros, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 48:

    ut hoc: Non debes alienam uxorem optare,

    Quint. 7, 1, 25; cf. id. 9, 4, 97; 9, 2, 32.—
    With quod or quia:

    maxime hoc mihi mirum videri solet, quod, qui tranquillo mari gubernare se negent posse, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 6:

    quaesierat ex me Scipio, quidnam sentirem de hoc, quod duo soles visos esse constaret,

    id. ib. 1, 13; Quint. 9, 1, 1:

    propter hoc ipsum ostendenda non sunt, quod apparent,

    id. 12, 9, 6:

    nostri primo integris viribus fortiter repugnare... sed hoc superari, quod diuturnitate pugnae, etc.,

    in this that, herein that, Caes. B. G. 3, 4, 3; cf. Quint. 8, 3, 30:

    hoc ipso fidem detrahimus illis, quod sint tam gravia,

    id. 9, 2, 53:

    hoc ipso, quod,

    id. 4, 1, 54; 5, 11, 41; 6, 2, 16 et saep.: consilio vestro utar libenter, et hoc libentius, quod, etc., Caes. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 8, C, 1; cf.:

    id hoc facilius eis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 2, 3:

    hoc esse miseriorem gravioremque fortunam Sequanorum quam reliquorum, quod soli, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 32, 4; Quint. 5, 7, 22:

    hoc magis, quod (al. quia) illic ut litigatores loquimur frequentius,

    id. 6, 2, 36:

    hoc sese excruciat animi, Quia leno ademit cistulam ei,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 3, 57:

    quod hoc etiam mirabilius debet videri, quia, etc.,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 3, 12; cf.:

    hoc sunt exempla potentiora, quia, etc.,

    Quint. 10, 1, 15.—
    With ut or ne:

    nunc hoc me orare a vobis jussit Juppiter, ut conquistores, etc.,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 64; cf.:

    hoc quoque etiam mihi in mandatis dedit, Ut conquistores, etc.,

    id. ib. 81:

    atque hoc evenit In labore atque in dolore, ut mors obrepat interim,

    id. Ps. 2, 3, 19:

    nec enim hoc suscepi, ut, etc.... neque hoc polliceor me facturum, ut, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 24:

    neque enim hac nos patria lege genuit aut educavit, ut... sed ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 1, 4;

    for which: homines sunt hac lege generati, qui tuerentur, etc.,

    id. ib. 6, 15:

    quare hoc animo in nos esse debebis, ut aetas nostra, etc.,

    id. Fam. 2, 1 fin.; id. Off. 3, 5, 22; id. Rep. 1, 12:

    plurimum in hoc laboris exhausimus, ut ostenderemus, etc.,

    Quint. 8 praef. § 6; cf.:

    habenda fides est vel in hoc, ut, etc.,

    id. 11, 2, 51; so,

    in hoc, ut,

    id. 6, 3, 15; 10, 3, 29: hoc erit tibi argumentum semper in promptu situm: Ne quid exspectes amicos, quod tute agere possies, Enn. ap. Gell. 2, 29 fin. (Sat. v. 37 Vahl.); so,

    in hoc scilicet, ne suspectus his foret,

    Vell. 2, 41 fin.
    Hoc est serves to annex a more particular explanation of what has been said, that is, that is to say, namely:

    in hac causa dicam de eo prius, quod apud vos plurimum debet valere, hoc est, de voluntate eorum, quibus injuriae factae sunt,

    Cic. Div. in Caecil. 4, 11:

    quadriennium, hoc est, ex quo tempore fundus veniit,

    id. Caecin. 7, 19; 34, 100:

    cum honos agebatur amplissimus familiae vestrae, hoc est, consulatus parentis tui,

    id. Sull. 17, 49; id. Fam. 5, 12, 8:

    primum quaero, qua ratione Naevius susceptum negotium non transegerit, hoc est, cur bona non vendiderit,

    id. Quint. 24, 76 et saep.—Sarcastically:

    ut haberet (Clodius) ad praeturam gerendam, hoc est, ad evertendam rem publicam plenum annum,

    Cic. Mil. 9, 24:

    at quam crebro usurpat Et consul et Antonius! Hoc est dicere: Et consul et homo impudicissimus, Et consul et homo nequissimus,

    id. Phil. 2, 28, 70.—
    Hoc est or ĕrat, quod, with the accessory idea of indignation or reproach, is or was it for this that, etc.:

    hoc erat, alma parens, quod me per tela, per ignis Eripis, ut mediis hostem in penetralibus... cernam?

    Verg. A. 2, 664; Petr. 93.—Hence,
    hāc, in this place, on this side, this way, here (class.): nunc Juppiter hac stat, Enn. ap. Macr. S. 6, 1 (Ann. v. 263 Vahl.); imitated by Verg. A. 12, 565: Ar. Hac quidem non venit. Le. Angiporto Illac per hortum circuit clam, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 151:

    nunc hac An illac eam, incerta sum consili,

    id. Rud. 1, 3, 30:

    plenus rimarum sum: hac atque illac perfluo,

    Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 25; cf.:

    hac illac circumcursa,

    id. Heaut. 3, 2, 1; and: mox hac atque illa rapti, Tac. Agr. 28:

    sequere hac, reducam te ubi fuisti,

    this way, hither, Plaut. Capt. 3, 5, 106; id. As. 4, 2, 1; id. Men. 4, 1, 4; id. Poen. 1, 2, 116; id. Rud. 1, 2, 94; cf.:

    sequere hac me intus ad Glycerium nunc,

    Ter. And. 5, 6, 14:

    sequere me ergo hac intro,

    id. Ad. 4, 3, 18:

    i hac mecum intro,

    Plaut. Bacch. 5, 2, 56; 62; Ter. Ad. 4, 2, 35 sq.:

    quin igitur ad illa spatia nostra pergimus?... Nos vero: et hac quidem adire si placet, per ripam et umbram,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 4, 14:

    ab oppido declivis locus tenui fastigio vergebat. Hac nostris erat receptus,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 45, 5; 2, 2, 3.—Hac-hac, for hac-illac ( poet.):

    namque videbat, uti bellantes Pergama circum Hac fugerent Grai, Hac Phryges,

    Verg. A. 1, 467 sq.; Prop. 1, 3, 13; rarely in full form with the interrog. particle ne:

    utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus?

    Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (cf. Ladewig, Anal. Scaen. p. 22). —
    hīc (old form heic; and with the interrog. part. ne, hicine), adv. loci, in this place, here.
    In space.

    hos quos videtis stare hic captivos duos, etc.... Senex qui hic habitat, etc.,

    Plaut. Capt. prol. 1 sq.:

    ego jam dudum hic adsum,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 6, 5:

    quem praestolare hic ante ostium?

    id. ib. 5, 6, 5:

    hic propter hunc adsiste,

    id. Ad. 2, 1, 15:

    hic tui omnes valent,

    Cic. Fam. 6, 20, 3:

    non modo hic, ubi, etc... sed, ubicumque, etc.,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 55, § 143:

    mons ibi arduus Nomine Parnasus... hic ubi Deucalion... parva rate vectus adhaesit,

    Ov. M. 1, 319:

    hic (sc. Carthagine) illius (Junonis) arma, Hic currus fuit,

    Verg. A. 1, 16 et saep.: Pa. Philocomasium hicine etiam nunc est? Pe Quom exibam, hic erat, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 25; cf.: Ch. Ubi ego sum? hicine an apud mortuos? Eut. Neque apud mortuos neque hic es, id. Merc. 3, 4, 17:


    id. Cist. 1, 1, 21; 4, 2, 80; Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 al.: Da. Cedo fenus, redde fenus, fenus reddite, etc.... Tr. Fenus illic, fenus hic, Plaut. Most. 3, 1, 76:

    facile hic plus mali est, quam illic boni,

    Ter. And. 4, 3, 5; cf. id. Hec. 2, 1, 20:

    hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae,

    Verg. G. 1, 54:

    hic, illic, ubi mors deprenderat, exhalantes,

    Ov. M. 7, 581 (cf. Krebs, Antibarb. p. 519).—With gen.:

    hic proxume viciniae,

    in this neighborhood, Plaut. Mil. 2, 3, 2:

    modo vidi virginem hic viciniae miseram,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 45.—With ne: hicine libertatem aiunt aequam esse omnibus? is it here that, etc., Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 29 (cf. hic, I. B. fin.).—
    Transf., in this affair, on this occasion, in this particular, herein, here:

    hic, quantum in bello fortuna possit, cognosci potuit,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 35, 2; Cic. Verr. 1, 16, 49:

    hic tu tabulas desideras Heracliensium publicas,

    id. Arch. 4, 8; cf.:

    hic vos dubitabitis, judices,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 44, § 109:

    hic miramur, hunc hominem tantum excellere ceteris? etc.,

    id. de Imp. Pomp. 13, 39:

    hic jam plura non dicam,

    id. ib. 9, 24; id. Planc. 41, 99; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26, § 66 (cf. II. fin. infra):

    hic, ubi opus est, non verentur: illic, ubi nihil opus est, ibi verentur,

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 14:

    ut cum hic tibi satisfecerimus, istic quoque nostram in te benevolentiam navare possimus,

    Cic. Fam. 3, 10, 3.—Referring to the noun whose position in the sentence is the most remote (cf. I. D. 2.):

    alterius ducis causa melior videbatur, alterius erat firmior: hic omnia speciosa, illic valentia,

    Vell. 2, 49, 3.—
    Of time, i. q. nunc or tum, now, here; then, hereupon, at this time, at this juncture:

    hic reddes omnia,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 15:

    hic ego quid praedicem?

    Cic. Sest. 5, 12; id. Cat. 1, 10, 26:

    hic cum uterque me intueretur,

    id. Fin. 2, 1, 1; so,

    hic cum,

    id. Tusc. 5, 20, 60; Nep. Milt. 3, 3:

    hic tum Fabricius frequentes eos ad me domum adduxit,

    Cic. Clu. 17, 49; so, hic tum, id. ib 20, 56; 27, 73; id. Verr. 2, 1, 26 §

    66 al.: hic regina gravem poposcit pateram,

    Verg. A. 1, 728.—So very freq. to introduce the beginning of a speech: hic Laelius (inquit); hic Philus;

    hic Scipio, etc.,

    Cic. Rep. 1, 13, 23; 24 sq.; id. Fam. 1, 9, 10; 3, 8, 3; 5, 15, 4; id. Ac. 2, 4, 10; id. de Or. 2, 50, 202; Verg. A. 9, 246 et saep.—
    huc (access. form hoc), v. huc.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > hoce

  • 13 mark

    I 1. noun
    1) (trace) Spur, die; (of finger, foot also) Abdruck, der; (stain etc.) Fleck, der; (scratch) Kratzer, der

    dirty mark — Schmutzfleck, der

    leave one's/its mark on something — (fig.) einer Sache (Dat.) seinen Stempel aufdrücken

    make one's/its mark — (fig.) sich (Dat.) einen Namen machen

    2) (affixed sign, indication, symbol) Zeichen, das; (in trade names) Typ, der (Technik)

    distinguishing mark — Kennzeichen, das

    Mark 2 version/model — Version/Modell 2

    be a mark of good taste/breeding — ein Zeichen guten Geschmacks/guter Erziehung sein

    something is the mark of a good writeran etwas (Dat.) erkennt man einen guten Schriftsteller

    3) (Sch.): (grade) Zensur, die; Note, die; (Sch., Sport): (unit of numerical award) Punkt, der

    get good/bad/35 marks in or for a subject — gute/schlechte Noten od. Zensuren/35 Punkte in einem Fach bekommen

    4) (line etc. to indicate position) Markierung, die
    5) (level) Marke, die

    reach the 15 % mark — die 15 %-Marke erreichen

    6) (Sport): (starting position) Startlinie, die

    on your marks! [get set! go!] — auf die Plätze! [Fertig! Los!]

    be quick/slow off the mark — einen guten/schlechten Start haben; (fig.) fix (ugs.) /langsam sein

    7) (target, desired object) Ziel, das

    hit the mark(fig.) ins Schwarze treffen

    be wide of the mark(lit. or fig.) danebentreffen

    be close to the mark(fig.) der Sache nahe kommen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (stain, dirty) Flecke[n] machen auf (+ Dat.); schmutzig machen; (scratch) zerkratzen
    2) (put distinguishing mark on, signal) kennzeichnen, markieren ( with mit)

    the bottle was marked ‘poison’ — die Flasche trug die Aufschrift "Gift"

    mark an item with its priceeine Ware auszeichnen od. mit einem Preisschild versehen

    3) (Sch.) (correct) korrigieren; (grade) benoten; zensieren

    mark time(Mil.; also fig.) auf der Stelle treten

    5) (characterize) kennzeichnen; charakterisieren
    6) (heed) hören auf (+ Akk.) [Person, Wort]

    [you] mark my words — höre auf mich; eins kann ich dir sagen; (as a warning) lass dir das gesagt sein

    7) (Brit. Sport): (keep close to) markieren (fachspr.), decken [Gegenspieler]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/45241/mark_down">mark down
    II noun
    (monetary unit) Mark, die
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) ((also Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark) the standard unit of German currency before the euro.)
    2) (a point given as a reward for good work etc: She got good marks in the exam.)
    3) (a stain: That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet.)
    4) (a sign used as a guide to position etc: There's a mark on the map showing where the church is.)
    5) (a cross or other sign used instead of a signature: He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead.)
    6) (an indication or sign of a particular thing: a mark of respect.)
    2. verb
    1) (to put a mark or stain on, or to become marked or stained: Every pupil's coat must be marked with his name; That coffee has marked the tablecloth; This white material marks easily.)
    2) (to give marks to (a piece of work): I have forty exam-papers to mark tonight.)
    3) (to show; to be a sign of: X marks the spot where the treasure is buried.)
    4) (to note: Mark it down in your notebook.)
    5) ((in football etc) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to prevent his getting the ball: Your job is to mark the centre-forward.)
    - marked
    - markedly
    - marker
    - marksman
    - marksmanship
    - leave/make one's mark
    - mark out
    - mark time
    * * *
    [mɑ:k, AM mɑ:rk]
    I. n
    1. (spot, stain) Fleck m; (on the skin) Mal nt; (when burnt) Brandmal nt geh; (scratch) Kratzer m, Schramme f; (trace) Spur f; (scar) Narbe f; (fingerprint, footprint) Abdruck m
    the wine left a permanent \mark on his shirt der Wein hinterließ bleibende Flecken auf seinem Hemd
    his fingers had left \marks all over the table auf dem Tisch waren überall seine Fingerabdrücke zu sehen
    dirt/paint \marks Schmutz-/Farbflecken pl
    2. (identifying feature) [Kenn]zeichen nt, Merkmal nt; ZOOL Kennung f; (on fur)
    \marks pl Zeichnung f
    it's the [distinguishing] \mark of a gentleman/good newspaper to... es zeichnet einen Gentleman/eine gute Zeitung aus [o man erkennt einen Gentleman/eine gute Zeitung daran], dass er/sie...
    the crime bears all the \marks of a planned murder alle Anzeichen weisen auf einen geplanten Mord hin
    distinguishing [or identifying] \marks unverwechselbare Kennzeichen
    3. ( fig: indication) Zeichen nt
    a \mark of appreciation/respect ein Zeichen nt der Wertschätzung/des Respekts
    adjusting \mark TECH Einstellmarke f
    5. (sign to distinguish) Zeichen nt
    \mark of origin Herkunftszeichen nt
    trade \mark Warenzeichen nt, Schutzmarke f
    6. (signature) Kreuz nt
    to make one's \mark [on sth] sein Kreuz [unter etw akk] setzen
    7. (for punctuation) Satzzeichen nt
    exclamation/quotation \mark Ausrufe-/Fragezeichen nt
    quotation \marks Anführungszeichen pl
    8. SCH (grade) Note f, Zensur f
    what \mark did you get for biology? was hast du in Biologie bekommen?
    no \marks for guessing who did this ( fig fam) es ist nicht schwer zu erraten, wer das gemacht hat
    to get bad/good \marks for sth schlechte/gute Noten für etw akk bekommen
    to get full \marks [for sth] BRIT, AUS die Bestnote [für etw akk] erhalten
    full \marks for guessing who I met at the party ( fig fam) hundert Punkte, wenn du drauf kommst, wen ich auf der Party getroffen habe fam
    9. no pl (required standard) Standard m, Norm f
    to be up to the \mark den Anforderungen [o Erwartungen] entsprechen
    to not feel up to the \mark nicht ganz auf der Höhe sein fam
    10. no pl ( fig: distinction) Rang m
    he is a man of \mark er ist eine Persönlichkeit von Rang
    11. (point) Marke f
    sales have already passed the million \mark die Verkaufszahlen haben die Millionenmarke bereits überschritten
    to be over the halfway \mark über die Hälfte geschafft haben
    12. ( also fig: target) Ziel nt, Zielscheibe f a. fig
    to be an easy \mark AM ( fig) leicht reinzulegen sein fam
    to be wide of [or quite off] the \mark das Ziel um Längen verfehlen a. fig
    to hit the \mark [genau] ins Schwarze treffen a. fig
    to miss the \mark vorbeischießen; ( fig) seinen Zweck verfehlen
    to overshoot the \mark über das Ziel hinausschießen a. fig
    13. (in a race) Start m; (starting block) Startblock m; (starting line) Startlinie f
    on your \marks, get set, go! auf die Plätze, fertig, los!
    14. (version of a car) Modell nt
    a \mark 4 Escort ein Escort Modell 4
    15. COMPUT Marke f fachspr
    to leave its/one's \mark on sb/sth seine Spuren bei jdm/etw hinterlassen
    she left her \mark on the company sie hat den Betrieb sehr geprägt
    to make one's \mark auffallen
    to be slow/quick off the \mark (understand) schwer/schnell von Begriff sein fam; (take action) langsam/[blitz]schnell reagieren
    you'll have to be quick off the \mark with that application du musst dich mit der Bewerbung beeilen
    II. vt
    to \mark sth etw schmutzig machen
    2. usu passive (scar)
    his face was \marked for life er hat bleibende Narben im Gesicht zurückbehalten
    the man's body was \marked with blows from a blunt weapon die Leiche des Mannes trug Spuren von Schlägen mit einer stumpfen Waffe
    to \mark sth etw markieren [o bezeichnen] [o kennzeichnen
    4. (label)
    to \mark sth etw beschriften; (indicate the price of) etw auszeichnen
    the bottle was \marked ‘poison’ die Flasche trug die Aufschrift ‚Gift‘
    they \marked the shirts at €20 sie zeichneten die Hemden mit 20 Euro aus
    to \mark a route on a plan eine Route auf einem Plan einzeichnen
    to \mark sth (characterize) etw kennzeichnen [o markieren]; (mean) etw bedeuten
    to \mark the beginning/end of sth den Anfang/das Ende einer S. gen markieren
    to \mark a turning point einen Wendepunkt darstellen
    to \mark sth an etw akk erinnern
    a concert to \mark the 10th anniversary ein Konzert aus Anlass des zehnten Jahrestages
    a speech to \mark the occasion eine Rede zur Feier des Tages
    7. SCH
    to \mark sth etw zensieren
    to \mark sb jdn benoten
    8. (clearly identify)
    to \mark sb/sth as sb/sth jdn/etw als jdn/etw kennzeichnen [o auszeichnen]
    your clothes \mark you as a man of good taste Ihre Kleider lassen erkennen, dass Sie ein Mann von gutem Geschmack sind
    to be \marked as/for sth zu etw dat /für etw akk bestimmt sein
    10. SPORT, FBALL
    to \mark sb jdn decken
    11. SCI
    to \mark sth receptacle etw eichen
    to \mark time (in a parade) auf der Stelle marschieren; ( fig: not move forward) die Zeit überbrücken
    [you] \mark my words! lass dir das gesagt sein!
    III. vi
    1. (get dirty) schmutzig [o SCHWEIZ a. dreckig] werden, schmutzen, verdrecken SCHWEIZ; (scratch) Kratzer [o Schrammen] bekommen
    2. SCH (give marks) Noten vergeben; (correct) korrigieren
    3. (pay attention)
    \mark! Achtung!
    <pl -s or ->
    [mɑ:k, AM mɑ:rk]
    n short for Deutschmark Mark f
    * * *
    Markus m
    * * *
    mark1 [mɑː(r)k]
    A s
    1. Markierung f, Mal n, besonders TECH Marke f:
    make a mark in the calendar sich einen Tag rot anstreichen
    2. fig Zeichen n:
    mark of confidence Vertrauensbeweis m;
    mark of favo(u)r Gunstbezeigung f;
    mark of respect Zeichen der Hochachtung;
    God bless ( oder save) the mark obs umg mit Verlaub zu sagen
    3. (Kenn)Zeichen n, ( auch charakteristisches) Merkmal:
    distinctive mark Kennzeichen
    4. (Schrift-, Satz-) Zeichen n:
    mark of correction Korrekturzeichen
    5. Orientierungs-, Sichtzeichen n:
    6. (An)Zeichen n:
    7. a) (Eigentums)Zeichen n
    b) Brandmal n
    8. roter Fleck (auf der Haut), Strieme f, Schwiele f
    9. Narbe f ( auch TECH)
    10. Kerbe f, Einschnitt m
    11. (Hand-, Namens) Zeichen n, Kreuz n (eines Analphabeten)
    12. Ziel n (auch fig), Zielscheibe f:
    a) (das Ziel) treffen,
    b) fig ins Schwarze treffen;
    miss the mark das Ziel verfehlen, danebenschießen (beide a. fig);
    a) (weit) danebenschießen,
    b) fig sich (gewaltig) irren, (Schätzung etc) (weit) danebenliegen;
    £1,000 will be nearer to the mark kommen (schon) eher hin umg
    13. fig Norm f:
    a) unter dem Durchschnitt,
    b) gesundheitlich etc nicht auf der Höhe umg;
    a) den Anforderungen gewachsen sein (Person) oder genügen (Leistungen etc),
    b) gesundheitlich auf der Höhe sein umg;
    a) innerhalb der erlaubten Grenzen,
    b) berechtigt ( in doing sth etwas zu tun);
    a) über das Ziel hinausschießen umg,
    b) zu weit gehen, den Bogen überspannen
    14. (aufgeprägter) Stempel, Gepräge n
    15. a) (Fuß-, Brems- etc) Spur f:
    leave one’s mark (up)on fig seinen Stempel aufdrücken (dat); bei jemandem seine Spuren hinterlassen;
    make one’s mark sich einen Namen machen, sich profilieren ( beide:
    on, upon in einem Betrieb etc)
    b) Fleck m
    c) Abdruck m:
    leave a mark einen Abdruck hinterlassen, sich abdrücken
    16. fig Bedeutung f, Rang m:
    a man of mark eine markante oder bedeutende Persönlichkeit
    17. Marke f, Sorte f:
    mark of quality Qualitätsmarke
    18. WIRTSCH
    a) (Fabrik-, Waren) Zeichen n, (Schutz-, Handels-) Marke f
    b) Preisangabe f
    19. SCHIFF
    a) (abgemarkte) Fadenlänge (der Lotleine)
    b) Landmarke f
    c) Bake f, Leitzeichen n
    d) Mark n, Ladungsbezeichnung f
    e) Marke f
    20. MIL, TECH Modell n, Type f:
    a mark V tank ein Panzer(wagen) der Type V
    21. SCHULE
    a) Note f ( auch SPORT), Zensur f:
    get ( oder obtain) full marks die beste Note bekommen, die höchste Punktzahl erreichen;
    give sb full marks for sth fig jemandem für etwas höchstes Lob zollen;
    he gained 20 marks for Greek im Griechischen bekam er 20 Punkte;
    bad mark Note für schlechtes Betragen
    b) pl Zeugnis n:
    bad marks ein schlechtes Zeugnis
    22. umg (das) Richtige:
    that’s not my mark das ist nicht mein Geschmack, das ist nicht das Richtige für mich
    23. easy A 1
    24. SPORT
    a) Fußball: (Elfmeter) Punkt m
    b) Boxen: sl Magengrube f
    c) Bowls: Zielkugel f
    d) Laufsport: Startlinie f:
    on your marks! auf die Plätze!;
    be quick (slow) off the mark einen guten (schlechten) Start haben, fig schnell (langsam) reagieren oder umg schalten
    25. meist mark of mouth Bohne f, Kennung f (Alterszeichen an Pferdezähnen)
    26. HIST
    a) Mark f, Grenzgebiet n
    b) Gemeindemark f, Allmende f:
    mark moot Gemeindeversammlung f
    B v/t
    1. markieren:
    a) Wege, Gegenstände etc kennzeichnen
    b) Stellen auf einer Karte etc bezeichnen, (provisorisch) andeuten
    c) Wäsche zeichnen:
    mark by a dotted line durch eine punktierte Linie kennzeichnen;
    mark (with a hot iron) brandmarken;
    a) MIL auf der Stelle treten (a. fig),
    b) fig nicht vom Fleck kommen,
    c) abwarten,
    d) MUS den Takt schlagen
    2. a) Spuren hinterlassen auf (dat):
    b) fig jemanden zeichnen (Krankheit etc)
    3. eine Ära etc kennzeichnen, kennzeichnend sein für:
    the day was marked by heavy fighting der Tag stand im Zeichen schwerer Kämpfe;
    no triumph marks her manner es ist nicht ihre Art aufzutrumpfen
    4. ein Zeichen sein für:
    that marks him for a leader das zeigt, dass er sich zum Führer eignet;
    he has all the qualities that mark a good doctor er hat alle Eigenschaften, die einen guten Arzt ausmachen
    5. (aus mehreren) bestimmen, (aus)wählen, ausersehen ( alle:
    for für)
    6. hervorheben:
    mark the occasion (Redew) zur Feier des Tages, aus diesem Anlass
    7. zum Ausdruck bringen, zeigen:
    mark one’s displeasure by hissing
    8. SCHULE benoten, zensieren, SPORT bewerten
    9. notieren, vermerken
    10. sich etwas merken:
    mark my words denke an meine Worte oder an mich!
    11. bemerken, beachten, achtgeben auf (akk)
    12. WIRTSCH
    a) Waren auszeichnen
    b) Br (öffentlich) notieren (lassen)
    c) den Preis festsetzen: mark down 1
    13. LING einen Akzent setzen, eine Länge bezeichnen
    14. SPORT
    a) seinen Gegenspieler decken, (gut etc) markieren:
    mark sb man to man jemanden manndecken, jemanden in Manndeckung nehmen;
    mark sb out of the game jemanden (völlig) abmelden umg
    b) Punkte, Tore etc aufschreiben, notieren:
    mark the game C 4 b
    C v/i
    1. markieren
    2. achtgeben, aufpassen
    3. sich etwas merken:
    mark you wohlgemerkt
    4. SPORT
    a) decken
    b) den Spielstand laufend notieren
    5. mark easily (quickly) leicht (schnell) schmutzen
    mark2 [mɑː(r)k] s WIRTSCH
    1. (deutsche) Mark
    2. HIST Mark f:
    M abk
    1. FLUG PHYS Mach number
    2. Br motorway
    5. HIST (Währung) mark ( marks pl) DM
    mk (mks) abk HIST (Währung) mark ( marks pl) DM f oder pl
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) (trace) Spur, die; (of finger, foot also) Abdruck, der; (stain etc.) Fleck, der; (scratch) Kratzer, der

    dirty mark — Schmutzfleck, der

    leave one's/its mark on something — (fig.) einer Sache (Dat.) seinen Stempel aufdrücken

    make one's/its mark — (fig.) sich (Dat.) einen Namen machen

    2) (affixed sign, indication, symbol) Zeichen, das; (in trade names) Typ, der (Technik)

    distinguishing mark — Kennzeichen, das

    Mark 2 version/model — Version/Modell 2

    be a mark of good taste/breeding — ein Zeichen guten Geschmacks/guter Erziehung sein

    something is the mark of a good writeran etwas (Dat.) erkennt man einen guten Schriftsteller

    3) (Sch.): (grade) Zensur, die; Note, die; (Sch., Sport): (unit of numerical award) Punkt, der

    get good/bad/35 marks in or for a subject — gute/schlechte Noten od. Zensuren/35 Punkte in einem Fach bekommen

    4) (line etc. to indicate position) Markierung, die
    5) (level) Marke, die

    reach the 15 % mark — die 15 %-Marke erreichen

    6) (Sport): (starting position) Startlinie, die

    on your marks! [get set! go!] — auf die Plätze! [Fertig! Los!]

    be quick/slow off the mark — einen guten/schlechten Start haben; (fig.) fix (ugs.) /langsam sein

    7) (target, desired object) Ziel, das

    hit the mark(fig.) ins Schwarze treffen

    be wide of the mark(lit. or fig.) danebentreffen

    be close to the mark(fig.) der Sache nahe kommen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (stain, dirty) Flecke[n] machen auf (+ Dat.); schmutzig machen; (scratch) zerkratzen
    2) (put distinguishing mark on, signal) kennzeichnen, markieren ( with mit)

    the bottle was marked ‘poison’ — die Flasche trug die Aufschrift "Gift"

    mark an item with its priceeine Ware auszeichnen od. mit einem Preisschild versehen

    ceremonies to mark the tenth anniversary — Feierlichkeiten aus Anlass des 10. Jahrestages

    3) (Sch.) (correct) korrigieren; (grade) benoten; zensieren

    mark time(Mil.; also fig.) auf der Stelle treten

    5) (characterize) kennzeichnen; charakterisieren
    6) (heed) hören auf (+ Akk.) [Person, Wort]

    [you] mark my words — höre auf mich; eins kann ich dir sagen; (as a warning) lass dir das gesagt sein

    7) (Brit. Sport): (keep close to) markieren (fachspr.), decken [Gegenspieler]
    Phrasal Verbs:
    II noun
    (monetary unit) Mark, die
    * * *
    Schulnote f. (german monetary unit) n.
    Mark nur sing. m. (school) n.
    Zensur -en f. n.
    Eindruck -¨e m.
    Marke -n f.
    Markierung f.
    Zeichen - n. (on) v.
    einzeichnen (auf) ausdr.
    markieren v. v.
    beachten v.
    kennzeichnen v.
    zensieren (Zensuren geben) v.
    zensieren v.

    English-german dictionary > mark

  • 14 cut

    I [kʌt] 1. гл.; прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. cut
    а) резать, разрезать

    Cut the cake. — Разрежь пирог.

    The knife does not cut. — Нож не режет.

    This book is not cut. I have cut a few leaves at the beginning. — Эта книга не разрезана. Я разрезал только несколько листов в начале.

    He cut the loaf into thick slices. — Он порезал хлеб толстыми ломтями.

    sever, incise, nick 2., slice 2., shear 2.
    б) резаться, разрезаться

    The meat cuts easily. — Это мясо легко режется.

    2) порезать, поранить, нанести резаную рану

    He cut his chin while shaving. — Он порезался, когда брился.

    gash 2., slash I 1.
    а) = cut away срезать, отрезать; обрезать

    If you cut away some of the dead wood, you will have a healthier tree. — Если ты срубишь сухие ветки, дереву станет лучше.

    б) стричь, подстригать

    It's time to cut the lawn again. — Пора снова стричь газон.

    He's had his hair cut really short. — Он очень коротко подстригся.

    trim 3., clip II 1., shear 2., crop 2., prune II, pare, snip 2., shave 2.
    а) = cut down укорачивать, сокращать ( текст)

    Cut the report to four pages. — Сократите доклад до четырёх страниц.

    Your article will have to be cut down to fit into the book. — Чтобы ваша статья вошла в сборник, её нужно подсократить.

    I could cut your father's trousers down for the boy. — Я могла бы укоротить для мальчика брюки твоего отца.

    б) = cut back снижать (цены, налоги); урезать, сокращать ( доходы)

    The market has begun to cut rates again. — Цены на рынке снова начали падать.

    The factory's production has been cut back. — Завод сократил количество выпускаемой продукции.

    The Government has cut back on defence spending. — Правительство сократило расходы на оборону.

    6) сокращать путь, идти напрямик, среза́ть
    7) информ. вырезать (операция при редактировании текста, изображения)
    8) резаться, прорезаться ( о зубах)

    Many infants do not cut their first tooth until they are a year old. — У многих детей первые зубы прорезаются только на второй год жизни.

    а) ударить, нанести удар ( предметом)

    The farmer cut at the snake with a stick. — Фермер ударил змею палкой.

    He cut at the hedges with his stick. — Он ударил тростью по ограде.

    lash 2.
    б) нанести обиду, глубоко ранить (чьи-л. чувства), причинить страдание, горе

    His cruel remarks cut her deeply. — Его жестокие замечания глубоко задели её.

    10) порывать, разрывать ( связи)

    If two straight lines cut one another, the opposite angles shall be equal. — Если две прямые пересекают друг друга, то противолежащие углы будут равны.

    12) прорубать, прокладывать дорогу; продвигаться

    The road cuts through the forest. — Эта дорога идёт через лес.

    They had to cut their way through the forest with axes. — В лесной чаще они были вынуждены прорубать себе дорогу топорами.

    13) бурить, копать, рыть, прорывать (яму, канал, туннель)
    14) разг.; = cut and run убегать, удирать

    Don't worry. He won't cut and run. — Не волнуйся. Он не убежит.

    15) разг.
    а) = cut out прекращать, переставать (что-л. делать)

    Cut it out!разг. Перестаньте! Бросьте!

    I wish she would cut out that stupid behaviour. — Я хотел бы, чтобы она перестала вести себя так по-дурацки.

    When the director wants to stop the camera he calls out "Cut". — Когда режиссёр хочет остановить камеру, он кричит "Стоп!".

    б) пропускать, прогуливать ( занятия)

    He's always cutting class. — Он постоянно прогуливает.

    16) амер.; разг. победить ( в соревновании)
    17) кино; тлв.; радио монтировать (фильм, передачу)
    18) кино; тлв.; радио быстро переходить ( от одного кадра или сцены к другому)

    The scene cuts from the house to the street. — Следующая сцена происходит уже не в доме, а на улице.

    19) записывать (музыкальный) диск, кассету; делать (музыкальную) запись; записываться

    The Beatles cut their first disc in 1962. — Группа "Битлз" выпустила свою первую пластинку в 1962 году.

    а) преим. амер.; разг. разбавлять ( спиртное)
    б) нарк. смешивать героин с другими веществами

    When I was 13 I knew how much quinine and sugar water you needed to cut heroin and sell it. — Когда мне было 13, я знал, сколько требуется хинина и сиропа, чтобы разбавить героин и продать его.

    21) разг.; = cut dead игнорировать, не замечать

    We spoke to her, but she cut us. — Мы заговорили с ней, но она сделала вид, что не заметила нас.

    I passed Mrs Brown in the street today but she cut me dead. — Сегодня на улице я встретил миссис Браун, но она в упор меня не узнала.

    snub I 2., ignore
    22) новозел.; разг. кончать, заканчивать

    We must cut this bottle tonight. — Мы должны сегодня прикончить эту бутылку.

    finish 2.
    23) разг.; сниж. пукать, пускать газы
    а) косить; жать
    mow III
    25) = cut down рубить, валить ( лес)

    Half the forest was cut down to make room for the new road. — Пол-леса вырубили, чтобы проложить новую дорогу.

    а) высекать, гравировать ( на камне)
    б) резать, вырезать ( по дереву)
    в) тесать, стёсывать; шлифовать, гранить ( драгоценные камни)
    28) вет. засекаться ( о лошади)
    29) карт. снимать колоду

    to cut for partners — снимать колоду, чтобы определить партнёров

    Let's cut for dealer. — Давайте снимем колоду и определим, кто будет сдавать.

    31) спорт. срезать мяч, закручивать мяч
    32) иск. резать глаза, резко выделяться, выступать слишком резко ( о красках)
    33) ( cut across)
    охватывать, затрагивать; включать

    The market surge cuts across all sectors. — Всплеск деловой активности заметен во всех секторах.

    34) ( cut across)
    а) мешать, препятствовать (чему-л.)

    Her loud voice cut across the conversation. — Её громкий голос прервал нашу беседу.

    б) противоречить, идти вразрез

    The chairman's decision cuts across the opinion of the whole committee. — Решение председателя идёт вразрез с мнением всего комитета.

    35) ( cut into)

    The children cut into the conversation with demands for attention. — Дети вмешиваются в разговор, чтобы обратить на себя внимание.


    My aunt's regular visits cut into my weekends. — Регулярные визиты моей тётки рушат мне все выходные.

    36) ( cut into) разг. залезть в сбережения, потратить часть денег

    I shall have to cut into my savings to pay for the holiday. — Мне придётся потратить часть сбережений, чтобы оплатить отпуск.

    37) ( cut through) проскочить, опустить что-л.

    Can't we cut through some of these formalities and get on with the real business? — Нельзя ли опустить все эти формальности и поскорее перейти к делу?

    skip I 2.
    - cut down
    - cut in
    - cut off
    - cut out
    - cut under
    - cut up

    to be cut out for smth. — быть словно созданным для чего-л.

    to cut an antic / a curvet / a flourish — выделывать, выкидывать курбеты

    Cut the coat according to the cloth. — посл. По одёжке протягивай ножки.

    - cut a feather
    - cut a joke
    - cut faces
    - cut both ways
    - cut to pieces
    - cut it
    - cut it too fat
    - cut it fine
    - cut loose
    - cut short
    2. сущ.
    1) разрезание, отрезание; подстригание
    2) разрез, порез; глубокая рана

    Put a bandage on that cut. — Наложи повязку на рану.

    gash, incision, slash I 1., slit 1.
    3) удар (мечом, хлыстом)

    His face had been disfigured by a sabre cut. — Его лицо было обезображено сабельным ударом.

    4) австрал.; новозел.; разг. телесное наказание (школьников)
    5) оскорбление, насмешка, выпад; удар

    to make an unkind cut on / at smb. / smth. — сделать выпад в чей-л. адрес / по какому-л. поводу

    blow I, shock I 1.
    6) уменьшение, сокращение, снижение (цен, количества)

    Some auto makers have announced a price cut. — Некоторые производители автомобилей объявили о снижении цен на свою продукцию.

    7) выемка, углубление, траншея

    The bulldozer made a cut for the railroad tracks. — Бульдозер прорыл траншею для железнодорожной колеи.

    slash I 1., furrow 1., trench 1., excavation
    8) канал, искусственный сток
    9) проход; перевал; просека (дорога, проложенная через лес, скалы, заселённую часть города)
    passage I 1.
    б) разг. отдельный номер на музыкальном диске (песня, композиция)
    а) отрезанный кусок, ломоть; вырезка

    This is a good lean cut of beef. — Это хороший нежирный кусок говядины.

    piece 1., portion 1., slice 1., section 1., segment 1.
    13) амер.; австрал.; новозел. часть овец или коров, отделённая от основного стада
    14) разг. доля (прибыли, дохода)

    The actor's agent gets a 10 percent cut. — Агент этого актёра получает 10 процентов комиссии.

    commission 1., share I 1.
    15) преим. амер. количество сваленного леса, настрига шерсти
    16) форма, очертание, абрис, контур
    fashion 1., shape 1.
    17) покрой, фасон ( одежды)
    fashion 1., style 1., make 2.
    18) = haircut стрижка; модель стрижки
    19) профиль, сечение; пролёт ( моста)
    20) = short cut кратчайший путь, короткая дорога, путь напрямик

    A short cut across the fields was made for the convenience of the inhabitants. — Для удобства жителей через поля была проложена кратчайшая дорога.

    The old man had arrived before me, by a nearer cut in the wood. — Старик пришёл раньше меня по более короткой лесной тропе.

    22) кино монтажный кадр
    23) карт. снятие ( колоды)
    24) спорт. срезка мяча ( в теннисе), закрутка мяча
    25) разг.
    а) намеренное, демонстративное неузнавание (кого-л.), подчёркнутое игнорирование

    We met… and gave each other the cut that night. (W. M. Thackeray, The Book of Snobs, 1848) — Мы встретились в тот же вечер… - и не узнали друг друга. (пер. Н. Дарузес)

    б) ( cuts) люди, порвавшие друг с другом

    Some people leave Southampton the best of friends and arrive in Bombay dead cuts. — Некоторые люди оставляют Саутгемптон лучшими друзьями, а прибывают в Бомбей совершенно чужими людьми.

    26) разг. пропуск, прогул
    27) спорт. отсев ( в ходе отборочного тура)

    to make the cutразг. пройти отборочный тур

    to miss the cutразг. не пройти отборочный тур


    the cut of one's rig / jib — внешний вид человека

    3. прил.
    а) срезанный, отрезанный, нарезанный
    б) порезанный, пораненный
    3) шлифованный, гранёный

    cut glass — гранёное стекло; хрусталь

    4) урезанный, уменьшенный
    5) преим. амер. разбавленный, разведённый, нечистый (об алкоголе, наркотиках)

    Suckers paid exorbitant prices for cut and adulterated liquor. — Пьянчуги платили непомерно много за разбавленное и никуда не годное спиртное.

    7) разг. пьяный; одурманенный наркотиками

    I'm sure we had not much more than a bottle apiece, I was not cut. — Я уверен, что у нас было не больше бутылки на брата, я не был пьян.

    II [kʌt] сущ.; уст.

    We three will draw cuts for the honour of going with him. — Мы трое будем тянуть жребий, кому выпадет честь сопровождать его.

    lot 1.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > cut

  • 15 near

    [nɪə(r)] 1. adj
    (in space, time) bliski, niedaleki; relative bliski; darkness prawie zupełny
    2. adv
    ( in space) blisko; perfect, impossible prawie, niemal
    3. prep
    (also: near to) ( in space) blisko +gen; ( in time) około +gen; (in situation, intimacy) bliski +gen
    4. vt

    25,000 pounds or nearest offer ( BRIT) — 25.000 funtów lub oferta najbliższa tej sumie

    near here/there — tutaj/tam niedaleko, niedaleko stąd/stamtąd

    * * *
    [niə] 1. adjective
    1) (not far away in place or time: The station is quite near; Christmas is getting near.) niedaleki
    2) (not far away in relationship: He is a near relation.) bliski
    2. adverb
    1) (to or at a short distance from here or the place mentioned: He lives quite near.) blisko
    2) ((with to) close to: Don't sit too near to the window.) blisko
    3. preposition
    (at a very small distance from (in place, time etc): She lives near the church; It was near midnight when they arrived.) w pobliżu
    4. verb
    (to come near (to): The roads became busier as they neared the town; as evening was nearing.) zbliżać się
    - nearness
    - nearby
    - nearside
    - near-sighted
    - a near miss

    English-Polish dictionary > near

  • 16 near

    [nɪə] 1. прил.
    а) ближний, близлежащий, близко расположенный

    the nearest — ближайший, соседний, близлежащий

    а) скорый, ближайший ( о времени)
    б) близкий, вероятный (о том, что скорее всего произойдёт в ближайшем будущем)
    3) кратчайший, прямой ( о пути)
    4) близкий; тесно связанный ( об отношениях между людьми)
    5) близкий, сходный; приблизительно правильный

    near translation — наиболее точный, близкий к оригиналу перевод

    6) минимальный; доставшийся с трудом, трудный

    near escape(событие, которого) еле удалось избежать

    7) скупой, скаредный, прижимистый

    A good-natured man, but reckoned near. (Mrs. Delany) — Добрый человек, но, говорят, скупой.

    8) левый (о ноге лошади, колесе экипажа, лошади в упряжке)
    left I 1.
    9) волнующий, трогательный
    [ref dict="LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)"]near[/ref]
    2. нареч.
    1) рядом, около, поблизости, недалеко

    to come / draw near — приближаться

    2) скоро, близко

    The new year draws near. — Новый год уже близко.

    The hour of sunset was near. — Приближался час заката.

    3) тесно, близко (о связях, родстве)
    а) почти, чуть не, едва не

    He prays near like one giving orders. (J. M. Barrie) — Он молится так, будто отдаёт приказы.

    б) вовсе (не), совсем (не)

    His army was not near so numerous as when he left Spain. — Его армия вовсе не была такой же многочисленной, как тогда, когда он покидал Испанию.

    5) экономно, бережливо, расчётливо, скупо

    We have to live a little nearer for the next month or two. — Нам придётся жить немного скромнее в течение следующих двух месяцев.

    3. предл.
    1) возле, у, около, рядом (указывает на нахождение вблизи чего-л.)
    2) к, около, почти (близкий к какому-л. времени, возрасту)
    3) почти (приближение к какому-л. состоянию)
    4. гл.
    а) подходить, приближаться; надвигаться
    б) подходить, соответствовать (чему-л.)

    The quotation does not even near the point in debate. (T. N. Harper) — Эта цитата совершенно не относится к теме дискуссии.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > near

  • 17 aproximarse

    1 to come near, come closer
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (=arrimarse) to come near, come closer

    aproximarse a(=acercarse) to near, approach


    aproximarse a[+ cierta edad] to be nearly, be getting on for


    aproximarse a(=intentar reconciliarse) to approach, approximate to

    * * *
    (v.) = near, lie + ahead, get + closer, be just in the ballpark, roll in
    Ex. However, the effects of media conglomeration on Times Mirror for bottom line results would pull the plug on the New York venture that was nearing its provisional term and beginning to show positive results.
    Ex. It is possible to make generalizations leading to predictions of what lies ahead for geoscience information professionals.
    Ex. We are not ready for it yet, but we are getting closer every day.
    Ex. Many things do not have to be perfect, just in the ballpark.
    Ex. With the summer rolling in, many of you might be looking for instructions on how to make fresh iced tea.
    * * *
    (v.) = near, lie + ahead, get + closer, be just in the ballpark, roll in

    Ex: However, the effects of media conglomeration on Times Mirror for bottom line results would pull the plug on the New York venture that was nearing its provisional term and beginning to show positive results.

    Ex: It is possible to make generalizations leading to predictions of what lies ahead for geoscience information professionals.
    Ex: We are not ready for it yet, but we are getting closer every day.
    Ex: Many things do not have to be perfect, just in the ballpark.
    Ex: With the summer rolling in, many of you might be looking for instructions on how to make fresh iced tea.

    * * *

    ■aproximarse verbo reflexivo to approach [a, -]
    ' aproximarse' also found in these entries:
    - juntarse
    - rondar
    - acercar
    - aproximar
    - lindar
    - rayar
    - come up to
    - approach
    * * *
    1. [en el espacio] to approach, to come closer;
    el autobús se aproximaba a la parada the bus was approaching the stop;
    nos aproximamos a la capital we are approaching the capital;
    el déficit se aproxima a los seis millones the deficit is close to six million
    2. [en el tiempo]
    se aproximan las vacaciones the holidays are drawing nearer o approaching
    3. [parecerse] to be similar;
    un régimen que intenta aproximarse a un sistema democrático a regime that is trying to become more like a democracy;
    no hay ningún lenguaje que se le aproxime there's no other language which resembles it
    * * *
    v/r approach;
    aproximarse a la verdad get close to the truth;
    aproximarse a los setenta be approaching seventy;
    se aproxima el invierno winter is coming
    * * *
    acercarse, arrimarse: to approach, to move closer
    * * *
    aproximarse vb (acercarse) to approach / to get near

    Spanish-English dictionary > aproximarse

  • 18 come

    [kʌm] v (came; come)
    1. 1) приходить: идти

    to come to the office [to the meeting] - приходить на службу [на собрание]

    to come home - приходить домой [см. тж. ]

    to come down - спускаться, опускаться

    please ask him to come down - пожалуйста, попросите его сойти вниз

    to come up - подниматься, идти вверх

    I saw him coming up the hill - я видел, как он поднимался в гору

    the diver came up at last - наконец водолаз появился на поверхности /вынырнул/

    I saw him coming along the road - я видел, как он шёл по дороге

    I will wait here until he comes by - я буду ждать здесь, пока он не пройдёт (мимо)

    to come forward - выходить вперёд, выступить (из рядов и т. п.)

    volunteers, come forward - добровольцы, (шаг) вперёд!

    to come into a room - входить, в комнату

    when he came out (of the house) it was dark - когда он вышел (из дома), было уже темно

    to come back - вернуться, прийти назад

    to come late [early] - приходить поздно [рано]

    to come to smb. for advice - прийти к кому-л. за советом

    come and see what I have found - приходите посмотреть, что я нашёл

    2) приезжать, прибывать

    he has come a long way - он приехал издалека [ср. тж. ]

    2. идти; ехать

    come! - пошли!, идём!

    coming! - иду! сейчас!

    are you coming my way? - вам со мной по пути?

    the soldier had orders not to let anybody come past - солдат получил приказ никого не пропускать

    to come and go - ходить /сновать/ взад и вперёд

    3. ( часто to) подходить, приближаться

    come nearer! - подойди ближе!

    the girl started when he came near - девочка вздрогнула, когда он приблизился

    4. (обыкн. to)
    1) доходить, достигать

    does the railway come right to the town? - подходит ли железнодорожная линия к самому городу?

    his voice came to me through the mist - его голос доносился /долетал/ до меня сквозь туман

    through the open window came the sounds of a piano - из открытого окна раздавались звуки рояля

    it came to me /to my ears/ that... - до меня дошло, что..., мне стало известно, что...

    it came to me at last that... - наконец до моего сознания дошло, что... [ср. тж. 6, 1)]

    2) равняться, достигать

    your bill comes to £10 - ваш счёт равняется десяти фунтам

    his earnings come to £1,000 a year - его заработок составляет тысячу фунтов стерлингов в год

    let us put it all together and see what it will come to - давайте сложим всё это и посмотрим, что получится

    3) сводиться (к чему-л.)

    to come to nothing /to naught/ - окончиться ничем, свестись к нулю; сойти на нет

    4) прийти (к чему-л.); достичь (чего-л.)

    to come to an understanding - прийти к соглашению, договориться

    to come to an end - прийти к концу, окончиться

    5. 1) наступать, приходить

    spring came - пришла /наступила/ весна

    his turn came - наступила его очередь, настал его черёд

    dinner came at last - наконец подали обед /обед был подан/

    2) ожидаться, предстоять
    6. 1) появляться, возникать

    an idea came into his head - ему пришла в голову мысль, у него возникла идея

    it came to me - а) у меня появилась /возникла/ мысль; б) я припомнил; [ср. тж. 4, 1)]

    it comes to me that I owe you money - я припоминаю, что я вам должен (деньги)

    his colour came and went - он то краснел, то бледнел

    he tried to speak but no word would come from his mouth - он хотел что-то сказать, но не мог вымолвить ни слова

    2) находиться

    on what page does it come? - на какой это странице?

    7. случаться; происходить; проистекать

    how did it come that you quarrelled? - как это (случилось, что) вы поссорились?

    no harm will come to you - с тобой ничего не случится; тебе ничего не грозит

    8. выходить, получаться, приводить

    to come to harm - пострадать; попасть в беду, неприятность и т. п.

    it will come all right in the end - в конце концов всё будет в порядке /образуется/

    no good will come of it - ничего хорошего из этого, не получится, это до добра не доведёт

    the dress would not come as she wanted - платье получилось не таким, как ей хотелось

    9. происходить, иметь происхождение
    10. доставаться

    the house is coming to his son after his death - после его смерти дом достанется /перейдёт к/ сыну

    11. прорастать, всходить, расти
    12. амер. разг. устроить, сделать (что-л.)
    13. разг. испытать оргазм, кончить
    14. (тж. come on, come now) в грам. знач. междометия выражает
    1) побуждение к совершению какого-л. действия ну!, живо!, давай!

    come out with it, boy - ну, парень, выкладывай

    2) упрёк, протест ну что вы!

    what? He here! Oh! come, come! - как? Он здесь?! Да оставьте /бросьте/ вы!

    3) увещевание полно!, ну, ну!

    come, come, you shouldn't speak like that! - ну полно, вы не должны так говорить!

    now come! be patient! - ну потерпите; имей(те) терпение

    come, come, don't be so foolish! - ну, ну, не дури /не глупи/!

    15. в грам. знач. сущ. (the to come) будущее
    16. в грам. знач. предлога (если) считать, считая с ( такого-то дня)

    a fortnight come Sunday - через две недели (считая) со следующего воскресенья

    it'll be a year come Monday since lie left - в будущий понедельник год, как он уехал

    II А
    1. становиться ( известным); приобретать (какое-л. положение)

    author who is beginning to come into notice - автор, который начинает завоёвывать известность

    2. вступать ( во владение); получить ( в наследство)

    he came into some money [a property, an estate] - он получил в наследство немного денег [недвижимое имущество, поместье]

    3. вступать (в должность и т. п.)
    4. 1) вступать ( в конфликт в сговор)

    to come into collision - столкнуться, войти в противоречие

    2) переходить ( в другую фазу)

    to come into flower /bloom/ - расцвести, выходить в цветок; вступать в пору цветения

    to come into ear - колоситься, выходить в колос

    5. войти (в употребление, обиход и т. п.)

    to come into use [into fashion] - войти в употребление [в моду]

    6. вступить (в силу и т. п.)

    to come into effect /force/ - вступать в силу

    to come into operation - начать действовать или применяться; вступать в силу

    7. входить (в компетенцию, обязанности кого-л.)

    to come within the terms of reference - относиться к ведению /компетенции/

    II Б
    1. to come across smb., smth. случайно встретить кого-л., что-л.; случайно встретиться с кем-л., чем-л., натолкнуться на кого-л., что-л.

    he came across the man in the street - он случайно встретил этого человека на улице

    I came across these lines by chance - я случайно натолкнулся на эти строки

    I came across a very interesting book - мне попалась, очень интересная книга

    2. to come after smb., smth.
    1) домогаться чего-л., преследовать кого-л.

    to come after a situation - искать место /службу/

    2) следовать, идти за
    ❝N❞comes after ❝M❞ - за буквой «М» следует «Н»
    3) наследовать
    3. 1) to come against smb. нападать на кого-л., атаковать кого-л.

    the enemy now came against us in larger numbers - теперь противник атаковал нас более крупными силами

    2) to come against smth. столкнуться с чем-л., наткнуться на что-л.

    one does not often come (up) against an experience of this nature - такое не часто встретишь

    4. to come at smb., smth.
    1) нападать, набрасываться на кого-л., что-л.

    just let me come at you! - дай мне только добраться до тебя!

    2) налететь; натолкнуться
    3) амер. подразумевать, намекать

    what are you coming at? - что вы имеете в виду?, на что вы намекаете?

    4) добираться до сути и т. п.; доискиваться чего-л.

    to come at the truth - раскрыть /обнаружить/ правду

    5) получать, добывать что-л.

    money was very hard to come at - деньги было очень трудно добыть,

    6) пройти, попасть, кому-л.

    if only I could come at his secretary - если бы только я смог повидать его секретаря

    7) австрал., новозел. разг. взяться за что-л., предпринять что-л.

    I told you before I wouldn't come at that again - я вам уже сказал, что я не возьмусь за это снова

    5. to come before smth.
    1) быть или считаться более важным
    2) предстать
    3) подлежать рассмотрению

    these cases come before a conciliation court - эти дела подсудны суду примирительного производства

    6. to come between smb., smth. вмешиваться

    he came between us - он встал между нами; он разлучил нас

    you must not let play come between you and your work - развлечения не должны мешать вашей работе

    7. to come by smth. приобрести, получить, достать что-л.

    how did you come by that money? - откуда у вас эти деньги?

    8. to come into smth.
    1) принять участие в чём-л.; присоединиться к чему-л.

    to come into a scheme - присоединиться к плану; принять участие в проекте

    2) появляться на свет и т. п., возникать

    to come into being /existence/ - возникать, появляться

    9. to come off smth. сходить, слезать с чего-л.

    come off the ladder! - слезь с лестницы!

    come off the grass! - по траве не ходить!, сойдите с газона [см. тж. ]

    to come off (the) curve - спорт. выйти на прямую ( из поворота)

    10. to come on smth. натыкаться, наталкиваться на что-л.

    we shall come on it sooner or later - рано или поздно мы столкнёмся с этим

    11. to come out of smth. вытекать, являться результатом чего-л.

    it comes out of the economy with which work is managed - это является результатом экономии, с которой ведётся работа

    can good come out of such scenes? - могут ли такие сцены довести до добра?

    12. to come over smb.
    1) овладевать кем-л., захватывать кого-л.

    sadness came over his spirit - им овладела грусть, он загрустил

    whatever has come over you to speak like that? - что на вас нашло, почему вы так разговариваете?

    2) разг. взять верх, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.

    you are not going to come over me in this manner! - уж не хотите ли вы перехитрить меня таким образом?

    13. разг.
    1) to come round smb. обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.

    he is certain to come round his uncle - он, конечно, обойдёт /перехитрит/ своего дядюшку

    2) to come round smth. обойти что-л., уклониться от чего-л.

    to come round an objection [a difficulty] - обойти возражение [трудность]

    14. to come through smth.
    1) проникать сквозь что-л.

    no chink of light came through the closed shutters - сквозь закрытые ставни совсем не проникал свет

    2) перенести, пережить что-л.

    to come through an illness - благополучно перенести болезнь, выжить

    she has come through the anaesthetic remarkably well - она прекрасно перенесла анестезию

    15. to be coming to smb. амер. разг. причитаться, следовать кому-л.; доставаться кому-л.

    you will get what's coming to you - а) ты получишь, что тебе причитается; б) ты не уйдёшь от расплаты

    a small sum of money was coming to him - ему причиталась небольшая сумма денег

    16. to come under smth.
    1) подходить, подпадать
    2) подвергаться действию чего-л.

    to come under smb.'s influence - подпасть под чьё-л. влияние

    to come under smb.'s notice - обращать на себя чьё-л. внимание

    to come under the penalty of the law - подлежать, наказанию по закону

    17. to come upon smb., smth.
    1) натолкнуться на кого-л., что-л.; случайно встретиться с кем-л., чем-л.
    2) напасть на кого-л., атаковать кого-л., что-л.

    the brush fire came upon them from all sides - лесной пожар окружил их стеной огня

    18. to come upon smb. прийти в голову кому-л. (о мысли и т. п.)

    it came upon me that I had seen this man before - мне показалось, что я видел раньше /где-то встречал/ этого человека

    I cannot think what has come upon you - я не понимаю, что на вас нашло

    19. to come upon smb. for smth. предъявить кому-л. требование в отношении чего-л.

    to come upon smb. for £20 damage - предъявить претензию на 20 фунтов в покрытие убытков

    20. to come to do smth. начинать делать что-л.

    to come to love smb. - полюбить кого-л.

    to come to know one's opponent - изучить, противника

    how did you come to hear of it? - как случилось, что вы узнали /услышали, прослышали/ об этом?, как вы узнали об этом?, как вам удалось узнать, об этом?

    to come to stay - укорениться, привиться, получить признание

    this material has come to be used in many branches of industry - этот материал стал использоваться во многих отраслях промышленности

    21. to come to condition приходить в какое-л. состояние

    to come to a full stop - остановиться, зайти в тупик

    to come to a standstill - а) остановиться; б) зайти в тупик

    to come to rest - стр. остановиться ( об осадке сооружения)

    to come to the front - выйти на передний план, выдвинуться, занять ведущее место

    22. to come out of condition выходить из какого-л. состояния

    he came out of his reverie - он очнулся от своих мыслей /мечтаний/

    23. to come near smth. разг. быть на грани чего-л.

    I come near forgetting my glasses! - я чуть не позабыл очки!

    III А
    1) становиться

    to come undone - а) расстегнуться, развязаться; your shoe-laces have come undone /untied, loose/ - у вас развязались шнурки; б) раскрыться

    the dead things seemed to come alive - казалось, что мёртвые предметы ожили

    to come true - сбываться, осуществляться, претворяться в жизнь

    to come unstuck - разг. провалиться, не осуществиться, пойти прахом

    2) быть, являться

    to come natural (to smb.) - быть естественным (для кого-л.)

    to come easy (to smb.) - не представлять трудностей (для кого-л.)

    it will come very cheap [expensive] to you - это обойдётся /станет/ вам очень дёшево [дорого]

    3) выпускаться; продаваться

    they come in all shapes - они бывают /встречаются/ всех видов, они бывают разные

    the dress comes in three sizes - (в продаже) имеются три размера этого платья

    this soup comes in a can - этот суп продаётся в жестяных банках /расфасован в жестяные банки/

    2. в сочетании с последующим причастием настоящего времени называет действие, выраженное причастием:

    to come home - а) попасть в цель; ≅ попасть не в бровь, а в глаз; б) задеть за живое; [см. тж. I 1, 1)]

    to come home to smb. - а) доходить до чьего-л. сознания; б) растрогать кого-л. до глубины души, найти отклик в чьей-л. душе

    to come short of smth. - а) испытывать недостаток в чём-л.; б) не хватать; her money came short of her expenditure - ей не хватило денег на расходы; в) не соответствовать; не оправдать ожиданий /надежд/; this comes short of accepted standards - это не соответствует /уступает/ принятым нормам

    to come to a head - а) созреть ( о нарыве); б) назреть, перейти в решающую стадию

    to come to light - обнаружиться, стать известным

    to come in(to) sight /into view/ - появиться, показаться

    oh, come off it! - амер. груб. а) заткнись!, брось трепаться!; б) перестань!, хватит!, прекрати!

    come off your perch /your high horse/! - не зазнавайтесь!, не задирайте нос!

    come off the grass! - а) не вмешивайтесь не в свои дела!; б) брось задаваться!; брось преувеличивать!; не ври!

    to come out of action - а) воен. выйти из боя; б) выйти /выбыть/ из строя

    come out of that! - перестань вмешиваться!, не суйся!, не лезь!

    to come a long way - преуспеть [ср. тж. I 1, 2)]

    to come the old soldier over smb. - а) поучать кого-л., командовать кем-л.; б) обманывать, надувать кого-л.

    come quick! - радио сигнал общего вызова /«всем»/

    to come one's way /амер. ways/ - выпасть на чью-л. долю (особ. о чём-л. благоприятном)

    to come to the point - а) говорить по существу дела; б) делать стойку ( о собаке)

    to come into play - а) начать действовать; б) быть полезным, пригодиться

    to come it strong - сл. а) зайти слишком далеко; хватить через край; б) действовать решительно, быть напористым

    that is coming it a little too strong - это уж слишком!

    not to know whether /if/ one is coming or going - растеряться, потерять голову; не знать, на каком ты свете

    come day, go day - ≅ день да ночь, сутки прочь

    it's come day, go day with him - ему ни до чего нет дела; день прожил - и ладно

    everything comes to him who waits - кто ждёт, тот дождётся; ≅ терпение и труд всё перетрут

    after dinner comes the reckoning - поел - плати!; ≅ любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить

    he who comes uncalled, sits unserved - пришёл без приглашения - не жди угощения

    НБАРС > come

  • 19 home

    home [həʊm]
    maison1 (a) chez-soi1 (a) foyer1 (b) patrie1 (c) habitat1 (d) arrivée1 (f) début1 (g) chez soi2 (a) au pays natal2 (b) à fond2 (c) familial3 (a) à/pour la maison3 (b) national3 (c), 3 (d)
    1 noun
    (a) (one's house) maison f; (more subjectively) chez-soi m inv;
    I've come straight from home je viens (directement) de chez moi;
    a home from home un second chez-soi;
    I left home at sixteen j'ai quitté la maison à seize ans;
    her home is not far from mine sa maison n'est pas loin de chez moi;
    he insulted me in my own home! il m'a insulté sous mon propre toit!;
    to have a home of one's own avoir un foyer ou un chez-soi;
    how long has he been missing from home? depuis combien de temps a-t-il disparu de la maison?;
    to be away from home être parti ou absent ou en voyage;
    he was found far away from home on l'a trouvé loin de chez lui;
    his home is in Nice il habite Nice;
    Glasgow is her second home Glasgow est sa deuxième patrie;
    New York will always be home for me! c'est toujours à New York que je me sentirai chez moi!;
    when did she make her home in Hollywood? quand s'est-elle installée à Hollywood?;
    emigrants came to make their homes in Canada des émigrés sont venus s'installer au Canada;
    to give sb a home recueillir qn chez soi;
    they sell lovely things for the home ils vendent toutes sortes de très jolis accessoires pour la maison;
    they have a lovely home! c'est très agréable chez eux!;
    at home chez soi, à la maison;
    to stay at home rester à la maison;
    come and see me at home passez me voir à la maison;
    formal Mrs Carr is not at home on Mondays Mme Carr ne reçoit pas le lundi;
    there was nobody at home il n'y avait personne à la maison;
    make yourself at home faites comme chez vous;
    he made himself at home in the chair il s'est mis à l'aise dans le fauteuil;
    I don't feel at home here je me sens dépaysé ici, je ne me sens pas chez moi ici;
    she feels at home everywhere! elle est à l'aise partout!;
    to be or to feel at home with sth se sentir à l'aise avec qch;
    he doesn't yet feel at home with the machine il n'est pas encore à l'aise avec la machine;
    I work out of or at home je travaille à domicile ou chez moi;
    familiar what's that when it's at home? qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?;
    ironic don't you have a home to go to? tu as l'intention de passer la nuit ici?;
    proverb there's no place like home = on n'est vraiment bien que chez soi;
    proverb home is where the heart is = où le cœur aime, là est le foyer;
    home sweet home foyer, doux foyer
    (b) (family unit) foyer m; Administration habitation f, logement m;
    the father left home le père a abandonné le foyer;
    to start or to set up a home fonder un foyer;
    how are things at home? comment ça va chez toi?;
    are you having problems at home? est-ce que tu as des problèmes chez toi?;
    a happy home une famille heureuse;
    he comes from a good home il vient d'une famille comme il faut;
    (c) (native land) patrie f, pays m natal;
    it's the same at home c'est la même chose chez nous ou dans notre pays;
    at home and abroad dans notre pays et à l'étranger;
    figurative this discussion is getting a bit close to home! on aborde un sujet dangereux!;
    let's look at a situation closer to or nearer home examinons une situation qui nous concerne plus directement;
    Kentucky, the home of bourbon Kentucky, le pays du bourbon;
    the home of jazz le berceau du jazz
    (d) Botany & Zoology habitat m
    (e) (mental hospital) maison f de repos; (old people's home) maison f de retraite; (children's home) foyer m pour enfants
    (f) Sport (finishing line) arrivée f; (on board game) case f départ; (goal) but m;
    they play better at home ils jouent mieux sur leur terrain;
    Arsenal are playing at home on Saturday Arsenal joue à domicile samedi;
    to be at home to recevoir;
    the Rams meet the Braves at home les Rams jouent à domicile contre les Braves
    (a) (to or at one's house) chez soi, à la maison;
    to go home rentrer (chez soi ou à la maison);
    what time did you get home? à quelle heure est-ce que tu es rentré?;
    I'd better be getting home je crois qu'il est temps que je rentre chez moi;
    it's on my way home c'est sur mon chemin;
    she'll be home tonight elle sera à la maison ce soir;
    American to be home alone être tout seul à la maison;
    to see sb home raccompagner qn jusque chez lui/elle;
    to take sb home ramener qn chez lui/elle;
    Fido, home! Fido, rentre ou à la maison!;
    familiar it's nothing to write home about ça ne casse rien;
    familiar British home and dry, American home free sauvé
    (b) (from abroad) au pays natal, au pays;
    when did you get or come home? quand es-tu rentré?;
    to send sb home rapatrier qn;
    the grandparents want to go or to return home les grands-parents veulent rentrer dans leur pays
    (c) (all the way) à fond;
    to drive a nail home enfoncer un clou jusqu'au bout;
    the remark really went home le commentaire a fait mouche;
    to push home one's advantage profiter au maximum d'un avantage;
    it will come home to him some day il s'en rendra compte un jour;
    to bring sth home to sb faire comprendre ou voir qch à qn
    (a) (concerning family, household → life) de famille, familial; (→ for family consumption) familial, à usage familial
    (b) (to, for, at one's house) à ou pour la maison
    (c) (national → gen) national, du pays; (→ market, policy, sales) intérieur;
    to be on home ground (near home) être en pays de connaissance; figurative (familiar subject) être en terrain connu
    (d) Sport (team → national) national; (→ local) local;
    our home ground notre terrain;
    when they play at their home ground quand ils jouent sur leur terrain, quand ils reçoivent
    (person, animal) revenir ou rentrer chez soi; (pigeon) revenir au colombier
    ►► home address (on form) domicile m (permanent); (not business address) adresse f personnelle;
    Computing home automation domotique f;
    home baking Cookery (action) pâtisserie f; (cakes, biscuits) gâteaux mpl;
    Banking home banking banque f à domicile;
    Obstetrics home birth accouchement m à la maison;
    home brew (beer) bière f faite maison;
    home brewing (of beer) fabrication f de bière chez soi; American (illegal distilling) = distillation clandestine d'alcool chez soi;
    home cleaning products produits mpl ménagers;
    British home comforts confort m du foyer;
    Computing home computer ordinateur m familial;
    Computing home computing informatique f à domicile;
    home cooking cuisine f familiale;
    the Home Counties = l'ensemble des comtés limitrophes de Londres, à la population aisée et conservatrice;
    home country pays m natal;
    the home country le pays;
    home decorating décoration f intérieure;
    home delivery livraison f à domicile;
    home ec (UNCOUNT) économie f domestique;
    home economist spécialiste mf d'économie domestique;
    American Finance home equity loan prêt m sur valeur nette de la propriété;
    American Cookery home fries pommes de terre fpl sautées non pelées;
    home front (during war) arrière m;
    on the home front à l'arrière;
    what's the news on the home front? (in the home country) quelles sont les nouvelles du pays?;
    how are things on the home front? (at home) comment ça va à la maison?;
    home game match m à domicile;
    British History the Home Guard = section de volontaires de l'armée britannique restée sur le territoire pour le défendre en cas d'invasion;
    British home help aide f ménagère;
    home improvements travaux mpl de rénovation;
    Finance home improvement loan prêt m pour travaux de rénovation;
    home journey voyage m de retour;
    Computing home key touche f début;
    British Military home leave congé m au foyer;
    home life vie f de famille;
    Finance home loan prêt m immobilier, prêt m d'épargne-logement;
    home movie film m d'amateur;
    home news nouvelles fpl nationales;
    Politics the Home Office = le ministère britannique de l'Intérieur;
    American Commerce home office (of company) siège m social;
    home owner propriétaire mf;
    home ownership = fait d'être propriétaire de son logement;
    home ownership is increasing le nombre des personnes propriétaires de leur logement augmente;
    Computing home page (initial page) page f d'accueil; (start page in browser) page f d'accueil; (personal page) page f personnelle;
    Marketing home party selling vente f domiciliaire;
    home plate Sport (in baseball) bâton m, = plaque qui marque le début et la fin du parcours que doit effectuer le batteur pour marquer un point;
    Nautical home port port m d'attache;
    Economics home products produits mpl nationaux ou domestiques;
    home remedy remède m de bonne femme;
    Home Rule History (in Ireland) = gouvernement autonome de l'Irlande;
    home rule (devolution) décentralisation f;
    home run Sport (in baseball) coup m de circuit (coup de batte qui permet au batteur de marquer un point en faisant un tour complet en une seule fois); figurative (last leg of trip) dernière étape f du circuit;
    the ship/the delivery truck is on its home run le navire/le camion rentre à son port d'attache/au dépôt;
    School home schooling scolarisation f à domicile;
    Politics Home Secretary = ministre de l'Intérieur en Grande-Bretagne;
    Commerce home shopping téléachat m;
    American Home Show salon m des arts ménagers et de la décoration; Sport &
    figurative British home straight, American home stretch dernière ligne f droite;
    they're on or in the home straight ils sont dans la dernière ligne droite;
    Sport home team l'équipe f qui reçoit;
    home time = heure où l'on rentre à la maison;
    home town (of birth) ville f natale;
    (of upbringing) his home town la ville où il a grandi;
    home truth vérité f désagréable;
    to tell sb a few home truths dire ses (quatre) vérités à qn;
    I learnt some home truths about myself j'ai appris quelques vérités désagréables sur moi-même;
    home video = film vidéo réalisé par un particulier, généralement sur sa vie de famille;
    to watch sb's home videos regarder les cassettes vidéo filmées par qn;
    home visit (by doctor) visite f à domicile;
    home waters (territorial) eaux fpl territoriales; (near home port) eaux fpl voisines du port d'attache;
    Sport home win victoire f à domicile
    (a) (of missile) se diriger (automatiquement) sur ou vers; (proceed towards → goal) se diriger vers; figurative mettre le cap sur
    (b) (direct attention to → problem, solution) mettre l'accent sur; (→ difficulty, question) viser, cerner;
    I made one mistake and he homed in on it je n'ai fait qu'une seule faute mais il s'est fait un plaisir de me la faire remarquer
    HOME RULE On désigne ainsi le régime d'autonomie revendiqué par l'Irlande entre 1870 et 1914. Après plusieurs tentatives, une loi sur l'autonomie partielle fut votée en 1914. La mise en vigueur de cette loi, déjà compromise par l'opposition des protestants unionistes de l'Ulster, fut reportée lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclata en août 1914. À la suite de l'insurrection de Pâques à Dublin en 1916, les partisans du "Home Rule" revendiquèrent l'autonomie totale. La guerre pour l'indépendance (1918-21) aboutit au traité anglo-irlandais de 1921, qui établit la partition de l'île entre l'Irlande du Sud qui devenait quasiment indépendante et l'Irlande du Nord qui devait rester rattachée à la Grande-Bretagne.
    Don't try this at home Il s'agit d'un conseil donné aux spectateurs dans les émissions de télévision dans lesquelles figurent des tours dangereux et des cascades. Aujourd'hui, cette formule ("n'essayez pas de faire cela chez vous") est toujours utilisée par les présentateurs de télévision avec une pointe d'ironie et d'une manière plus générale par toute personne qui est sur le point de tenter quelque chose de dangereux.

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > home

  • 20 skin

    1. [skın] n
    1. 1) кожа

    clear [dry, tender] skin - чистая [сухая, нежная] кожа

    fair [dark] skin - светлая [тёмная] кожа

    true /inner/ skin - анат. собственно кожа, кориум

    skin incision - мед. кожный разрез

    to wear smth. next to the skin - носить что-л. на голое тело

    2) жизнь, «шкура»

    to sleep with /in/ a whole skin, to keep a whole skin - остаться целым и невредимым

    2. 1) кожа, шкура, мех животного

    lion's [tiger's] skin - шкура /мех/ льва [тигра]

    lizard's [snake's] skin - кожа ящерицы [змеи]

    to cast /to shed/ the skin - менять кожу, линять

    2) ист. пергамент ( из телячьей кожи)
    3. мех (для вина и т. п.), бурдюк
    4. кожура, кожица

    the skin of an apple [of a banana, of an orange] - кожура яблока [банана, апельсина]

    5. оболочка; плёнка; верхний или наружный слой

    a defensive skin - защитная оболочка /-ый слой/

    6. метал.
    1) корка ( слитка)
    2) плена ( при прокате)
    7. обшивка судна, самолёта и т. п.
    8. спец. тонкая свежая корка льда
    9. мор. наружная часть свёрнутого паруса
    10. разг. кляча
    11. сл. человек

    he isn't a bad old skin - ≅ он свой парень, он свой в доску

    12. сл. «лысая» шина
    13. сл. скряга, скупердяй
    14. разг. кошелёк
    15. сл.
    1) бумажный доллар
    2) ист. соверен ( золотая монета)
    16. сл. пиво

    to have a thick skin - быть толстокожим /необидчивым, нечувствительным/

    to have a thin skin - быть обидчивым /очень чувствительным/

    to jump out of one's skin (with joy) - а) быть вне себя (от радости); б) подскочить, вздрогнуть (от радости)

    to change one's skin - измениться до неузнаваемости; переменить кожу

    one cannot change one's skin - ≅ (да) уж каков есть; себя не переделаешь

    to escape by /with/ the skin of one's teeth - едва /еле-еле, чудом/ спастись

    to get under smb.'s skin - а) раздражать кого-л.; действовать на нервы /досаждать/ кому-л.; ≅ в печёнках сидеть у кого-л.; б) овладеть чьими-л. мыслями; глубоко заинтересовать, произвести незабываемое впечатление на кого-л.; that sort of music always gets under my skin - такая музыка меня всегда волнует

    in a bad skin - не в себе, «не в духах»

    in his /her/ skin - там, где нас нет (ответ на вопрос о местонахождении кого-л.)

    (here's to the) skin off your nose! - шутл. ваше здоровье!

    it is no skin off your back /nose, teeth/ - ≅ тебя это ни с какого боку не касается

    skin beginning to crack - австрал. разг. в горле пересохло, пора выпить

    to dispose of /to sell/ the bear's skin before one has caught the bear - ≅ делить шкуру неубитого медведя

    near is my shirt, but nearer is my skin см. shirt I

    2. [skın] v
    1. снимать, сдирать кожу или шкуру; свежевать
    2. очищать от кожицы, кожуры, скорлупы

    to skin a fruit - снимать с плода кожицу /кожуру/

    3. ссадить, ободрать, содрать кожу
    4. 1) покрывать кожей, плёнкой, тонким слоем
    2) зарубцовываться (тж. skin over)
    3) редк. прикрывать, вуалировать
    5. линять ( о животных)
    6. разг. стягивать, снимать тесную или плотно прилегающую одежду (обыкн. skin off)
    7. прост.
    1) обворовать (кого-л.); надувать, обманывать
    2) обобрать дочиста, ободрать как липку (особ. в карточной игре)

    to skin smb. of every shilling - вытрясти из кого-л. всё до последнего шиллинга

    8. разг.
    1) карабкаться, взбираться ( часто skin up)
    2) (over) перепрыгнуть
    9. сл. разбить, разгромить
    10. разг. давать нагоняй, ругать, разносить
    11. амер. школ. жарг. списывать, пользоваться шпаргалкой
    12. погонять бичом (мула, вола)
    13. = shin II 1
    14. разг. протискиваться, пролезать

    to skin alive - а) живьём сдирать кожу; б) живого места не оставить (на ком-л.), спустить шкуру (с кого-л.); в) нанести сокрушительный удар

    to skin the lamb - мошенничать; заниматься шантажом

    to skin a razor - а) заламывать цену; б) отчаянно торговаться; торговаться напропалую

    НБАРС > skin

См. также в других словарях:

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